Pulsatilla at a delay of menstruation, instructions, price, reviews


  1. Feature means and its effect
  2. testimony
  3. for use and dosage instructions
  4. exceptions
  5. Advice
  6. Contraindications
  7. side effects
  8. When will the monthly?
  9. Price
  10. Reviews of Pulsatilla
  11. analogs

A slight disruption of the menstrual cycle can be adjusted with homeopathic remedies. Drugs in this group Pulsatilla at a delay menstruation helps only in certain cases. Therefore, a woman before you start treatment, you need to consult a gynecologist to establish an accurate diagnosis and the prognosis regarding the effectiveness of the drug. This article tells how the Pulsatilla at a delay of monthly lead the instructions for use of the drug, the price mark, introduce the real product reviews.

Pulsatila delay at monthly

Feature means and its effect

Pulsatilla belongs to homeopathic drugs. It is based on the same name the plant, which is popularly referred to as the sleep-grass. Lumbago meadow is widely used in alternative medicine due to the beneficial effect on the work of the following body systems:

  • endocrine;
  • sex;
  • nervous;
  • immune.

Extract lumbago has such action:

instagram viewer
  1. Improved circulation.
  2. Eliminating hormonal disruptions.
  3. The normalization of the thyroid gland.
  4. Total body purification.
  5. Call monthly.

Read also about the applying Vitamin E to the normalization of the menstrual cycle Article link.


Pulsatilla can be taken in various diseases that affect not only the gynecology. The drug is used in the following disorders of the menstrual cycle:

  • amenorrhea;
  • endocrine infertility;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • premenopausal and menopause.

It should be understood that only homeopathy can not cure a serious gynecological diseases. Therefore Pulsatilla helps if the associated delay:

  • stress management;
  • with physical overexertion;
  • with climate change;
  • with a slight hormonal imbalance;
  • with recovery of the body after infectious and viral diseases.

When delayed menstruation should first visit a gynecologist and to examine the reproductive system. It is important to rule out serious pelvic pathology, infectious and fungal diseases.

Many women use broth onion skin at a delay of menstruation. Learn proven recipes in the article here.

for use and dosage instructions

The means available in several embodiments. For the treatment of amenorrhea and menstruation unstable suitable marking C6, but some sources indicate D200. Most homeopathists advise their patients namely centesimal dilution, which corresponds to the classification of Hahnemann Latin letter C and a coefficient of 6.

In a standard situation, receiving at a delay circuit Pulsatilla month is:

  • daily dose - 10 pellets;
  • duration of reception - 3 days;
  • prerequisite - equal to the amount of time between meals;
  • method of use - absorption under the tongue;
  • relationship with food - on an empty stomach or one hour after a meal.


There are a number of cases, when the treatment is different from the usual rate:

  1. Systematic delay. Twenty pellets per day in two divided doses for three days.
  2. Prevention. Duration of reception is week, and the woman must drink granules 15 by dividing the total dose for three days.

It is important to mention that the call for Pulsatilla month should be spelled out only the relevant specialist. Gynecologists often do not have the knowledge to help homeopaths choose the appropriate amount of the drug on the basis of the nature and constitution of women.

Discover how much more Preparations for the recovery of the menstrual cycle successfully used by women.


To prevent a decrease in the efficiency of Pulsatilla, should be excluded from the diet, the following foods:

  • citrus fruits;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • coffee;
  • strong tea;
  • cocoa.

It should adhere clear gap between morning and evening drug administration (12 hours). Also, many homeopaths claim that the sleep-grass better help women who meet the following specifications:

  • blonde hair;
  • Blue, blue, blue-gray eyes;
  • propensity to anxiety and experiences;
  • soft and pliant character;
  • fear of the dark;
  • emotional dependence and tearfulness;
  • marked femininity and honesty.

But we must understand that there is no clear evidence in this regard. Therefore, the drug well to almost all women who suffer from menstrual disorders.


The drug has virtually no contraindications, but it can not be used under such circumstances:

  1. Idiosyncrasy.
  2. Allergic reactions in the history of sulfur and sleep-grass.
  3. Age up to 18 years.

Sometimes medication prescribed to children, but its application to the safety of the girls cycle infancy has not been proved. Also, pregnancy and lactation is not a direct contraindication. But the feasibility of the treatment should be discussed with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

side effects

The emergence of side effects observed very rarely. Most often, this is a minor allergic reactions, which take place on their own. Canceling treatment is not necessary if the general state of health is not impaired, and the unpleasant symptoms disappear within a few days. An exception is the intolerance Pulsatilla components.

When will the monthly?

Means causing the monthly fast enough. Some women begin menstruating after a few hours. But monthly bleeding should go during the day. If not, you should not increase the dose on their own or continue to drink granules without interruption. The prolonged absence of menstruation can be associated with other disorders, which are not eliminated by the sleep-grass.


Many women mistakenly believe that the drug is quite expensive. But prices in the area of ​​1 thousand. rubles and more refers to a solution for intravenous administration. Price Pulsatilla C6 is from 45 to 100 p. This figure depends on the region of residence.

The drug can be bought, but not in all pharmacies. Therefore, the female audience increasingly prefers to order via the Internet. Faced with forgery is virtually impossible, because the low price means making it unattractive to fraudsters. But it is still better to shop in a safe place.

Reviews of Pulsatilla

Reviews of Pulsatilla for a delay monthly divided into two opposing camps. The main thing that is not found in the comments about severe side effects and adverse health effects.

Comment Maria, 35 years: "In the hospital gynecologist found no reason for the delay, write off all the stress. Therefore sedatives prescribed me pills and advised to drink away the drug Pulsatilla. Immediately I warn that the first attempt did not work cause bleeding. I had to take 5 courses, and only then the situation is completely stabilized. "

Comment Valya, city Vladivostok: "I'm such a negative attitude to medicine, but when all else fails, you start to believe everything. Buying agent, together with a friend in a pharmacy. After this month the drug was launched in 4 days with daub. The cycle has not changed for the worse, but delays occur several times a year. Therefore, I say that I used herb in the pellets is only suitable as an adjunctive therapy. "

Comment Anya, 25 years old: "After giving birth, something happened with the hormonal background. Hair began to fall, become painful periods, and the delay through a loop occurred. I saw a sleep-grass a few months with breaks for instructions. The result is zero, and helped me to hormonal treatments. And I'm not the only one, but do not rule out possible means I just do not come. "


Homeopathic sphere has a similar set of dietary supplements, which are able to have a positive impact not only on the reproductive system, but also on general health. Therefore Pulsatilla can be replaced by the following means:

  • Ratsemoza act;
  • Kaulefillyum;
  • Black cohosh.

The action of any drug alternative medicine is not supported by reliable evidence. Reviews show that Pulsatilla helps most women, but only if there are no serious problems with sexual health. Therefore, before the start of the course you should consult your gynecologist and have for its intended use means to induce menstruation. Homeopathic supplements although considered safe, but if used improperly, also harmful to health.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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