Estravel remedy for menopause (reviews): instructions for use, composition


  1. Application and features Estrovel
  2. Structure and mechanism of drug action
  3. Tsimifuga
  4. soy isoflavones
  5. rhizomes of Dioscorea
  6. nettle extract
  7. indole
  8. Boron
  9. Folic acid
  10. Amino acids
  11. vitamins
  12. Release forms and methods of using funds
  13. Contraindications and side effects of medications
  14. analogs Estrovel
  15. Reviews of physicians and patients about the drug

With the advent of menopause for many women, life loses its bright colors, because the process of decay of the reproductive system entails a complete reorganization of the body. Violation of hormonal female makes the body vulnerable to various kinds of diseases and makes itself felt uncomfortable symptoms. Modern pharmaceutical market is literally overflowing with drugs of different shapes and origins, the purpose of which is relief of symptoms of this nature. It is impossible to say exactly which tool is better, because for someone is only effective hormonal therapy, and someone used to trust only natural means. But there are tools that act as powerful hormones, but have a natural composition. Those include Estrovel - biologically active additive to be assigned to women during menopause. It has established itself effectively and at the same time sparing action.

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Application and features Estrovel

The main reason for the manifest symptoms of menopause, is imbalance of hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. The output of this situation is to stabilize the hormonal or hormone replacement effect. In such cases, often prescribe hormone replacement therapy, but it is not for everyone, and has a vast number of contraindications. To the aid of plant hormones and dietary supplements. It is to such means and belongs Estrovel.

The drug is prescribed for facilitate the portability of menopauseTo support the woman's body after removal of the ovaries and during artificial menopauseTo facilitate peredmenstrualnogo syndrome, as well as the prevention of women after 30-35 years.

Under the BUD gets destabilized in this period psycho-emotional system: markedly improved emotional state, disappears irritability, drowsiness, weakness, apathy. Like any dietary supplement, it is a means of improving overall health, stamina and performance, improves libido. Disappear or are reduced to a minimum and better tolerated tides, abdominal pain in menopause and the waist, back to normal blood pressure and heart rate, is actively updated skin, various tissues of the body, in particular - bone.

The drug has a broad course of action, and if you start to its use in the early menopausal symptoms, Then later during the menopause can get rid of the uncomfortable sensations in general.

Structure and mechanism of drug action

Estrovel is plant-based, the main active components in harmony and complement each other, in combination with other substances achieve good results.


One of the main components of the plant extract is tsimifugi root. This material is the basis of many antiklimaktericheskih drugs, because it actively suppresses the symptoms associated with hormone imbalance. It has a beneficial effect on the brain regions responsible for thermoregulation which in menopause get false signals due to the lack of estrogen. Due to this it is possible to eliminate hot flushes, fever, rash and rapid heartbeat.

soy isoflavones

The effect of plant hormones allow to achieve plant compounds - soy isoflavones, which in structure and action similar to estrogen. With a lack of estrogen, which is characteristic climax, these substances carry out its function.

rhizomes of Dioscorea

Another phytohormone is an extract of wild yam rhizome (Dioscorea), which favorably affects the body as a whole, each type performing the function of the missing hormone is antispasmodic effect.

nettle extract

Concentrated nettle leaf extract contains a number of vitamins, chlorophyll, carotenoids and flavonoids. For example, vitamin K is not only involved in the blood-forming processes, but also has a hemostatic effect, that we have to very useful in heavy bleeding. Also, this substance is actively involved in the formation of bone protein, which significantly weakened under the influence of a lack of hormones. This component has an enhanced antioxidant action, and outputs the excess fluid from the body.


A compound such as indole 3-carbinol neutralize the negative effect of estrogens, if in excess, and also prevents the development of tumors. This substance is also found in many fruits and vegetables.


prevent osteoporosisAnd enhance the action of other components helps calcium fruktoborat (in organic form boron).

Folic acid

Part of the folic acid at menopause extremely useful, since it has the action of estrogen. It increases resistance to stress and strengthens the immune system that is weakened in this period.

Amino acids

Amino acid D, L-phenylalanine and 5-hydroxytryptophan promote the synthesis of endorphins which are responsible for the positive emotions and blocking pain receptors.


E and B6 vitamins are involved in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, and also contribute to improvement of the fabric and the outer integument.

Recently, the Internet often began to appear information that the manufacturer changed the composition Estrovel, replacing extract tsimifugi extract Vitex sacred, which has a similar mechanism of action to body. Since the drug can be found in pharmacies beginning of 2017, with the renewed composition, but the most popular product with the same components.
After examining the components, we can conclude that the composition of the drug completely organic and has a complex action. Despite the fact that the tool simulates the effect of the action of hormones, it is natural, so it is absolutely safe for prolonged use.

Release forms and methods of using funds

Estrovel represented manufacturers in two forms: tablets and capsules (Estrovel Time Factor).

Tablets Estrovel during menopause use on 1 piece 1-2 times a day (recommended in one and the same time). Administered orally with meals. admission rate - not less than two months. As necessary, the number of tablets can be increased to 4.

Capsules Time Estrovel factor represented as a set of 4 species. The scheme of this: eating begins with capsules from the blister at number 1 on the first day of menstruation (two pieces once a day at the same time for 5 days. On the 6th day taken from the blister capsule No2 (1 piece per day for 9 days). After the last use of the capsule No2 blisters the next day without interruption continue taking medication from the blister No3 (1 piece 1 once a day for 9 days). At the end of the capsules in blister No3 pass to 4th (2 capsule 1 once a day for 5 days). Those. admission course takes 28 days without interruption. The full effect is achieved after taking the drug for three menstrual cycles.

In any case, self-treatment is not necessary to do, and no matter what form of medication you choose, pre-consult a specialist for the proper and efficient use.

The medicament has the characteristic smell of sauerkraut.

Contraindications and side effects of medications

This dietary supplement has virtually no contraindications. Only idiosyncrasy components or phenylketonuria may become an obstacle to its destination. Drug is also contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects may occur only in a minor allergic reactions such as itching, redness, rash.

analogs Estrovel

Antiklimaktericheskih medication exists an impressive weight. But its unique composition of this facility has no analogues.

Reviews of physicians and patients about the drug

Estrovel drug has established itself among experts as an effective means antiklimaktericheskoe. Doctors prescribe it more often in menopause, because symptoms manifested most strongly in this period. Since this is not a drug and a dietary supplement, it is popular in the appointment of medical therapy in all schools and trends. For example, doctors who in their practice is often used hormones, faced with contraindications patients are turning to Estrovel as in its composition has the components that simulate the action hormones. Fans of natural medicines are selected as a tool due to its unique vegetable composition which has a complex action.

Estravel - remedy for menopause women's responses, which can be found on many online forums. Mostly comments about BUD positive. This medicament is effective in 92% of cases. If the result is not an effect, it means not previously been excluded certain diseases or assigned the wrong dosage.

An impressive number of the females, who have used the drug Estrovel noted its beneficial impact on the overall well-being during menopause, as well as on the effectiveness of the fight with the unpleasant symptoms of period.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 77
  • 151