Dietary supplements in menopause in women hormonal: the list of contraindications


  1. What is a non-hormonal dietary supplements?
  2. Action of dietary supplements on the body
  3. A list of effective dietary supplements
  4. Bonisan
  5. Inoklym
  6. Klimadinon
  7. Klimalanin
  8. Klimaktoplan
  9. Sanginariya
  10. Klimaksan
  11. Klimakt-Heel
  12. Red brush
  13. Ladies Menopause Formula Day and Night
  14. Menopace
  15. Ovariamin
  16. Remens
  17. Tribestan
  18. Feminalgin
  19. Feminal
  20. Femikaps
  21. Femivell
  22. Chi-Klim
  23. Epifamin
  24. Estrovel
  25. Are there any contraindications?
  26. General recommendations

The transition into menopause requires special and careful attention to health. During this period, it is degraded both on the psycho-emotional and physical levels. But no matter what the age was not a woman, it is important to feel good, but it needs to help the body cope with emerging challenges. Non-hormonal dietary supplements during menopause in women can be a real saving in the period when the body is rebuilt on a hormonal level.


What is a non-hormonal dietary supplements?

This nutraceuticals having a natural base, they are mildly affect the body, and have a cumulative effect can be successfully replaced by hormonal therapy.

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Supplements especially relevant for women, the body which refuses to accept the hormonal chemicals.

Any deviation in the body during menopause is associated with gradual decrease of estrogen may such violations occur: failure in the cardiovascular, nervous system imbalance, as well as the possible development of osteoporosis. Mood swings, high blood pressure, lack of essential vitamins, hormones and trace elements affect the overall condition of the body. Therefore, in order to bring the body back to normal, can and should add some missing elements in using herbal medicines. A number of drugs are not the type of hormonal reduce the presence of the unpleasant symptoms associated with menopause.

Action of dietary supplements on the body

How can not hormonal dietary supplements to help women overcome the symptoms of menopause? Phytoestrogens contained in the non-hormonal Badakhshan meant to replace a real hormones. They contribute to:

  • prevent the occurrence of early menopause;
  • prevent the development of diabetes mellitus associated with an imbalance of female hormones;
  • normalization of the natural menstrual cycle, With early menopause;
  • reduction of symptoms in menopause syndrome: hot flushes, discomfort caused by vaginal dryness.
  • decision nevrolgicheskih and psychological problems, which, of course, every woman is facing a stage of menopause;
  • reduce the risk osteoporosis;
  • beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system without causing excessive pressure drops.

If we talk about its benefits, we can note three:

  1. They have almost no side effects.
  2. No risk of thrombosis.
  3. Contribute to the strengthening immunity.

A list of effective dietary supplements

Climax - not a sentence and its manifestations can be reduced, moreover, that the very nature of long ago took care of us, as are natural plant-based ingredients in dietary supplements. Draw a small tour of the names and actions of drugs.


The means consists of a dry extract of soybean isoflavones. Taking one capsule, you will ensure yourself isoflavone 58%.


The drug is indicated for reducing the signs of menopausal syndrome. Due isoflavones, mined by ekstradiktsii nutrients from soybean, it is possible to cope with bouts of hot flashes, sleep disturbances with and tachycardia vsledstvii menopause. Read instructions for use Inoklima link.


This is one of the most popular dietary supplements in menopause. The basis of the preparation of black cohosh root extract (20 mg.). Fills organism natural female hormones. It works as an antioxidant, has a calming effect, eliminates vegetative climacteric syndrome. As it contains lactose, not imposed on persons with its intolerance. Very carefully we need to use in epilepsy, liver disease, and to avoid the use of the presence of estrogen-dependent tumors. A drug Klimadinon analogues which are presented in one of our articles are in great demand and feedback was only positive.


tableted Klimalanin drugWhich is a part of β-alanine (400 mg.), As well as auxiliary substances: silicon, magnesium, wheat starch and glycerol. Means generates stress, promotes the excretion of lactic acid, combats tides, increases efficiency in women.


Homeopathic medicine, which has beneficial effects on a woman's body. The main component - herb extract tsimifugi and support - Ignatia D3, direct their action on hypothalamus, thus effectively relieves tension, reduce the likelihood of sleep disorders, reduce the frequency tides.


(Sanguinaria D2) - helps with treatment of headaches and is useful in vegetovascular violations.


The facility has an unusual composition: snake venom, bee venom, and dry root tsimifugi. It should start taking this BUD when the first signs of mood swings, irritability, sleeping problems, Dizziness, arrhythmia, excessive sweating, Flushing. This means estrogen, which is produced by the ovaries.


Phyto medicine may be used in the treatment of menopause in women with pronounced symptoms of menopause. Tablets Klimakt Heel are composed of lactose, therefore, not be imposed in case of intolerance itself.

Red brush

Means to strengthen immunity. We recommend using supplements in conjunction with the preparation Borovaya uterus and Sage indicated. It is used for hormonal irregularities in order to eliminate the symptoms of menopause, and also has effective antibacterial property, it is therefore used in protracted diseases. It is shown with a long reception of antibiotics.

Ladies Menopause Formula Day and Night

Complex Menopause Day and Night It has an excellent multi-vitamin compound that helps the body to cope with many diseases. It is the perfect complement to the phyto estrogen therapy.


The drug belongs to a multivitamin complexes with minerals. Used as the treatment of symptoms during menopause. Find out in one of our articles, that the speaker reviews of Menopace.


Ovariamin in menopause It helps to maintain the function of the ovaries due to the composition means. It contains tsitaminy and other proteins isolated from animal ovaries. Has a tonic effect, it reinforces the body. Applied during menopause and various diseases associated with ovarian operation, for example, adnexitis.


Preparations for the improvement of metabolic processes, for the prevention of obesity in menopause. Significantly improves the psycho-emotional state, metabolism.


Homeopathic remedy that is used by both men and women. For women, it is useful in that it normalizes hormonal balance for men - increases sperm count. It has a tonic effect on the human body.


Phyto-pellets, which are used not only to treat the symptoms of menopause, but also in algodismenoree. It eases pain during menstruation. Is contraindicated in persons with lactose intolerance, pregnant and under 18 years of age.


Feminal is a part of extract of red clover makes up a small amount or absence of estrogen.


It is used to treat many gynecological disorders, including as a means of facilitating the transition into menopause. It contains vitamins B and E. Has tonic properties, it reduces sweating, regulates heart rate, soothes the psyche.


Herbal preparations based on soya proteins. Additional components (red clover and vitamin E), together with an extract of soy, promote treatment of pre-menopausal and menopausal symptoms. Phytopreparation heart rhythm normalizes, reduces sweating, swelling of extremities, and normalizes blood pressure and reduces other manifestations of climacteric stage. Means can not be used during pregnancy.


Ratsimozy black cohosh, which is part of the drug helps to reduce estrogen levels and reduce the severity of hot flushes bright.


The means has a restorative property, used as a prevention of thrombosis (blood dilutes) eliminates neurological symptoms of menopause. Supplement helps normalize hormones, supports the endocrine system, is often administered after chemotherapy.


Estrovel Bud is effective in menopause, which was developed specifically for this period of a woman's life is made up of vitamins, amino acids, plant extracts. The drug is establishing the balance of hormones, eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of the female body adjustment. It is used as prevention of early menopause.

Are there any contraindications?

As you can see, all of these drugs are composed of vegetable and / or animal components, in some cases supplemented by vitamins and minerals. However, we should not forget that the reaction to some dietary supplements may be different. For example, you may be allergic, although this time you did not consider themselves allergic. In any case, starting the treatment, you should consult with your doctor, who can prescribe the correct treatment.

General recommendations

In conclusion, I would like to remind also that nobody cancels right living: it is moderate physical activity and a balanced diet. You will not achieve a positive result taking dietary supplements, if you do not follow the diet. Give preference products containing dietary fiber, protein, calcium. Do not forget about natural vitamins contained in vegetables and fruits. Move, live and be happy! Because life is beautiful, and the woman at any age, if it is active and positive about life, will always be in the spotlight!

  • Oct 19, 2019
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