Beta-alanine at menopause: how to make amino acid


  1. Features of the drug
  2. pros drug
  3. What are the symptoms of menopause helps to fight?
  4. Contraindications
  5. Possible side effects
  6. How to take beta-alanine?
  7. Drugs with beta-alanine
  8. drug analogues

Not all women due to the nature of their health can take hormones. There will be a real salvation of phytoestrogens therapy. doctors often prescribe to patients preparations containing beta-alanine, which is in menopause helps to effectively fight not only the unpleasant symptoms, but also has a positive effect on the performance.

beta Alanine

This substance acts by analogy with hormone replacement therapy, but it is practically no adverse effects on the body, which is typical for hormone treatment. But this does not mean that a woman can make their own means. In any case, you should consult with your doctor, as well as learn how to make beta-alanine, and when it is contraindicated.

Features of the drug

Beta-alanine is a substance of natural origin, which produces the human body. In fact, an amino acid, which is impossible without the presence of human existence. This amino acid is directly involved in the management of autonomic processes, produces other valuable substances and also breaks down harmful compounds.

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Beta-alanine in menopause:

  • It increases levels of carnosine in muscle tissue, which reduces fatigue and increases the capacity of man.
  • Restores normal chemical reactions in nerve cells, so Uluchay emotional state, mood swings disappear and irritability.
  • Effectively eliminates free radicals (inhibits aging and improves the protective function of the body).
  • It improves the flow of metabolic processes (blocks weight gain, increase in the content of glucose in the blood).

It is believed that beta-alanine acts most effective means after hormonal drugs. Its advantage - is the lack of side effects, which often cause drugs with synthetic estrogen. In addition, since it is possible to take other drugs.

But we should not exaggerate the security of the funds, because improper use can impair health and aggravate existing diseases. Therefore, only a specialist can prescribe medication and choose the optimum dosage.

pros drug

The amino acid has the following advantages:

  • the combined effect on the nervous system;
  • improving immunity;
  • increase in anaerobic power;
  • reducing the risk of kidney stones;
  • no adverse effects on the liver and its functioning;
  • It does not cause drowsiness and distraction;
  • minimal side effects.

It turns out that during menopause Beta-alanine is not only eliminates unpleasant symptoms of menopause, but also supports the health, providing a positive impact on some of the most important systems of the body.

What are the symptoms of menopause helps to fight?

Beta-alanine is produced by the female body. But with the approach of menopause, this amino acid is not enough for the body. The lack of this substance leads to disruption of the autonomic functions and the flow of metabolism.
Following the appointment of beta-alanine doctor disappear or weaken following menopause symptoms:

  • trouble sleeping;
  • sharp mood swings, depression,;
  • constant ebb;
  • increased sweating;
  • weight gain;
  • decreased performance.

Additionally, the amino acid blocked lactic acid, which can accumulate in muscle tissue. Thanks to this woman ceases to feel fatigue, keeping the end of the day the strength and good mood. Reviews indicate that during menopause is Beta-Alanine allows women to better tolerate stress and not lose concentration.


This drug is prescribed to women in menopause, when excluded the possibility of taking hormones. But even beta-alanine has contraindications that need to be taken into consideration before starting treatment:

  • idiosyncrasy;
  • allergic to the ingredients.

It is worth remembering that this adjuvant formulation may be a starch. And if after taking beta-alanine, an allergic reaction, most likely it is gluten intolerance. Therefore, before taking the medication necessarily need to pass a consultation with a doctor.

Possible side effects

By its nature, the drug does not conflict with the body, and only in some cases can cause:

  • itching;
  • flushing;
  • skin rash;
  • puffiness.

If any side effects should immediately stop taking the money, as well as undergo an examination at the hospital.

How to take beta-alanine?

This drug is harmless in nature, but in this case the self is not allowed, because dosing violation may further aggravate klimakterialny syndrome.

Therefore, the drug is permitted only by the attending physician's prescription with strict observance of the dose and the period of use. According to the instructions, beta-alanine can be taken as follows:

  1. Severe symptoms of menopause: first 2 or 3 pills per day for three months, and then no more than two tablets a day until stable result.
  2. Mild symptoms of menopause: receiving is carried out not less than six months, 1-2 tablets per day until the desired effect.

It is worth to remember that the drug belongs to a prolonged, so only long-term use can give the desired effect. But when you experience problems receiving means should be stopped immediately and sent to the hospital.

Drugs with beta-alanine

Beta-alanine - an active substance that is found in many products. But to deal with menopause often prescribe two means:

  • Chi-Klim Alanine (Price - 340 rubles). Packaging win 40 tablets each of which weighed 0.55 grams.
  • Klimalanin (price - 400 rubles). It contains 0.4 grams of beta-alanine. It is produced in the form of tablets (two or three blisters). A drug Klimalanin reviews basically it has positive.

These drugs do not differ pronounced side effects, but because of the presence of starch as an auxiliary component may not be used by persons with gluten intolerance.

drug analogues

If a woman does not approach this drug, the doctor should prescribe a similar tool that will be different in the same pharmacological effect, but without individual intolerance. In such a case, it may be useful:

  • Feminal. It is a dietary supplement that is recommended to combat the various manifestations of the climacteric syndrome. The composition includes BUD plant estrogens which have been obtained from extract of red clover. Product form - capsule. The receiving method - one capsule a day with food for a long time. Find out what reviews of Feminale in one of our articles.
  • Menor. It is a food additive with the active substance genistein. In some cases issued with additional vitamin complex (Menor Plus). That last option is a drug that is struggling not only with the symptoms of menopause, but also acts preventive agent for osteoporosis.

Any hormonal changes in the body without a proper treatment can develop into serious disease. Beta-alanine is well-behaved shows during menopause, but its misuse can have serious consequences for the removal of which will have to take stronger drugs drugs.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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