Early menopause: premature menopause, signs, symptoms in 30-36 years


  1. The reasons for the onset of early menopause
  2. Symptoms and signs of premature menopause
  3. Menopause at 25, 30 and 35 years
  4. Menopause at age 25
  5. Climax 30 years
  6. Menopause at age 35
  7. Climax in nulliparous
  8. How dangerous early menopause
  9. How to avoid complications

Climax - natural and inevitable phenomenon in the life of every woman. Menopause should come in about 45-55 years. But the beginning of perestroika in the body is individual, and so it may be an early menopause. But what causes the onset of early menopause? Most often, menopause occurs at an early age due to various diseases. menopause itself can begin much earlier, and maybe even catch in 25 years - the age of onset of menopause It is considered to be the earliest, but in history there was a case when the earliest menopause began at thirteen-year girl. This is a true incident, and a very rare phenomenon, which requires treatment is mandatory. Early menopause is not considered to be normal except for those cases when it inherited feature of an organism.

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The reasons for the onset of early menopause

Premature menopause - this is the same period, which represents endocrine changes in the female body to 45 years.

The causes of early menopause can be all kinds of women. Among them:

  1. "Surgical menopause." Intervention surgical knife a woman's genitals, for example, removal of the ovaries leads to the fact that they completely lose their function.
  2. Smoking and alcohol consumption. Bad habits lamentably affect ovarian function. Among all women smokers - thirteen percent suffer premature menopause.
  3. Heredity. Because of inherited diseases that can be transmitted from generation to generation, menopause can be about seven years before.
  4. Stressful situations are also causes of early menopause. Stress depletes heavily the female body. Because of this disrupted the female genital organs, ie the ovaries. Education increases the risk of problems such as menopause at an early age.
  5. Consequences of chemotherapy and radiation - yet another reason menopause early. In treatment of cancers, use powerful chemicals and radiation. It depresses and drains of ovarian function, which causes the menopause approximately 10 years earlier.
  6. Autoimmune disorders. May entail diabetes, Addison's disease, thyroid disease (hyperthyroidism). The onset of premature menopause due to autoimmune disorders leads to the fact that the body produces antibodies against ovarian.

Symptoms and signs of premature menopause

Many at the menopause there is no pathology, everything goes more or less normally. But since in this period there is complete ovarian functions and ending generation of genital hormones like androgen, estrogen and progesterone, women may feel uncomfortable feeling can be very deteriorate. Signs or the like is shown early menopause, it becomes a series of consequences:failure of the menstrual cycle, reducing the amount of vaginal discharge, infertility, lack of estrogen hormones.

The gap between the last and the next menstruation increases each time, as well as an intensive growth of adipose tissue. Basically, the first signs of early menopause in women - monthly change, Follow their progress and conduct a special calendar. The initial symptoms of menopause can manifest themselves for two or four years.

With early menopause symptoms resemble normal menopause, but expressed much stronger. This is due to a decrease in estrogen action force exerted on tissues and organs. For more information about each symptom:

  • Violation of emotional and mental background. Woman becomes irritable, vulnerable. Reduced work capacity, impaired perception of the information and its analysis. Maybe there is a desire to cry or sleep disturbance occurs.
  • Tides: hot flashes, excessive sweating, Redness of the skin and rapid breathing, that is, - shortness of breath.
  • A feeling of dryness in the intimate area, as well as burning and intense itching in the area.
  • can be observed urinary incontinence under different circumstances: even laughing or coughing, and from sudden movements.
  • Affected heart muscle may develop dyshormonal myocardiodystrophy. It all manifests itself in the hearts and sharp pains in the chest area.

Read about how to relieve symptoms of menopause in our article.

Menopause at 25, 30 and 35 years

Menopause at age 25

As they say: "Climax to date very young again." And it is true. Nowadays it is very "younger" many diseases like bone and the cardiovascular system. That ovarian dysfunction may occur in 25 years. Many girls raises the question: "Early Menopause - why is this happening?"

If removed from the field of view of the hereditary factor, then menopause can also affect the way of life. The younger generation does not protects your health: winter walks in the light and short jackets in cool sneakers, are inactive, prefer the use of alcohol and tobacco. The nutrition of young girls, too many nuances: eat haphazardly, transmit or starve - and then, and then detrimental to health. If the body is in good order and well, it is unlikely that will happen ovarian. Climax 25 - a rare phenomenon, but it is currently possible.

Climax 30 years

On the common question of women: "Can menopause occur in 30 years," the doctors responsible with confidence - "Yes." After all, a hormonal imbalance can catch a woman at any age, and the age of thirty years - is no exception. It's no secret that such display - a malfunction of the body, and not the norm.

Early menopause in women 30 years accompanied by symptoms: the occurrence of acute pain in the joints, muscles, severe headache; chills and high fever, excessive sweating; turbidity in the eyes and dizzy; cause problems with the heart - tachycardia, arrhythmia, Hypertension. mental disorders can be observed: irritability and aggressiveness, insomnia, feelings of depression, constant fatigue, a sharp decline in libido. Menopause at age 32 and menopause at age 34 sometimes requires a temporary refusal to accept the oral hormonal contraceptives for a few months. At the same time in parallel should be used other methods of contraception while symptoms (described above) does not decrease. If they also continue to bother you, check with your doctor to correct the assigned treatment.

Menopause at age 35

Early symptoms of menopause in women of this age are manifested as delayed and prolonged menstruation period between them, that is a complete breakdown and failure of the cycle, as well as burning and itching in the intimate zone, frequent hot flushes sleepiness. Mental health problems - menopause satellite in the 36 - 37 years.

Climax in nulliparous

The arrival of early menopause in this case, a particularly dangerous. Possible risk of developing cervical cancer. Climax nulliparous proceeds much more difficult, the symptoms are more severe and postpone menopause for women considerably heavier.

How dangerous early menopause

Since menopause occurs, and then have an early hormonal failure, a number of problems that burden the daily life.

What's wrong with early menopause? Due to estrogen deficiency may manifest itself atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, autoimmune processes. In addition, these hormones lower production kaltsitotsina, due to which calcium is not supplied to bone, there are processes of bone "resorption" strength is lost, there is a risk of frequent fractures.

  • Among the main symptoms of osteoporosis include pain in the joints and back. Are curved posture. Arteriosclerosis leads to heart attack, stroke, thrombosis, and many other disease.
  • Estrogens act as defenders of a woman's body from the occurrence of such diseases, but, alas, in menopause, they are in short supply.
  • Coronary artery disease occurs due to atherosclerosis. Felt burning and sharp pain in the heart during any physical activity. Disrupted heart and nerve center.
  • complicated work of the gastrointestinal tract in menopause.
  • Women often faced with such a problem, as the Baldness early menopause.
  • If the thyroid gland is affected in conjunction with other processes that occur in parallel Hashimoto's disease (Hashimoto's thyroiditis).
  • For autoimmune diseases arising due to early menopause, and include diabetes of the first type, and Addison's disease. Such effects can bring a woman to death.

How to avoid complications

But what to do with early menopause and how to avoid such complications? First of all you need to see a gynecologist. Best of all, if it will be your personal doctor who will examine you for a long time. He will diagnose and prescribe such studies:

  • Determining the level of sex hormones.
  • X-ray examination for the detection of pituitary adenoma.
  • Ultrasound Examination of uterus and ovaries and mammary glands.
  • Analysis with the study of genetic data for calculation of hereditary diseases and pathologies.

find out when and on what day of the cycle take AMG in early menopause by clicking the link to the article.

If you do not want to face the same problem as menopause at an early age, but, unfortunately, seen at its main symptoms, immediately consult a gynecologist.

As a treatment doctors often prescribe hormonal agents. After their reception manifestation of unpleasant symptoms reduced significantly. Prevention menopause as such: try to avoid the various diseases of the genital organs, to eliminate casual sex, not to have abortions as possible. It is important to conduct a correct way of life, to use for your diet healthy food, avoid stress, do not overwork, and take time to survey. Be sure to visit their doctor and consult with your personal gynecologist and all you can avoid trouble! Be healthy!

  • Oct 19, 2019
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