Ovariamin in menopause: reviews of doctors and patients, contraindications


  1. Features and indications for use Ovariamin
  2. Symptoms in which the drug is given
  3. Structure and mechanism of drug action
  4. tsitaminy
  5. vitamins
  6. Micro and macro elements
  7. Release forms and methods of use
  8. Contraindications and side effects of medications
  9. analogs Ovariamin
  10. Reviews of physicians and patients about the drug
  11. According to doctors
  12. view of women
  13. Output

In the human body, everything is interconnected: the operation of all systems and organs, all cells and tissues. Therefore, the slightest disturbance or lack certain substances affects the organism and is manifested by various symptoms, mostly - unpleasant.

Can alleviate these symptoms, but as menopause may last about 20 years, it is better to take the problem under control in the bud, to normalize hormones. This helps to great effect hormone replacement therapy, but it is suitable for only 30% of women, as it has an impressive number of contraindications and side effects. Therefore, most experts and patients have resorted to natural therapy.

It sorts phytohormones, homeopathy, nutraceuticals. The latter do not only help to stop the symptoms, but they are also excellent prevention of many ailments. Also have a nutritious and restorative action due to vitamins, minerals and other complex nutrients in its composition.

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Numerous reviews of Ovariamin in menopause suggest that really means It is effective in relation to the manifestations of menopause with careful and gentle effect on body.


Features and indications for use Ovariamin

Ovariamin - a dietary supplement, which, by its directional effect is biostimulant ovaries. The main function means there is an improvement of the ovaries work, slowing down the process of degeneration of the female genital organs, relief climacteric symptoms bracing effect between the attenuation of the female body, its internal and external rejuvenation.

These effects are achieved at the expense of the main active substance - tsitaminy. It performs the same function as the primary deficit of female hormones in particular - estrogens. And also a rich vitamin and mineral complex.

Symptoms in which the drug is given

BAA is prescribed for the expressed symptoms of menopause:

  • Firstly, it is the destabilization of the menstrual cycle. When menstruation occurs irregularly, stopping for a few months, or, conversely, advancing too quickly. When scarce and short bleeding during the critical days.
  • Secondly, in disorders of mental and emotional states. This is expressed by depression and stress, sudden mood swings, insomnia, neuroses in menopause, Irritability, anxiety, fatigue.
  • It helps a means of coping with the imbalance of thermoregulation. 90% of women during menopause are faced with pushy tides as a result of this imbalance. This can manifest itself by a sudden fever, a sharp increase in body temperature, tremor, palpitations, numbness of the extremities, increased sweating in the menopause.
  • The drug relieves pelvic pain, back pain, back, legs. tool removes headaches during menopause.
  • Carries out prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Prevents diseases of the musculoskeletal system, due to the active focus on the strengthening of the bone tissue.
  • When applying it stops the process of exhaustion and atrophy of genitals. Subsequently, improved quality of sex life, as mucous and skin renew water balance.
  • There restoration of the metabolism. Improvement of general state of the organism, increasing efficiency.

We can say with certainty that effectively Ovariamin has a complex action.

Also means in certain cases prescribed to women of reproductive age to restore the menstrual cycle. And in the case of infertility, and to improve the work of the endocrine system.

For more information on the means that will help answer the question: how to ease menopause? ", Read our article.

Structure and mechanism of drug action

So rich functionality of medication due to its composition.


Its main active substance is tsitaminy natural origin. Component is prepared from bovine ovaries by hydrolysis of proteins and nucleic acids, cells of the body of animals.

The main function of tsitaminov is to restore the integrity of tissues and cells bioregulation work. Once in the body, these substances are absorbed into the intestine, providing a beneficial effect. After - remnants easily eliminated from the body, not remaining in the cells. In the first place, like hormones - estrogens, which in this period in a woman's body in a particular deficiency, contribute to the restoration of ovarian cell metabolism. Stimulate the production of the estrogen.

With such a mechanism of action means facilitates the return of normal shape and size of the ovaries during menopause. In premenopausal women contributes to the restoration of the menstrual cycle, relief of asthenic-neurotic symptoms, the stimulation of steroidogenic appendages function.


In addition to the many effective active substance in Bad contains a number of vitamins:

  • B1 (thiamine) strengthens especially suffering during climax of the nervous system, stimulates the heart and brain activity.
  • B2 (riboflavin) tidies blood circulation, stimulates the blood flow to the organs, including reproductive health.
  • B3 (niacin), popularly referred to as "vitamin of tranquility", a beneficial effect on all systems, especially the cardiovascular. It helps reduce blood cholesterol levels, normalize metabolism, which is often destabilized with the hormonal background.
  • Vitamin A (retinol) is responsible for normal immunity and improve mucous, skin and outer sheets.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol) - typical antioxidant and immunostimulatory activity.

Micro and macro elements

The complex includes a broad range of micro and macro elements, all of the properties that do not count. This iron, copper, aluminum, cobalt, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, lead, molybdenum, cadmium, zinc and sulfur. These substances are needed to maintain normal activity. At the climacteric stage, they are also in short supply and demand "refueling" from the outside.

It should be noted a large number of amino acids that are involved in all the processes occurring in the body, including the reproductive system. This arginine, glycine, alanine, glutamic acid, and others.

Thus, the product contains not only components that are cropped manifestations of menopause, but also a set of substances that contribute to the maintenance of normal body function and even his rejuvenation.

Release forms and methods of use

Ovariamin presented in the form of tablets, coated tablets, are packed into bottles or blisters and are packed in a box.

Before you apply, be sure to consult a specialist to assign the correct dosage.

Usage menopausal guide points to the next usage scheme: day 1 to 9 tablets, by dividing the dose into 2-3 doses. it is recommended to drink tablets 15 minutes before a meal, do not chew, swallow whole, washed down with a little water. The course - 10-15 days. Replay available after a few months.

Keep it no more than 3 years. Available without prescription.

Contraindications and side effects of medications

Since the agent is natural, it has many side effects and contraindications.

By only individual intolerance components include first, allergic reaction to certain substances. We do not recommend the use of BUD during pregnancy and lactation (not to be confused with the use of pre-pregnancy).

Side effects may be expressed disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, diarrhea), dizziness, allergic reactions. These were seen in only 4% of patients. Do not take with other potent drugs, Badami, alcoholic substances, barbiturates.

analogs Ovariamin

In today's world there are many antiklimaktericheskih medicines: hormonal, natural, mono- and complex action, homeopathic, nutritional supplements.
Among the group of natural dietary supplements such analogs can be identified as Estrovel, Klimadinon, Feminal, Chi-Klim, Inoklym, Bonisan, Klimalanin, Femivell.

On the base material - tsitaminy and a complex of vitamins, minerals and amino acids Ovariamin is unique in its way.

Reviews of physicians and patients about the drug

Western trend gives its echo, and more and more speed dials hormone replacement therapy during menopause. Of course, it is most effective, but is not widely used due to several contraindications and side effects of hormone-dependent tumors. The aid of dietary supplements, which contain components which simulate the action of hormones. As well as complexes of nutrients that have a number of beneficial effects on the body.

According to doctors

Among the doctors recently became a popular dietary supplement as Ovariamin. Its main active substance - tsitaminy, successfully established itself in gynecology, in particular in the stabilization of menstruation, improve quality of life during menopause and infertility treatment. This material is obtained from the tissues and cells of animals, which later they will act in the human body. In this case - it is the ovaries.

Rich complex of essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids, making it ideal for maintaining the normal functioning of the female body in such a difficult period as Menopause.

According to doctors, if you start to use the complex still at a very early stage pre-menopausal, you can not only alleviate but also completely avoid the symptoms of menopause.

Also with the help BUD can profilaktirovat various kinds of diseases, especially cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract. Means not addictive, and contraindications it is minimized due to natural composition.

view of women

It should be noted that not all women suffer from the drug's effectiveness. This occurs when the symptoms of menopause too strong or caused by certain pathologies. There are those who confuse the symptoms of diseases with climacteric symptoms and use dietary supplements as drugs.

Another group of the female, which - the vast majority, noted that Ovariamin very effective in fighting and psycho-vegetative disorders. As many reviews said that means better overall health, performance returns. It returns the desire to live a full life, and the drug has a significant rejuvenating effect both inside and outside.


At the first manifestations of menopause contact the person to assign the correct therapy and use Ovariamin. So effective stimulant ovaries in a complex with all the necessary nutrients to help you survive the menopause comfortable and painless.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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