Menopause in men: How does menopause symptoms


  1. Does menopause happens in men?
  2. The causes of male menopause
  3. Types of male menopause depending on the age of
  4. How does menopause in men?
  5. Symptoms in the urogenital area
  6. vegetative symptoms
  7. Signs of the cardiovascular system
  8. psycho-emotional manifestations
  9. The symptoms of the musculoskeletal system
  10. Symptoms associated with changes in appearance
  11. diagnosis of andropause
  12. Methods for the treatment of male menopause

Age-related changes do not pass by a single person. These changes affect all organs and systems of the body, including the reproductive. The gradual reduction of its functions, to the extent that it increases the age, expressed by the general term "menopause". This determination is in our minds positive association with a weak half of humanity. That, as the male menopause, pronounced in an undertone or not pronounced at all, because for men topics related to reproductive dysfunction taboo. "Unless I can have some problems in the sexual sphere? Of course not! This is not about me! "- this was the answer almost every representative of the stronger sex, denying all possible age-related problems. Let us whisper talk about what happens if men climax, and what it represents.

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Menopause in men

Does menopause happens in men?

The very existence of menopause in men has long been questioned, since the essence of this phenomenon became associated with the cessation of ovulation and the end of the reproductive life of women. In relation to men, this concept can not be applied, because the ability to conceive a child can be maintained at menopause, up to a ripe old age.

Still, after a long dispute, the researchers concluded that deny the existence of a climacteric syndrome at inappropriate men. Increasing age, and in a man undergoes a series of changes in the activity of the endocrine, cardiovascular, nervous, reproductive system caused by hormonal changes. The combination of these symptoms, in essence, does not differ much from those of the manifestations of the female menopause, of course, if we leave aside the concept of fertility.

Therefore, the question of whether there is male menopause, can be answered in the affirmative, noting that the symptoms of menopause in men differ somewhat from women, because of the physiological characteristics.

The causes of male menopause

Male menopause syndrome, as well as women, is associated with inhibition activity of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, and as a consequence, with decreased production of male sex hormone - testosterone. Consequently, there is a gradual testicular atrophy: their tissue is replaced by connective and functional activity is reduced accordingly.

Hormone imbalance does not go unnoticed: his influence runs a number of pathological changes in the organs and systems.

Although menopause in men is caused by natural biological mechanisms, there are a number of provocateurs, which can cause early male menopause. In particular, this may be the following factors:

  • heredity;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • deferred surgery on the genitals, as well as the hypothalamus;
  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • head injury and groin area;
  • irregular or promiscuous;
  • inflammatory diseases of chronic and acute nature;
  • hypertension;
  • tumor neoplasms of male genital organs and areas of the hypothalamus;
  • bad habits;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • intoxication, including drugs;
  • radiation exposure;
  • stress, mental and physical exhaustion.

Types of male menopause depending on the age of

The age at which originates Menopause may vary within a wide range. Therefore, depending on whether this index, there is a classification of menopause:

  • early (premature) menopause is characteristic of the age 40 to 45 years;
  • average begins when the age reaches 46-60 years of age;
  • late menopause It may occur after 60 years.

How does menopause in men?

The gradual decrease in testosterone production leads to a number of changes in the male body.

What are the symptoms of male klimaksa? Depending on what area affected by the change can be divided menopause symptoms in men into several groups.

Symptoms in the urogenital area

The most tangible and psychologically very upset by the changes that andropause brings. For this group of attributes may be characterized by:

  • decrease in libido;
  • appearance problems with ejaculation;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • decrease sperm production;
  • frequent urination.

vegetative symptoms

To those include:

  • Men's attacks "tides", similar to the women at its core;
  • vertigo after intense exercise;
  • increased sweating;
  • tremors and numbness.

Signs of the cardiovascular system

This is one of the most distinct features that are characteristic of a large number of men. Exactly menopausal period becomes catalyst for the development of heart disease, which is further complicated by the reluctance of men to seek timely diagnosis and treatment.

During andropause men are often concerned about:

  • disturbances in cardiac performance: bradycardia, tachycardia, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, etc .;
  • the development of atherosclerosis;
  • symptoms of high blood pressure, pressure peaks;
  • dyspnea.

psycho-emotional manifestations

The nervous system of men, to a certain extent, is also controlled by hormonal processes, and therefore a drop in testosterone levels can occur:

  • the emergence of sleep problems;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • decreased ability to concentrate;
  • memory weakening;
  • increased anxiety, irritability, a tendency to depression.

The symptoms of the musculoskeletal system

These symptoms include:

  • degenerative changes of the skeleton associated with the deterioration of the assimilation of calcium and bone remineralization;
  • appearance of muscle and joint pains and spasms;
  • decline in physical strength.

Symptoms associated with changes in appearance

Of andropause may occur:

  • change shape figure (muscle weakness, fat accumulation in the abdomen, thighs and breasts);
  • deterioration of the skin (dry, rugosity);
  • hair loss during menopauseIn particular, the appearance of foci of baldness.

diagnosis of andropause

Male menopause can be diagnosed after a series of surveys and collection history.

Physician following medical procedures can be assigned:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • ECG;
  • blood test hormone levels determination.

After receiving a complete picture of the body, the physician may prescribe the appropriate treatment for the leveling of the symptoms of male menopause.

Methods for the treatment of male menopause

Arguing about how to manifest menopause in men, can not be said about the treatment of male menopause. Relieve and prevent the onset of early menopause can help a variety of means. In particular, the doctor may recommend the following medications for male menopause:

  • vitamins and minerals with a high content of vitamins A, C, E, F, vitamins of group B, as well as calcium and vitamin D3 to Prevention of osteoporosis;
  • Dietary supplements based on medicinal plants: Guarana extract, deer antler, ginseng, ginkgo biloba, etc .;
  • hormonal agents that help compensate for the deficiency of testosterone by artificial means (injections, tablets, gels). HRT can be used solely as a means of emergency aid and can only be administered by the attending physician.

Menopause in men and women - significant time and anxiety. And for its successful passage is important, first, refer to the changes taking place with the understanding and acceptance, and second, to entrust the monitoring of their dynamics experienced, and, thirdly, to help the body to minimize the signs of male menopause by maintaining healthy life. Under these uncomplicated rules, quality of life will be at a height, regardless of age.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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