Premenopausal, basic signs: symptoms, treatment


  1. Special features of the pre-menopausal
  2. The main signs of pre-menopausal changes
  3. Prevention predklimaksa
  4. complete rest
  5. Mobility
  6. proper nutrition
  7. Rejection of bad habits
  8. calmness
  9. sexual activity
  10. Treatment of pre-menopausal disorders
  11. phytoestrogens
  12. HRT

Any age-related changes in the body caused excitement and alertness. With respect to a climax this statement all the more true because, unfortunately, it is accompanied by the arrival of not very pleasant appearance. Many of the fair sex, have already passed this way, talk about how difficult it was given to them. Therefore, the association with the arrival of menopause are often more than the negative. Like any nature intended effect, it does not begin suddenly. Key features of premenopausal begin long before the full onset of menopause, if they are properly prepared, it is possible to significantly reduce the risks of adverse events and maintain a high quality life.

Prevention menopause

Special features of the pre-menopausal

The essence is to reduce the menopause the ovaries produce the female sex hormones, the termination of ovulatory processes, leading to a gradual disappearance of menstruation, and therefore, the completion of reproductive function.

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By itself menostaz natural, but under the influence of certain factors, its symptoms can acquire excessive severity, significantly overshadowing life.
Menopause does not come in one day, its onset can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Premenopausal begins a few years before the complete cessation of monthly bleeding. This is the initial stage in which negative developments can already begin to be felt. It can be called the age of 45-47 years, the most typical for the beginning of this phenomenon
  2. Menopause is characterized by complete cessation of menstruation and the end of the reproductive function. Her offensive naturally aged 50-52 years.
  3. Postmenopause - time, continuing until the end of life. As a rule, all the symptoms characteristic of the first two stages of retreat, but if the negative phenomena have time to cause substantial harm to the health, the consequences remain with a woman for life.

Premenopausal begins at the moment when gradually reduced production of female sex hormones, especially true in respect of estrogen, because they are responsible for the regulation of many important physiological processes in the female body. In particular, they are responsible for:

  • stable menstrual cycle;
  • metabolism;
  • the formation of the figure of the female type;
  • sexual desire;
  • maintaining timely updates and humidity of the mucous membranes;
  • emotional stability;
  • for complete absorption of calcium;
  • preservation of youth, since estrogens are involved in the synthesis of collagen fibers;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes in the brain, memory maintenance, ability to concentrate and absorb new information.

Premenopausal women is very important, it gives a kind of respite, time to prepare for the coming global changes. Its duration is determined by an average of 4 years, but there may be individual deviations from this indicator. One thing remains unchanged: this time you need to give full attention to their well-being and not to let the situation slide.

The main signs of pre-menopausal changes

It should be noted that not every woman is keenly aware of the approach of menopause. Each individual organism and its response to any internal oscillation are also different. To find out whether the symptoms to the beginning of the period of menopause are, you can go at menopause test.

However, the following symptoms are marked in medical practice, which differs premenopausal

  • One of the most significant external manifestation is the changing nature of menstruation. If before they were regular, it can now be seen in the cyclical characteristic failures. essence secretions in menopause may also change, they may become a little more scarce, we again take the familiar character. For predklimaksa characterized by the preservation of bleeding, but there is a tendency for their cessation.
  • One of the most pronounced and most dangerous manifestations that mark this syndrome is failure of the heart and blood vessels. This should include the occurrence of hot flushes, palpitations seizures, CHD, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, diagnosis increasingly frequent bouts of high blood pressure. Sometimes even at the slightest stress and emotional tension arises dyspnea. It is when all these signs of trouble in its infancy, should start early treatment and to maintain the achieved results.
  • Also, sometimes there is excessive sensitivity of the mammary glands, acute disease of the breastIf such a disease exists. It should be borne in mind that many tumor diseases in this area are often hormone-dependent. Therefore, with the advent menostaza sharply increases the number of cancer. And breast cancer is the leader among all types of cancer.
  • May occur fatigue, difficulty concentrating, memory loss.
  • Against the backdrop of a changing hormonal levels may be difficult to sex during menopause. Reducing the concentration of estrogen can significantly reduce libido, provoke discomfort in intimate relationships. Find out what women used gels and creams to moisturize intimate zones.
  • It does not shy away from this syndrome and emotional state. Sometimes even the most even-tempered women begin to notice an intensification of emotion, unjustified outbreaks of anger, loss of interest in previously favorite activities or things. This is easily explained by the fact that hormonal changes invariably associated with the central nervous system work.
  • Premenopausal may be accompanied by the appearance of sleep disturbances. appear symptoms of insomnia, Sleep becomes shallow, sometimes arise night flushes during menopause, Sweating, anxiety. These phenomena appear sporadically, but may have to be the first "bell" of the future deterioration of the situation.
  • Under the influence of hormonal changes may be exacerbated manifestation of PMS, especially this problem is exacerbated in those women who regularly suffer from this disease.
  • In premenopausal often exacerbated episodes headaches and migraines.

Prevention predklimaksa

Prevention premenopausal may play a predominant role even before treatment. After all, the symptoms of trouble is not so pronounced, so there is time to affect their dynamics more loyal and secure way.

menopausal syndrome requires a responsible preparation for it. Yes, there are hereditary factors, which influence is very difficult. If a family is all the fairer sex more difficult to bear the arrival of menopause, the risk of repeating some of the way there. But do not write off all to the fateful coincidence. On the development of pathological menopause affects lifestyles that accompany a woman throughout life until the entry into pre-menopausal women. Therefore, to begin preparations for an offensive of this phase is to be adjusted as necessary in this direction. Ideally, of course, a healthy lifestyle should be a faithful companion since childhood, but as a rule, until a person is healthy, he aimlessly wasting reserves his health, and then trying to turn an accomplished change reversed. But never too late to change the circumstances in the direction of positive dynamics.

complete rest

One of the most important factors of successful development of the script is the observance of a balanced regime of work and rest. Here there is a clear relationship of cause and effect. As an example: a systematic lack of sleep causes a feeling of depression, provokes attacks irritability, thereby jumps pressure appears concern for their health, suspiciousness. And all this chain of negative dynamics complicated hormonal "swings", starting at this time. Therefore, for the normal functioning of all systems of the body it is very important to quality rest.


It is not necessary to belittle and the importance of physical activity. Over the years braked metabolic processes in the body are formed stagnant processes, muscle tone decreases significantly affecting the shape of the body and an attractive appearance of the body. To counter these unpleasant manifestations, should be included in his life locomotor activity. This will not only help prolong vitality and outer beauty, but also will serve as prevention of heart disease and weight gain.

proper nutrition

A balanced diet also can become an excellent tool at the stage when it begins to manifest itself menopause. Regular consumption of plant foods, lean meats, saltwater fish, fermented milk products - is the basis of a healthy diet. To improve the state of health should reduce the consumption of sugar, salt, fat and fried foods, "bad" carbohydrates.

Warranted will welcome additional source of vitamins and minerals in order to maintain the activity and the body's resistance to various negative factors.

Rejection of bad habits

It is important to eliminate bad habits, if any. Nicotine and alcohol dependence are harmful for any length of life, but at the time they predklimaksa able to become instigators of heart disease, cancer, thyroid disease and other hazards ailments.


Control of the psycho-emotional state is also not less important factor. After premenopausal vasovegetative features a large number of symptoms, the formation of which is closely connected with the activity of the autonomic nervous system. Therefore, well-being emotionally helps support the work of the central nervous system and slows down the development of unfavorable trends. To achieve a positive attitude should be possible to protect themselves from stress, emotional and physical stress, if it not possible, then try to change their attitude towards the events and may resort to medical support for the work of the nervous system.

sexual activity

The presence of a full sex life in pre-menopausal women has a positive effect on the general condition. Sexual energy is a positive effect on the production of hormones, the number of which took a declining trend. Besides improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs, stagnant processes are eliminated, as well as stabilized emotional displays.

Treatment of pre-menopausal disorders

If a set of preventive methods to be taken in pre-menopausal women, it does not bring a stable result, and pathological symptoms persist tend to progress, should be supplemented by special treatment drugs.

The first step towards a proper treatment strategy is to appeal to a specialist. Ideally, this should be control over the passage of the entire menopause period.

Based on the collected history doctor will prescribe the necessary diagnosis, including:

  • direct examination of a therapist, gynecologist, by a breast;
  • the change of blood and urine samples to assess the general state of the patient;
  • blood sampling for analysis of hormone levels to determine the extent of the changes and choose based treatment;
  • Pelvic ultrasound, and breast;
  • mammography;
  • smears on an infection;
  • conducting cytological cervical screening;
  • ECG.

Additional diagnostics is conducted on the basis of specific complaints of the patient. If any, the patient is sent to the profile and extends skilled proper diagnosis.

After gathering all the necessary information is assigned treatment strategy that takes into account all contraindications and peculiarities of distinguishing premenopausal.

In premenopausal women the most important focus of therapy is to stabilize hormonal levels. The most significant impact on the status of women is reducing the amount of estrogen. Therefore, efficient therapy should be based on the compensation of reducing the production of these hormones.


In order to prevent a sharp reduction in estrogen levels, refer to farmasredstvam containing phytoestrogens in the composition.

Phytoestrogens - a non-steroidal hormone-like substances that are similar in structure to one of the subspecies of natural estrogens - estradiol

Receiving plant estrogens has a positive effect on:

  1. The cardiovascular system. Phytohormones reinforce vessel walls, increase their elasticity, provide nutrition infarction, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, thereby helping to prevent the development of hypertension, coronary artery disease, and prevent heart attacks and stroke;
  2. The central nervous system. Estrogens increase the adaptive capacity of the central nervous system to a variety of stressful situations, mental and emotional stress. In addition, they help to regulate the interaction of the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system, allowing you to streamline the processes of change of activity and rest. As a result, normal sleep, increases efficiency, which is replaced by a natural onset of fatigue after complete the labor-intensive processes, there is overstimulation prevention, which does not allow a person truly relax;
  3. Visual appeal. Effect of natural estrogen is not only directed at the elimination of internal ailments, but also to maintain the natural beauty of women. Reduced production of natural hormones leads to the launch of the aging process: rapidly deteriorating condition of the skin, hair and nails, is changing the shape of the male type, overweight appears. Acceptance of phytoestrogens helps counter the emergence of manifestations of data and to remove them at a later date.
  4. Absorption of calcium. Phytoestrogens in combination with vitamin D help full mastering of the microelement from food and vitamin-mineral complexes providing standoff development typical for this time of the disease - osteoporosis, manifested in the increase of bone fragility tissue.

As a source of phytoestrogens is used most often vitamin and mineral preparations, supplemented with these vegetable substances. Examples of such complexes are:

  • Chi-Klim;
  • Klimadinon;
  • Estrovel;
  • Menopace;
  • Remens;
  • Ladies formula Menopause
  • Mensa.


Hormone replacement therapy can be justified only if the syndrome develops too rapidly, and women's health severely interfere with hormonal disruptions. In this case, a delay may be dangerous and phytoestrogen therapy It becomes a little effective.

It is important to remember that HRT - an extreme measure, the application of which should be limited in time, and treatment should take place under the strict supervision of a specialist. Unfortunately, long-term treatment with hormonal agents is an increased risk of cancer, for example, various types of cancer of female genitals and mammary glands.

Preklimaks - is an important preparatory stage of the restructuring of the female body. Although this phenomenon is exciting and, besides, it is often accompanied by negative symptoms, it is important to consider it not only from a negative perspective, but also from the emerging opportunities. Usually, by the time the children no longer require as much attention as before, a woman has time to care for themselves and devices own leisure, her sexuality flourishes, and the need to worry about the occurrence of an unwanted pregnancy is eliminated. Menopause - this is not the end of life, as provided for by the nature phenomenon, the progress of which largely depends on the right attitude and to take preventive measures.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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