Symptoms of menopause: how to manifest, the first signs of menopause


  1. When menopause begins?
  2. The main signs of incipient menostaza
  3. Indirect signs of beginning menopause
  4. Diagnosis beginning of menopause
  5. How to facilitate the entry into menopause?
  6. How to prepare for the arrival of menopause?

Approaching its 40th anniversary, each of the fair sex begins to involuntarily think about the phenomenon of approaching menopause. And although the naturalness and inevitability of this process are evident, every woman involuntarily the question arises about how menopause appears and when it happens.

The first signs of menopause

When menopause begins?

The age at which menopause occurs, is individual for each woman. Therefore, the exact figure is quite problematic. You can only set aside a certain time range, which characterizes the natural onset of menopause in most women. Typically, this is the gap between 40 and 50 years.

The time when the manifest signs of menopause in women, depends on many factors. This heredity, ethnicity, lifestyle, general health, exposure to environmental conditions.

It is understood that menopause does not come in an instant. This is a dynamic process that may take several years. The very nature protect women from excessively abrupt transition to a new level of existence.

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The entire chronology of menopause can be divided into 3 stages:

  • premenopausal;
  • menopause;
  • postmenopausal women.

Premenopausal - the initial changes. At this stage, first changes occur in the body provoked starting biological mechanism terminating reproductive activity. Average age beginning premenopausal - 45 years. Its duration can vary between 2 and 6 years.

Menopause - the apogee of menopausal changes. At this stage, fully completed menstrual bleeding and pathological symptoms are particularly acute. All this is due to global hormonal reorganization of an organism. This period usually begins around the age of 50 years, although this figure is quite conventional. Menopause is considered to have been granted if a year has passed since the last menstrual period of the day.

The final stage - postmenopause. He comes into its own after the previous one, and continues until the end of a woman's life. At this time, the ability of a natural conception is completely lost, genitals atrophy, finally ceases production of ovarian hormones. At this time the symptoms of menopause are usually smoothed out, but is replaced by the age-related changes, provoked, including and sex hormone deficiency.
Let's take a closer look at how to determine the start of menopause?

The main signs of incipient menostaza

When in the depths of the body has already launched the mechanism of menopausal changes, a woman can not feel any first manifestations of this process. Only occasionally menopause occurs rapidly, in most cases, changes are taking place in stages, as provided by nature.

What are the first signs of menopause, which is able to note in his woman?

Harbingers menostaza very individual, but it's still a few major signs of the coming of reproductive decline can be noted.

  1. The first thing that can manifest climax - the instability of the menstrual cycle. If earlier the woman, who had no problems with reproductive health, bleeding occurred in certain period of time, under the influence of hormonal changes a cycle capable of either decreased or increase. Sometimes periods may come again Only a few months later. Under the influence of hormonal changes and imbalances nature of the discharge. They become something heavy, on the contrary, scarce. Sometimes women during menopausal restructuring there is menstrual bleeding (metrorrhagia premenopausal) - is a pathological phenomenon that requires immediate treatment in a hospital.
  2. Began menopause may find yourself another characteristic symptom - the tides. This disease experience almost all women. It varies only the intensity of their symptoms. The meaning of this phenomenon lies in the intense hot flushes to the shoulders, chest, face. The attack may be accompanied by general malaise lead sweating, weakness, increased pressure, palpitation, sensation of lack of air, shivering and chills, Dizziness. At the initial stage, the tides are usually not so intense, so it is often mistaken for poor health.
  3. Another clear sign of menopause can be considered a change of mental and emotional state. The nervous system is subject to hormonal influences, so it is one of the first to respond to the start menostaza. This variability manifests mood, insomnia, excessive emotionality, irritability or conversely, indifference. Often suffer memory and concentration. Sometimes the woman's condition became so severe that without help of psychologist is not feasible.

Indirect signs of beginning menopause

What other symptoms may indicate that the climax is coming soon?

Menopausal changes completely cover the body, because the hormones involved in the regulation of all internal processes. Therefore, we can identify a number of additional features that can tell you how to recognize menopause:

  • attacks of breathlessness,
  • feeling short of breath;
  • episodes of palpitations;
  • the bottom or, conversely, enhance libido;
  • hypertension attacks;
  • dryness and discomfort in the genital area, provoking pain during intimate contact;
  • dryness of other mucous membranes;
  • frequent urination;
  • deterioration of the skin, menopausal alopecia;
  • tremors and spasms in the limbs.

All of the above symptoms start of menopause in women should not be left unattended. At this stage, the body is very vulnerable to the development of various pathologies. Therefore, it is important to separate in time the signs of the come premenopausal stage of disease, which may also be accompanied by similar symptoms.

Diagnosis beginning of menopause

Consider how menopause begins women need to talk about what actions must accompany the beginning.

It should be noted that predklimaksnoe state easy to be confused with the usual discomforts. The fact that it is not as pronounced in premenopausal symptoms of menopause, and for most women it new, so to understand yourself if this is really the initial signs menostaza pretty problematic. A more reasonable solution than a visit to a gynecologist, it is difficult to find.

An experienced specialist is able to diagnose the patient has signs of menopause without difficulty. However, to avoid errors, the woman is assigned a number of surveys and consultations by specialists. In particular, the whole complex of procedures will include:

  • survey of the therapist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist and other specialists (if indicated);
  • clinical and CBC;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • general urine analysis;
  • Pelvic ultrasound, breast;
  • mammography;
  • ECG;
  • Histological analysis of the material from the cervix.

All manipulations permit as soon as possible to recognize that the body begins to menopausal changes.

How to facilitate the entry into menopause?

In anticipation of how the menopause, your doctor may recommend to hold the body with the help of medication and traditional medicine.

Start with the most reasonable use of fitosborov, includes in its membership the plants that contain estrogen-like substances, and also has a slight sedative and restorative effect. These may include: sage, upland uterus, red brush, shepherd's purse, red clover, lemon balm, valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, mint.

A more pronounced effect of pharmaceutical preparations containing in quite part of plant estrogens, as well as additional vitamin and mineral components. These funds have a complex effect and helps the body adapt to the symptoms manifested. The most popular among these complexes are: vitamins Chi-klim, Remens, Estrovel, Mensa, Menopace, Klimadinon, Doppelgerts asset Menopause.

Sometimes hormonal changes begin very intense, and the general condition of the woman is suffering greatly. In such cases, a doctor may recommend drugs containing the composition of synthetic hormones. This method of therapy, nazavaetsya HRT, it gives rapid results, but such treatment should not be used unless absolutely necessary, as the fee for the disposal of severe menopausal syndrome It can be quite high. Unfortunately, prolonged use of HRT in menopause often associated with cancer processes running.

When the start of menopausal transformation leaves no doubt, extremely important to establish a correct attitude. You must accept the inevitability and regularity of things to come. Often this stage of life is associated in the minds of women with sunset not only reproduction, but also throughout life. This is fundamentally wrong. Positive attitude allows you to save a great feeling and a high quality of life into old age. If the emotional state gets out of control, it is better to turn to an experienced psychologist.

How to prepare for the arrival of menopause?

Having considered the menopause begins it is important to say and how to prepare for the climax. This training should begin as early as their prime reproductive age. At this time you need to be attentive to the state of their health, in particular the area of ​​the sexual sphere. Consequences of infections, gynecological disease, operations, abortion may suddenly appear during menostaza.

From an early age, it is desirable to follow certain principles of a healthy lifestyle:

  • eat balanced;
  • move more;
  • spend enough time outdoors;
  • to comply with the labor balance and relaxation;
  • ignore the bad habits;
  • maintain a regular sex life, and legible;
  • annually undergo a medical examination and the therapy of diseases identified;
  • and, most importantly, to treat everything happening with gratitude and optimism.

It is difficult to predict in advance when menopause begins at the individual woman, but it is possible to create favorable conditions for this natural process in nature.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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