Grandaxinum reviews in menopause women: how long can you take


  1. Features product and its composition
  2. Structure
  3. The main indications and contraindications to receiving funds
  4. Contraindications
  5. Possible side effects
  6. Instructions for use Grandaxinum
  7. What if I overdose?
  8. important recommendations
  9. As the drug can be taken for a long time?
  10. How it interacts with other drugs
  11. Reception at HRT
  12. analogs Grandaxinum

At the time of menopause may have problems with the nervous system. Reviews of Grandaxinum women in menopause a total positive mass. It helps to cope with panic attacks, uncontrollable fear, depression during menopause and symptomatic vascular dystonia. It should be noted that these symptoms may be accompanied by other unpleasant sensations that are even more interfere with the menopause to maintain a normal life and safely take new step change in their body.

In addition, very often prescribed Grandaxinum between nerve exacerbations in spring and autumn, to provide effective support to the nervous system without the appearance of pronounced signs of irregularities.

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Features product and its composition

It is a potent anxiolytic with pronounced sedative effect. Its main feature - it is used not only in the field of psychiatry, but also with the problems of premenstrual syndrome and menopause.

Although tranquilizer is a very effective and safe, it can not be taken without prior consultation and prescription from a doctor.

The drug has the following effects on the organism:

  1. Selective anxiolytic (elimination of anxiety, stress, fear).
  2. Vegetokorrektiruyuschim (removes trembling limbs, heart rhythm disorders, hormonal dysfunction, pale skin, symptoms of dizziness).
  3. Psychoactive (stabilize mood, eliminates apathy, improves intelligent processes).
  4. Koronarolitichesky (mild effect of the drug does not cause addiction and dependence).

Drink means can a wide range of patients who are in chronic stress without daily supervision by the attending physician. Grandaxinum effective during premenopazy, and in postmenopausal women.It helps women to cope not only with the psychological problems of menopause, but also protect the body from the harmful effects of CNS disorders.


Product is manufactured in the form of flat tablets having a disk shape. They can be pure white or light gray. On the one hand on the tablet contains an engraving, and with another - the strip. As for the characteristic odor, it is virtually non-existent. The drug has anxiolytic pharmacological activity. Tablets are available in blister (in each of ten tablets). The package may contain 2 or 6 blisters. MCC

The active substance is Tofizopamom (50 mg per tablet). The acts as an auxiliary component:

  • MCC;
  • starch;
  • octadecanoic acid;
  • gelatin;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • magnesium stearate.

Means belong to the group of day anxiolytics. Its absorption from the gastrointestinal tract is rapid. The maximum dose of the active substance observed two hours after administration. After this time period Tofizopama concentration decreases gradually and its metabolites is not characteristic pharmacological activity character. Output from the feces (about 30%) and urine (80%). The half-life may last 6-8 hours.

The main indications and contraindications to receiving funds

Menopause is not always accompanied by the problems of the nervous system. Some women report mood swings, apathy and depression almost every day, and some of these problems do not bother. Doctors conducted a study according to which Grandaxinum has a positive effect on the body, helping to deal with the following diseases and pathologies:

  • Neuroses, and various mental disorders. The woman is shown increased anxiety, apathy, feelings for no apparent reason, lethargy reactions, etc.
  • Vascular dystonia. Observed pathology and mental disorders somatic character. Failure occurs neurons and nerves. Also it includes a hormonal imbalance, the restructuring of the body, sensory disorders and neurotic nature of the disease.
  • Heartaches. The drug is good at angioznymi heart pains and cardialgia. Arise against heart disease vessels.
  • Symptomatology of menopause. Grandaxinum in menopause helps to eliminate the psycho-emotional disorders, as well as vegetative-vascular disorders. Woman suffering from emotional changes, insomnia, tired quickly and lose concentration.
  • Premenstrual syndrome. In premenopausal monthly still exist, so a woman can suffer from psycho-emotional, vascular and metabolic and endocrine disorders.

It is worth noting that Grandaxinum during menopause can significantly improve your overall well-being of women. And with the right treatment effect lasts for a long time.


The drug is a very positive effect on the body's health, but not all people can receive the drug. His reception is not possible in the following situations:

  • state aggression;
  • increased arousal;
  • Severe depression;
  • failure of respiratory function;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • idiosyncrasy active substance or auxiliary components.

Increased attention must be manifest in the following diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • closure type of glaucoma;
  • expressed oxygen deficit (respiratory failure);
  • respiratory distress syndrome;
  • organic brain damage.

In these cases it is necessary to consult with various specialists, in order to avoid possible complications. But even in the absence of contraindications self is not allowed.

Possible side effects

During drug administration may arise minor side effects that are not expressed in nature:

  • severe anxiety;
  • lack of appetite;
  • dizziness;
  • constipation;
  • feeling of dryness in the oral cavity;
  • flatulence,
  • muscle pain;
  • nausea;
  • respiratory depression;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • trouble sleeping;
  • itching and rash on the skin.

Most often, the side effects seen with intolerance to components of the drug, dose limit violations. In addition, long-term use is safe for health, but in some diseases of the break is still required.

Instructions for use Grandaxinum

Although the drug is not addictive, not accumulates in the body, the appointment of a physician, determining for his patient the dosage on the basis of their health data. It is impossible to take Grandaxinum without taking into account the individual characteristics of a person.

With regard to the standard dosage, it depends on the nature of the reception:

Regular intake. With continuous use doctor may prescribe 50-100 mg Tofizopama (active drug substance). It turns out that one or two tablets can drink an adult at a time, but no more than three rounds per day.

Irregular reception. In this case, a person drinks one or two tablets at the time of symptom exacerbation.

Importantly, in any situation the maximum dose should not exceed 300 mg Tofizopama that is six tablets. In addition, in patients with renal failure or post-menopausal should reduce the dosage in half.

More details about the doses can only tell the physician, because each case is unique in its own way.

What if I overdose?

It is important to take the tool in the right amount, or it may be an overdose. It is also necessary to consider the weight. As for the symptoms of an overdose, it is similar to the symptoms of nervous system disorders:

  • constant nausea;
  • sudden bouts of vomiting;
  • confusion;
  • breathing problems;
  • coma;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • epilepsy.

The first step in favor of gastric lavage. Optionally slow the absorption of the active substance with the activated carbon. But with breathing disorder should carry out artificial respiration, but can not give the person stimulants of the nervous system. If hypotension is an urgent need to call an ambulance. Here, the patient will be administered intravenous fluid, and if blood pressure returns to normal, the doctors resort to norepinephrine or dopamine.

It can be concluded that the use of such funds must be careful, just in response to changes in well-being. Only the correct dosing, certain physician, can ensure normal treatment without the occurrence of side effects and complications.

important recommendations

Menopause can be accompanied by various imbalances and pathologies. Therefore, please note the following:

  1. Side effects most often appear on the background of the problems with the liver, kidneys.
  2. Tofisopam contraindicated in chronic psychosis and obsessive phobias.
  3. Can not be used as monotherapy in severe depression accompanied by anxiety.
  4. You have to be extra careful in atherosclerosis.
  5. In people with epilepsy, it means the ability to enhance attacks.
  6. Among the ancillary components has a lactose monohydrate, so women with lactose intolerance should be more careful.
  7. The drug has no significant impact on the concentration of attention, but the need to consult a doctor in this matter, taking into account data on the patient's response to the drug.

It is dangerous to use a medicine after the expiration date. Tool may not give effect to or seriously harm the body. Universal Board - is systematic consultation with a doctor with a full description of the body's reaction to the drug.

As the drug can be taken for a long time?

In this regard, it will depend on the symptoms complained of by the woman. But only the doctor will determine how long you can take Grandaxinum. According to the response from physicians is permitted as a permanent reception and treatment interruptions.

Noting effective results, the doctor will slowly lower the dose to the patient could feel good and without this tool. Sometimes the doctor may prescribe a seasonal treatment, when the case of aggravation. Most often, it is spring, autumn. But here we do not forget that in the period of menopause at this time can worsen the general condition women (most of the load on the thyroid, an imbalance of sex hormones, depression, emotional instability).

So it does not hurt to get acquainted with Grandaxinum interaction with other drugs.

How it interacts with other drugs

Very often during menopause a woman is forced to take a variety of medications. During use of several funds necessary to pay attention to the fact that their active substances can strengthen or weaken the effects of each other on the body. In one case, you run the risk of overdose and the other drug may not give the desired effect.

Simultaneously take Grandaxinum prohibited with the following means:

  • Tacrolimus.
  • Sirolimus.
  • Cyclosporine.

In this case Tofisopam can increase the content of these drugs in human blood.

There are also combination with Grandaxinum in which you need to show special care:

  • Antidepressants, sedatives, antipsychoticsAnalgesics (effect is enhanced).
  • Hepatic enzyme inducers (tranquilizer reduce efficiency).
  • Some antifungal agents (ketoconazole, itraconazole tofizopama increase the content in the blood).
  • Antihypertensives (increase tranquilizer action).
  • Disulfiram (Grandaxinum inhibits metabolism).
  • Antacids (influence the rate of absorption tofizopama).
  • Oral contraceptive formulations (lower speed tofizopama metabolism).

All such cases are discussed with a doctor who prescribed scheme and duration of administration, and the sequence of medicaments.

Reception at HRT

All hormonal preparations have a considerable list of contraindications and side effects. Therefore, the World Medical is looking for ways to alternatives. Whereas previously only talked about phytohormones, but now more and more to the fore the use of such drugs Grandaxinum.

But studies have shown that the drug is almost does not change the frequency of hot flashes, but it reduces their intensity, and reduces negative feelings against the symptoms of menopause. According to the data during reception tranquilizer total number of unpleasant symptoms decreased by 50%. All this is the result of the relief of psycho-emotional and neurovegetative disorders.

The drug not only reduced the vegetative disorders and general anxiety, but it also has a beneficial effect on blood pressure. Therefore, a tranquilizer can be used to solve problems blood pressure and early menopauseAnd in postmenopausal women.

Experts agree that Grandaxinum has a significant beneficial effect on a woman's body during menopause. Correcting the neuro-vegetative and psycho-emotional processes, the tool reduces the manifestation of menopause, allowing a woman to safely move to a new stage of life.

Therefore, the tranquilizer may be included in the complex therapy of menopause, but only under the supervision of doctors. It is important to immediately determine the possibility of taking the drug so that it's easier to analyze the reaction of the person and the specifics of the processes in the body.

analogs Grandaxinum

If you can not take Grandaxinum, it can be replaced by means of the same effect on the body. But here it is necessary to study drugs before taking to become familiar with contraindications, side effects, and the main differences from this tranquilizer. Among the existing analogues is to provide:

  1. Afobazol. This selective nebenzodizepinovy ​​tranquilizer. The main feature - the restoration of the natural compensatory-defense mechanisms. He does not depress the central nervous system, exerting mild effects. It does not cause weakness, drowsiness and addiction.
  2. Adaptol. It represents anxiolytic, which is able to accumulate in the body. It has less power than Grandaxinum. It does not affect the physical activity, but it can cause insomnia.
  3. New Pass. Combined with means sedating effect. Very well it helps with severe headaches, reduces irritability, anxiety and strain. Very well in the treatment of VSD during menopause.
  4. Tenoten. It has just three types of action in the body: antiasthenic, antidepressant and anxiolytic. Able to stabilize the metabolic processes in the central nervous system. It improves memory, attention and concentration. It does not cause drowsiness.
  5. Biotredin. It was developed in Russia. It is a modern drug promotes natural disclosure of human brain capacity. It improves mental ability, memory and helps fight with overexertion and stressful situations.
  6. Atarax. Effective means for removal of anxiety. It is indicated for psycho-emotional and neurological disturbances.

Each tool has its own advantages. But do not forget to pay attention to the composition of the drug. Sometimes patients with unexpressed symptoms does not make sense to take drastic means. In this case, you can pick up a weak analogy.

Climax brings some discomfort in a woman's life. And if one can cope with the transition to this stage without apparent psycho-emotional disorders, the other women need appropriate therapy for the relief of symptoms and prevention of more serious disorders of the nervous system. But do not forget about the possible side effects. The most correct solution - is the systematic visits to the hospital, delivery analyzes in menopause and discuss their symptoms with a physician.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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