Borovaya uterus in menopause: therapeutic properties, applications, reviews


  1. When used upland uterus?
  2. Contraindications medicinal plant
  3. Dosage forms plant
  4. collection
  5. alcohol infusion
  6. medicinal decoction
  7. Composition medicinal plant and its effect on the body during menopause
  8. What do they say about the effectiveness of the national funds

Every human life consists of cycles, which are characterized by certain stages of physical and psychological changes. One of these steps is for the women's menopause. It is very important during this period to support the body, because at this moment he is experiencing hormonal imbalance. This is due to the restructuring of the body, completing the childbearing period. It can pass very difficult, and often requires the appointment of special medical and homeopathic preparations. Traditional medicine upland uterus in menopause can be very useful approach for ameliorating menopause.

grass ortiliya

When used upland uterus?

Borovaya uterus - one of the few herbs that have quite a number of impressive names: upland grass, motherboard, bokotsvetka, ortiliya sided, women's grass. The latter name is directly related to its healing properties to facilitate the state at some women's diseases. Women's grass has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic effect. Also it proved its effectiveness in cystitis, endometrize, infertility, candidiasis, menstrual disorders. Equally useful is a motherboard for kidney and bladder. Also, the use ortiliya effective in diseases such as diabetes and pyelonephritis. But the main function of upland grass - a beneficial effect on any

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hormonal disorders of the female body.

Contraindications medicinal plant

With all the positive aspects of upland uterus and has some negative aspects:

  1. As part of the medicinal plant contain toxic substances, which adversely affect the organs gastrointestinal tract, so you need to refrain from the use of medicinal plants in case of problems with GIT.
  2. Also, do not use drugs from motherboard if the history of the patient is poor blood clotting.
  3. It is not recommended to combine the healing infusions or decoctions with other hormonal drugs.
  4. Absolutely contraindicated ortiliya treatment during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Important! When the nausea, headaches or rash, stop taking people's money, because it is a sign you are hypersensitive to the drug.

Dosage forms plant

Before we learn more about the healing properties of upland uterus for women in menopause, it is necessary to get an idea, in any dosage forms it happens.


The easiest and most affordable form of raw materials - a collection of herbs that can be used as a tea or to prepare an alcohol tincture. A decoction of the holy Matrona - is one of the most popular collections of this type. It helps in the treatment of gynecological diseases. Quite often used with high efficiency Matron broth and pregnancy.

alcohol infusion

This type of medicine to take 25-30 drops 2-3 times a day. For better absorption solution should be diluted to 0.5 v. warm water.

To prepare the tincture must be connected to 200 ml of alcohol and 2 tablespoons crushed plants. Set aside in a cool dark place for infusion, shaking occasionally. Before use, strain.

medicinal decoction

According to the reviews, the broth - is the most effective means of upland uterus, which is used during menopause. The use of herbal tincture three times a day for 1 tablespoon for 2-3 weeks with a short break, it will significantly improve the health and lead to hormonal imbalance. Decoctions of this plant is used, even when serozometre uterus in menopause.

To prepare a decoction need 1 tbsp dry grass pour 200 ml hot water and bring to boil. Wrap in a towel and infuse about 1 hour.

Important! Do not exceed the necessary treatment upland uterus, which is usually 3-4 weeks, depending on the health of women.

For those who have no time to engage in self-catering drug, commercially available ready-made alcoholic solution. It should be taken according to the instructions. There is also a syrup based on women's herb, which is recommended to take only prescribed by a doctor. In the complex treatment of upland uterus is administered in the form of tablets or suppositories.

Composition medicinal plant and its effect on the body during menopause

As part of the plant has the most necessary substance for normal functioning of the female body - renifolin, metilarbutin, saponins, resins, glycosides, and plant hormones. Furthermore phytohormones contained in the plant, it has a large number of flavonoids, organic acids, tannins, vitamins, and protecting the body from viral attacks. A folk remedy anti-inflammatory effects due to the presence of such component as an arbutin.

Menopause, characterized by physiological and psychological changes that are unlikely to go unnoticed both for the woman and for others. Sudden mood swings, irritability, insomnia - is only a small part of what awaits for the woman in the near future. Rich chemical composition of plants will improve the functioning of the nervous system, as well as strengthen the female immune system. Decoctions or tinctures ortiliya during menopause will have a soothing effect and relieve insomnia. Borovaya uterus, within which contains phytoestrogens, the best way to cope with hormonal differences. And preparations based motherboard normalize blood pressure and prevent the occurrence of edema. The use of drugs in menopause women grass prevents headaches and improves health. With that, it can be linked with anti-aging effect, the result of which is evident in a short enough period.

Find out what else Herbs with estrogen during menopause benefiting from its manifestations.

What do they say about the effectiveness of the national funds

Most reviews on the use of women upland uterus are positive in menopause. cases, when, after receiving a therapeutic drug found idiosyncrasy also occur.

Natalia, 52 years old

"I am 52 years old. Social rates of alcohol tincture upland uterus. Feel better immediately, but after some time. Insomnia disappeared. I recommend drinking 2-3 times a year for prevention of menopause».

Nadezhda, 55 years old

"After several receptions herbal infusion noticed burning in the abdominal cavity. There were headaches and tachycardia. I think this is the first signs of an allergic reaction to the drug upland uterus. Of the drug had to be abandoned. "

Marina, 49 years old

"With the onset of hormonal imbalance appeared irritability and tearfulness. Sudden mood swings were replaced by depression. Periodic nervousness Stavan cause discord in the family. Propyl course decoction upland uterus for 4 weeks, I became calm and balanced. I recommend!"

The impact of the medicinal plants on the human body is currently not fully understood, so there is a possibility of both positive and negative impact of his. Before you begin to receive therapeutic drugs, you should consult with your doctor. He will appoint the necessary comprehensive therapy based on the results of appropriate tests. It should also be remembered that this drug is given taking into account the possible contraindications.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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