Red clover medicinal properties in menopause (reviews)


  1. Features herb
  2. Indications and mechanism of action
  3. Folk and medications based on red clover
  4. Contraindications and side effects
  5. Reviews of Red Clover

Extinction of the reproductive function in women referred to menopause that overtakes every woman after 45 years. At this point begins hormonal changes in the body, Changes occur in the operation of all systems and organs. Each change is manifested by certain symptoms, often bringing discomfort. During this period, without outside support body can not do. The most effective way to combat menopausal symptoms is hormone replacement therapy. That is, the organism lacking hormones are introduced artificially.

Often, experts recommend hormone treatment plant - plant hormones. It is, as a rule, plant extracts from them, release and secretion of insects and animals, which in its composition contain substances that simulate the action of certain hormones. It should be noted the effectiveness of red clover in the fight against menopausal symptoms. In this article we describe the red clover, its medicinal properties in menopause and ways to use this herb.

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Red clover

Features herb

Red Clover (aka - Konyushin) - a perennial meadow plants of the legume family. Widely used in medicine since ancient times, as it has anti-inflammatory, anesthetic and antimycotic and other healing properties. In Russia grows in meadows and forests, in Ukraine the same - is listed in the Red Book.

Curative properties due Konyushin rich content therein nutrients and micronutrients such as vitamins (groups A, B, C, E), minerals - calcium, magnesium, selenium, phosphate, iron; tannins, carotenoids, alkaloids, fatty acids, essential oils, salicylic acid and coumaric acid. Most of these agents included in the dietary supplements that take in menopause. But the most important substances are red clover isoflavones, which are inherently phytoestrogens, which, when ingested, simulate the action of estrogen deficiency.

Indications and mechanism of action

Since the destabilization of the hormonal disrupted all systems, the normalization being and getting rid of the uncomfortable sensations problem should be solved at the root. Once in the body, red clover isoflavones act on receptors of various organs, like hormones, allowing to achieve the following results:

  • Restore the psycho-emotional state. Therapy based on red clover helps to get rid of climacteric neuroses, stress, abrupt mood swings, insomnia, feelings of depression, fatigue. For you will return cheerfulness, good spirits, high efficiency, focus.
  • Normalize thermoregulation processes, to get rid of painful hot flashes, changes in temperature - chills in menopause.
  • Strengthen the cardiovascular system, thus preventing headaches, jumps of arterial pressure, tachycardia during menopauseAnd profilaktirovat number of diseases of this system.
  • Improve circulation, including blood flow to the genitals, which will not allow them to quickly atrophy.
  • Restore the water balance of the mucous membranes, especially the genitals. This, in turn, positively affect the quality of sexual life after menopauseDo not let you feel discomfort during intercourse.
  • Will not give rise breast cancer, as well as protect them from possible tumors.
  • Markedly improves the skin condition: it will return elasticity and firmness, complexion radiance and return the previous flat color, wrinkles are visibly smoothed.
  • In menopause you will cease to torment pain in the abdomen and in the lower back.
  • Bone tissue loses its mass, so you can avoid further fractures, carried prevention of osteoporosis during menopause.

And this is not all positive results, which you can achieve by taking red clover during climax.

The use of herbs in menopause - the safest and very common method of dealing with his symptoms. They are used in the form of infusions are contained in tablets, and are also used in its natural form as a compressed balls, if we talk about tampons BEAUTIFUL LIFE or Wedge Point. The latter, incidentally, have been widely used in gynecology as a whole. Reviews of Chinese tampons Women and doctors say the high efficiency of the means to combat the symptoms of menopause, so if you interested in the restoration of health, with the help of nature's gifts, it is worth paying attention to these tampons.

Read also what herbs can be drunk hot flashes at the climax in one of our articles.

Folk and medications based on red clover

Red clover is used as effectively as a folk remedy, and in the form of an extract, which is added to many preparations of climacteric syndrome.

In folk medicine used as flowers and leaves with the stem Konyushin.
Very popular brew, which uses crushed flowers, stems and leaves of clover, with a rate of 50 t. 200 ml of boiling water. Insist taking about an hour and 50 ml 3 times per day.

Very easy to use tea, clover which can be both in pure form and in admixture with welding. On glass leaves 1 teaspoon of raw material plant. Drink it 3 times a day. It is also effective at bedtime use of tea infusion of 2 tbsp 250 ml of boiling water. Insist 20 minutes and drink undiluted.

When the pain and dryness in the pelvic organs productive department are baths and douching. Collection of 50 grams. stems with leaves and 40 c., the bay 250 ml boiling water, tomyat water bath for 10-15 minutes. Use need, bringing to a comfortable temperature.

It should be noted that the plant in dried form does not lose its beneficial properties throughout the month. After - its efficiency is slightly reduced.

The full effect of this kleveroterapiya reached after 2-3 weeks of application. External symptoms begin to fade after only a week of ingestion.

Known medicines based on red clover are those drugs in menopauseAs Remens, Klimadinon, Feminal, Estrovel, Femivell, Chi-Klim. Red clover extract is represented in them as a plant hormone, has an effect similar to estrogen that allows to stop the symptoms of menopause and improve the quality of life in this period.

Contraindications and side effects

Unlike hormonal agents, plant hormones, including red clover, do not cause endometrial proliferation and the development of hormone-dependent tumors.
Yet, here again there is little number of contraindications, which include:

  • Allergic reactions to plant.
  • Hormone dependent tumors of the female organs, including the breast, or suspicion of such.
  • Thromboembolism.
  • Heart attack.
  • Circulatory disorders in t. H. and brain.

Before therapy with the use of this plant is sure to consult with a specialist.

Side effects may be presented only allergic reactions in the form of redness, itching, rash.

Reviews of Red Clover

Plant hormones are an excellent alternative to hormone replacement therapy. Therefore, more and more specialists prescribe them in the form of medicines. Preparations based on red clover have been successfully used in medical practice and show their effectiveness in dealing with menopausal symptoms and elimination of estrogen deficiency.

It is an excellent tool Konyushin and in folk medicine, which also resorted to 38% of women during menopause.

Based on the reviews, we can say that red clover is not fully deliver on the uncomfortable and painful sensations, if hormonal disorders are severe. However, if not aggravated clinical picture it will be an effective tool in the fight for a comfortable feel and excellent state of health during menopause.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 84
  • 150