Sage in menopause hot flashes and how to take: therapeutic properties and contraindications


  1. Common therapeutic properties
  2. Medicinal properties during menopause
  3. The composition of the grass and the connection with the symptoms of menopause
  4. The nature of the influence of salvia on a woman's body
  5. Are there any contraindications?
  6. Preparations of the sage, which can be purchased in pharmacies
  7. How to prepare and take?

Not all women due to the nature of the organism may take synthetic hormones, but the need to combat unpleasant symptoms klimakterialnogo syndrome still persists. In this situation, you can use the herbs. Among the useful herbs can be distinguished sage during menopause and hot flashes, but you need to know how to take, and when it is contraindicated.

medicative herb

Common therapeutic properties

Here we must take into account the underlying disease, the body's reaction to the sage and drugs that a woman will take parallel with sage. In any case, very necessary to consult with your doctor, because the recipes of traditional medicine can only be considered to be relatively safe.

Sage Research on the effect on the female body during menopause were carried out only on the territory of Europe. According to reports, this herb helps in 70% of cases. The remaining 30% of women, or do not notice a positive effect, or it was insignificant.

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Sage when used properly, it has a positive effect on many body systems. With it can improve the gonads, to eliminate the problems with the nervous system. In addition, he is able to maintain a normal metabolism, thereby not only ensure a healthy functioning of the organism, but also help women keep youth and elasticity of the skin.

Many doctors say that it is the content in sage sufficient number of high-level alkaloids, tannins and vitamins whole explains the following medicinal properties:

  • prevention heart disease during menopause;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • disinfecting effect;
  • heat regulation;
  • suppression muscle spasms;
  • astringent effects.

It should be noted that the composition of sage are inherently safe for the female body, because it is not It interferes with the work of the bodies providing only supportive action for the normalization of life body. But in some cases (disease, intolerance component) medicinal herb can only exacerbate the situation. But all this can find a doctor with whom you need to consult before the use of traditional medicine recipes.

Read also the article on the treatment of hot flashes in menopause without hormones.

Medicinal properties during menopause

This medicinal herb can be a real salvation for women. During menopause, there is a lack of sex hormones, which affect the status of all systems of the body. The problem is that many only pay attention to the symptoms of menopause, forgetting about the others in the health violations.

And it is in this matter sage manifests its complex effects. Its impact is not only directed at the normalization of hormonal balance, but also on other possible factors that could significantly impair the well-being during klimakterialnogo period.

Here it is worth paying attention to the composition of the herb. The presence of the unique minerals of various essential oils and vitamins allows the grass to maintain human health by blocking the possible occurrence of diseases associated with a lack of components.
Additionally, phytosterols, flavonoids and estrogennopodobnye compound in sage able to:

  • tides eliminate or reduce their intensity;
  • reduce sweating;
  • normalize vegetovascular manifestations the body;
  • remove headaches, migraines, dizziness;
  • normalize sleep and eliminate insomnia during menopause;
  • eliminate inflammation of the genitourinary system.

It is important to understand that the sage can not remove fully all the effects of menopause. But with proper reception, especially with other drugs, sage, not only relieves the symptoms of menopause, but also allows a woman to feel almost beginning of a new period in her life.

The composition of the grass and the connection with the symptoms of menopause

Reading the herb composition is not always clear which component has an action. For this purpose we compare the composition of the sage with its effect on the symptoms of menopause:

  1. Magnesium, calcium and zinc. They are indispensable for the maintenance of the human nervous system. If they arrive in sufficient quantities in the body, then disappear anxious mood, anxiety and irritability. In addition, it turns out to eliminate the mood swings that often disturb, since premenopausal.
  2. Estrogennopodobnye substances. The sage contains compounds that resemble the female sex hormone. They reduce the power of the tides, helping to deal with sweating and cold sweats in the night time.
  3. Tannins and oils. Tannins have an astringent effect, it may reduce the intensity bleeding in menopauseAnd oils inhibit muscle spasms. As a result, these components even further reduce the intensity of pain in the lower abdomen area.
  4. Fatty acids, saponins and essential oils. Together with then the body loses its beneficial trace elements and minerals. After using salvia says elimination of headaches, migraines and shivering because salvia increases blood circulation.

The nature of the influence of salvia on a woman's body

This herb has a rapid impact. The first effect can occur in just a few hours after administration. In addition, the beneficial effect is maintained throughout the day, but not always. It is important to combine salvia with other herbs:

  • Melis,
  • Motherwort,
  • Thyme,
  • Hawthorn.

Perhaps getting used to a medicinal plant, against which the effectiveness of the use of grass is reduced. This occurs most often after two or three weeks of use. Here, doctors recommend to interrupt the reception for a couple of weeks and then resume the course, but if there are no other health problems.

Are there any contraindications?

Reviews of physicians indicate that the use of large amounts of sage can lower blood sugar. In addition, the grass can not be used with the following health problems:

  • tumors in the mammary glands and genitals;
  • undergoing surgery to remove a tumor;
  • problems with the endometrium;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • thyroid problems;
  • pressurizing at menopause;
  • epileptic seizures.

Preparations of the sage, which can be purchased in pharmacies

It does not always have the opportunity to prepare or cook sage means in the home, especially for city dwellers. In addition, the overall environmental pollution affects the flora, so the self-assembled sage can be dangerous. Now pharmacies can buy the following drugs:

  • George's father Monastic collection. Medicinal herbs for making tea. Help of the tides, and normalize the thyroid gland, prevents osteoporosis and strengthens the protective functions of the body.
  • Menoforse. It is produced in the form of tablets. It helps eliminate the strong tides and excessive sweating during menopause.
  • Salvini. It is an antibiotic of plant origin.
  • Dried sage leaves. You can buy almost any pharmacy for self-preparation of various tinctures, teas and so on. D.

Learn well, others medications to relieve symptoms of menopauseWhich are popular among women.

How to prepare and take?

To achieve the desired effect, you need to take the right means. On this basis can be prepared:

  1. Tea. Two teaspoons of dried leaves pour a glass of boiling water, after which it needs to be insisted. Take tea should be three times a day (three glasses). You can not use before going to bed, and to improve the taste, you can add a little lemon juice or honey.
  2. Juice. It is important to use only fresh juice. The dose should not exceed two tablespoons per day.
  3. Tincture. Bought at the pharmacy to drip spout. You need to take 15-20 drops no more than three times a week.
  4. Essential oils. a few drops on the wrist should be applied, and then inhale the aroma.
  5. Home infusion. We need two tablespoons of sage pour three cups of boiling water. After that, put on fire and boil for no more than five minutes. Important! You can not use the remains of infusions the following day.

Caution is required on the part of women during the use of the plant for medicinal purposes. The most important - is the observance of the dosage, otherwise you may experience the following side effects:

  • low blood sugar;
  • increased heart rate;
  • intoxication;
  • constant thirst and dry mouth.

Required treatment interruptions after a noticeable improvement. It will be sufficient to stop the use of sage in two weeks. At this time, you can go to the reception of herbal baths.

This herb helps to reduce menopausal symptoms unpleasant, but it is better to take a guidance of a doctor, in order to avoid adverse effects that occur with the right approach to treatment rarely.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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