Folate in menopause: application features (ratings)


  1. especially vitamin
  2. Indications and mechanism of action
  3. Disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular system
  4. tides
  5. pressure surges, headaches, dizziness
  6. Dryness of mucous membranes
  7. The pain of a different nature and location
  8. Decrease in bone mass
  9. Which contains folic acid?
  10. Preparations of menopause to vitamin B9
  11. Features of the application means and contraindications
  12. Contraindications
  13. Reviews of folic acid

Extinction of the reproductive function is inevitable for every woman. It marks the beginning of a long process called climax, with the onset of which begins radical restructuring of the whole organism. The consequences of these changes is a manifestation of a variety of symptoms, often unpleasant and cause discomfort. To their relief, and there are many ways to eliminate. specialists often prescribe gormonozameschenie, which is the first performance. But such therapy has an impressive number of contraindications, side effects and risks. Popular among the fairer sex is phytohormonal vehicles having a natural basis. Do not remain in the various complexes of vitamins, dietary supplements and homeopathy. Often used as tools in a single form or in combination with other drugs.

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Common substance that is found in many drugs and medicines prescribed during menopause - Folic acid, which gives feedback to believe that it is effective and at the same time safe for female body.

Folic acid

especially vitamin

Folic acid is more commonly known as vitamin B9, which is primarily responsible for maintaining the metabolic processes in the body and the immune system. It regulates the nervous system due to the active participation in the transmission of nerve impulses. In ordinary life, it is in a woman's body in normal amounts, getting into it with food, and working his intestinal microflora. During menopause, this vitamin is in short supply, so it is artificially introduced into the body as part of vitamin complexes, dietary supplements and other medicines. It has the effect of estrogen, which helps the body to adapt to the extinction of fertility and to avoid or minimize the climacteric symptoms.

Folic acid, in addition to the pure component in preparations, is found in many fruits and vegetables, however adhering healthy living and eating in a lot of foods high in vitamin B9 in menopause, you can not become a victim of its deficit.

Indications and mechanism of action

Due to the fact that folic acid has an action similar to estrogens, it has a similar effect, and it avoids the main symptoms of menopause, which are:

Disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular system

B12 promotes active serotonin, a neurotransmitter, a substance which is responsible for the emotional balance and balanced operation of the nervous system. With this you get rid of emotional disorders, unreasonable mood swings, insomnia, anxiety, menopausal neurosis, heart aches, and irritability.
Increased risk of malignancies. This compound is a potent blocker of destruction of DNA, thus preventing the development of tumors in the reproductive and other organs. Menopause also carries a risk of developing such diseases.


The symptom that is familiar to 95% of middle-aged women. This phenomenon occurs due to a violation of thermoregulation on the background of hormonal imbalance. Lack of estrogen promotes the transmission of false signals in the brain regions that are responsible for temperature regulation, so that you can experience sudden hot flushes up to 30 times a day, and to replace them often come chills, tremors, as well as significantly increased sweating (Hyperhidrosis). This reason is coupled with circulatory violation successfully avoided with vitamin B9.

pressure surges, headaches, dizziness

These phenomena proved elevated levels of homocysteine ​​acid content in the body, whereby the vessel walls are formed cholesterol plaques, delayed and fluid. Hence, high blood pressure, and the above symptoms. Folic acid balances acid content homocysteine.

Dryness of mucous membranes

Through this substance occurs regeneration of epidermal cells and maintain water balance whereby your sex life does not lose its quality and you do not feel discomfort in organs pelvic region. For the same reason, you will avoid the loss of elasticity of the skin and external coverings. Read also about the Moisturizers with menopause.

The pain of a different nature and location

Often in menopause suffers connective tissue, giving itself felt back pain, lower back, joints, limbs, muscle spasms, headaches and dizziness. These vitamins and solve these problems.

Decrease in bone mass

Due to the lack of calcium during menopause bone is significantly thinner that may lead to joint pain and even worse - osteochondrosis.

A huge plus is that Vitamin B9 promotes the assimilation of other equally essential substances, such as amino acids, serotonin, norepinephrine, lipoic acid and others.

Which contains folic acid?

A great advantage of the natural substances is that they are contained not only in the preparations, but also a huge number of plants, fruits, vegetables, and in small doses. Therefore, eating these foods, you can replenish the deficit of substance and not to overdo it.

Folic acid is found in:

  • vegetables (especially in the beans, cabbage, tomatoes);
  • whole grain (wheat or rye);
  • herbs (onion pens, parsley, lettuce, spinach);
  • citrus fruits (lemons, grapefruit, oranges, lemons);
  • liver (pork, beef, chicken, cod);
  • eggs (chicken, quail);

And it's not the whole list of foods that should be included in the daily diet of the female menopause.

However, it should be remembered that folic acid is volatilized to 90% in volume at high temperature treatment. Therefore, products with its content is recommended to use raw (whole beans for possible germination and seedling consumption).

Preparations of menopause to vitamin B9

Folic acid is often used in pure form in tablets in combination with other agents in antiklimaktericheskoy therapy.

Also, vitamin B9 is a part of the many means at menopause, such as Estrovel, Klimadinon (including Klimadinon DNA), Inoklym, Chi-Klim (vitamins for women 45+), Ovariamin drug, vitamins Menopace and other domestic and foreign funds.

Features of the application means and contraindications

This substance must always be supported from outside the vitamin-mineral complexes, products with a high content of it. At the first sign of menopause should increase the supply of B9 to prevent develop symptoms and arrest them later. Daily norm of the acid is 400 micrograms, at menopause and high loads - 600 micrograms. Also, the increased dose is necessary for women suffering from anemia, gastritis, enteritis, a violation intestinal absorbability.

A characteristic feature of this supplementation with acid is that they should be taken in the morning at the time when the body is most active and intensively absorbs all substances. should use such means, at least 1 month in order to achieve the greatest effect. The correct dosage for your body to pick up specialist.

It is necessary to eliminate smoking and alcohol intake along with folic acid.
To effectively antiklimaktericheskogo effect it is advisable to combine the substance with other vitamins in particular - B12, E, would be an excellent complement and lipoic acid having a similar and complementary act.


As already noted, it is not recommended a combination of folic acid, alcohol and nicotine. You also need to refrain from a parallel application with drugs that cropped its absorption into the blood.

As such, there are no contraindications, but still, before the start of therapy is best to consult with specialists from women suffering disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in menopause, Diabetes, hypertension.

Reviews of folic acid

When hormone therapy is not possible, to the aid of plant hormones, dietary supplements, homeopathy. They all have a natural base, and include in its membership a number of beneficial vitamins, minerals, amino acids. One such effective in all respects substance is folic acid. It has a beneficial effect and actively participates in the work of all body systems. First of all, it supports the psycho-emotional balance during menopause. Reviews of women say that disappear neuroses, insomnia, irritability, mood decline and forces. Lost brain, spinal pain, abdominal pain, stop at night to disturb cramps. Aligned blood pressure, do not annoy heart pain and palpitations. Females note that hot flashes disappear, and in their place comes a fever. Markedly improved general condition. This is due to the immunostimulatory effect of vitamin B9 and maintaining proper metabolism. Noticeable improvement in their outward appearance: the skin becomes more elastic, disappears vaginal dryness during menopause.

Summarizing, we can say with certainty that folic acid during climax will be a great tool in the fight with him symptoms like preparations as a component or as part of food in conjunction with a healthy life.

  • Oct 18, 2019
  • 24
  • 172