What to drink during menopause: What to take during menopause does not get old


  1. Why are enhanced with the arrival of menopause age-related changes in appearance?
  2. How to prevent premature aging in menopause?
  3. Hormone medications for youthful skin
  4. hormonal agents
  5. What to drink in menopause, not to grow old?
  6. phytohormones
  7. Supplements
  8. Vitamin-mineral complexes
  9. indole
  10. Fish fat
  11. Coenzyme Q10
  12. Collagen
  13. hyaluronic acid
  14. ethnoscience

If you believe the research, the first age-related changes in the human body is already starting to happen, with 25 years, progressing with increasing age. However, it was with the beginning of menopause external signs of decay are particularly noticeable. Of course, every woman is afraid to grow old. Sometimes it is that fear is the most pronounced among the fairer sex, standing on the threshold of menopausal transition. And the question "What to take during menopause in order not to grow old?" Is becoming more relevant than ever.

aging skin

Why are enhanced with the arrival of menopause age-related changes in appearance?

Menopause and menopause They are the result of the completion of the reproductive activity of the organism. It is based on the phasing ovaries produce own hormones that regulate body important life processes. On age-related changes affect the appearance, first of all, reduction of estrogen production.

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Estrogens are not in vain is called "hormone of youth and beauty." They stimulate the synthesis of its own collagen and elastin fibers are responsible for the maintenance of skin tone and regeneration of cells. Furthermore, they activate keratinocytes generation which provide a barrier function and melanocyte protecting skin from UF-radiation. Needless to say that estrogen deficiency negatively affects the condition of the skin: its dryness is enhanced, sharpened and deeper wrinkles, complexion fades, manifested the characteristic age pigmentation, skin loses its former turgor, facial contour loses definition.
Hair also negatively perceived lack of estrogen. They become more dull, loses its elasticity and healthy shine, begin to fall.

Do not pass completely hormonal changes and for the figure of a woman. With age, muscles lose their former vitality, the skin becomes loose and dry, there are irreversible changes in the locomotor system (atrophied muscles, ligaments, aching joints). Over the years, there is the same "old man's figure," which is so eager to avoid the woman.

How to prevent premature aging in menopause?

You can, of course, just accept and dejected expected approach of old age, but it is not wise. Moreover, modern society is constantly pushes the person to self-improvement in a variety of fields and forms. Therefore, put on a cross in the 45 years, only for the reason that the ability to have children gradually tends to zero - not too optimistic decision.

Much more promising is to take a proactive stance and give a decent age-related changes resistance, especially today's pharmaceutical market is ready to give its active potrebitelnits assistance. Let's understand that drinking in climax to an external fading manifested itself as late as possible.

Find a list of the best drugs in menopause.

Hormone medications for youthful skin

Due to the fact that the signs of wilting provokes reduction in the number of its own estrogen, unwittingly begs the solution to the problem is to use hormone therapy. It would seem that you just need to make up the deficit of missing matter, and all problems will be solved. However, all is not so simple with HRT.

With it, really, you can eliminate a whole range of problems that accompany menopause. But is it worth risking health for the sake of this?

After payment for care can be prohibitive - hormonal drugs often blame the occurrence of serious diseases, including cancer. Therefore, the use of this type of treatment should always be coordinated with a medical specialist.

Based on the foregoing, we can draw the following conclusion: of course, to take hormones only for the sake of youth - a short-sighted decision. It is quite another thing, if hormones are appointed for medical reasons. In such a case, as an additional bonus is available and the positive effect of HRT on visual appeal.

Restores lack of estrogen stimulates collagen and elastin increases metabolism in epidermal cells is beneficial in the recovery process. Through this the skin becomes more elastic, moisturized, stops change the oval face, a few wrinkles.

Beneficial effect estrogenic saturation and condition of the hair - they get lost shine and silkiness, cease to fall. Degenerative changes in the spine, joints, muscles too slow.

What kind hormones in menopause prescribed more often? Typically, doctors prescribe the means in a tablet (Divina, tablets Ovestin, Klimonorma, angelica) or in transdermal form, i.e. in the form of skin patches (CLIMAR, Ekstraderm, Menostar). And many women notice a positive effect Cream Chi-Klim for face and body. These drugs not only help maintain a youthful appearance, but also in the shortest possible time to eliminate the pathological manifestations provoked by menopause. Still taking hormones should only in exceptional cases, when no other methods are no longer effective.

hormonal agents

An alternative to hormonal drugs can become drugs, the effectiveness of which is ensured by the use of the medicinal properties of plants. It is a non-hormonal medications taken during menopause, Can help to maintain an attractive appearance for years to come, while not causing harm to the body and does not cause dangerous diseases. But we should not forget that the choice of the drug should be made by the attending physician, based on the results of tests and examinations. It is not necessary to listen to the advice of an all-knowing neighbor who drank a magic pill, and "everything vanished, and even younger for 10 years." Any treatment requires a literate approach.

What to drink in menopause, not to grow old?

First of all, it vegetable complexes, which include those contained phytohormones. These substances are able to replace the natural estrogen produced by the ovaries. If you regularly use these tools, it is possible to achieve not only reduce the severity of the main symptoms menopausal transition, But also to prevent premature aging


Better responses among the drugs with phytohormones deserved:

  • Estrovel - tablets with menopause, which include a complex of vegetable components (black cohosh, soybeans, wild yam, nettle). In addition, they are rich in vitamin and mineral supplements that help support the body during this difficult period. These tablets taken at any of the stages of menopause, help women in maintaining good health and attractive appearance.
  • Klimadinon - another drug based on extracts of black cohosh rhizome. This facility is available as tablets and drops. Women who started taking during menopause this drug reported significant anti-aliasing pathological symptoms, improvement of general well-being and a positive effect of the drug on the skin, hair and nails.
  • Remens - effectiveness of the drug, which united in its composition rather exotic ingredients: black cohosh extract, Sanguinar Canadian extract venom and secretory liquid cuttlefish. Reviews of women who had a chance to go through therapy with this drug, confirms significant improvement. This is reflected in the reduction of hot flashes, stabilization of the heart and blood vessels, reducing emotional stress and the positive effects on muscle tone, condition of skin and hair.
  • Klimaktoplan - homeopathic remedy, which included present extracts: black cohosh, sepia, Sanguinar. This preparation is drunk at all stages of menopause. If you start therapy at the beginning of menopause, when symptoms have not yet become too pronounced, it is possible to achieve a sufficient flow of soft menopause and in the later stages.


What to drink with pills menopause extra to stay longer young and full of energy? This may help:

Vitamin-mineral complexes

Systems adapted to the needs of the female body during menopause. They can be of great benefit in the fight for beauty and youth. In today's pharmaceutical market presents a huge number of drugs with a balanced composition. For example, Alphabet 50+ Ladies Formula Woman 40+, Doppelgerts asset Menopause Complivit 45+, Orthomol femininity. Women who regularly host vitamin complexes in menopause, For it runs more smoothly, and the outward signs of aging are less bright. This is because the body is not lacking in vital substances and function more harmoniously.


This domestic product, whose action is based on the use of a part of a valuable component for women's health - indole-3-carbinol. It has a strong antitumor effect. This substance found in plants of the cabbage family: cauliflower, radishes, radish, horseradish. To improve the efficiency of indole-3-carbinol preparation enriched extract of broccoli. Admission Indola helps protect the pelvic organs of the pathological changes, and also serves as an excellent option to prevent breast diseases, so common in women after 40. One capsule allows you to completely close the daily requirement of indole-3-carbinol. In addition to all the other useful properties, a drug capable of preventing aging.

Fish fat

The product contains in its composition of omega acids, which not only prevent cardiovascular disease, but also a positive impact on the skin. Estrogen deficiency accelerates the wilt female beauty, and the substances contained in fish oil have a beneficial effect on skin structure and appearance.

Coenzyme Q10

This is one of the most powerful antioxidants, which is used in the fight against age-related changes in menopause. This substance is produced in the body alone, but its renewal is greatly reduced with age. It is highly desirable to provide delivery of the enzyme from the outside. In every pharmacy you can find dietary supplements that contain in its composition precious vitamin Q.


This is a structural protein that is responsible for the condition of skin, hair, nails, muscles, ligaments and joints. To date, it can be purchased as a powder or capsules. Regular use of drugs kollagenosoderzhaschih helps maintain the visual appeal women, as well as to avoid early degenerative and atrophic processes in the locomotor unit. It is better to take collagen with vitamin C (ideally, with citrus juice).

hyaluronic acid

This polymer molecule, capable of holding water molecule, preventing skin dehydration. It is synthesized by the body's own cells, but over the years, this process slows down and there is a lack of the substances that have an adverse effect on the skin and hair. Modern manufacturers offer women not only cosmetics containing the valuable component, but also additives allowing to fill the inside of hyaluronic acid deficiency. Excellent result is obtained co-administration of collagen, hyaluronic acid, and vitamin C.


The use of popular recipes - great prevention of age-related changes. To achieve these goals it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules for the treatment of natural resources: the course should be long, and the reception of funds - regular.

a wide variety of plants can be used for the preservation of youth and beauty. Especially noteworthy positive effect teas based plants rich plant hormones. These tools help to not only neutralize the negative effects of menostaza, but also support the visual appeal of the female body.

Among them are:

  • upland uterus;
  • red brush;
  • red clover;
  • sage;
  • shepherd's purse;
  • lime;
  • angelica;
  • linen.

Each of these plants as a perfectly valid in itself, and in multicomponent fees. The most popular women's collection Matrona. The main component means - upland uterus. Comments Women on thematic forums reviews of doctors broth Matrona expressed a common opinion that the product is sufficiently rapidly helps to minimize the symptoms of aging.

From menopause does not go away. This is the inevitable future that should be taken for granted. What you need to do to be offensive should not be identified with the coming of age? It should be attentive to your body's needs. Maintain an active lifestyle, drink, drugs that help maintain health, youth and beauty, look at the world with a positive and gratitude, and then all the changes will occur more smoothly and naturally.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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