Menopace (reviews): instructions for use, composition (Menopace Plus)


  1. Application and features Menopace
  2. Structure and mechanism of drug action
  3. Release forms and methods of using funds
  4. Contraindications and side effects of medications
  5. analogs Menopace
  6. Reviews of physicians and patients about the drug

Every living organism goes through three main stages of his existence: the development phase of the most active and wilting. The process of decay of the female body is called the menopause, when the reproductive function gradually fades. This is a very complex mechanism, which entails the restructuring of the female body and its systems. Things do not always go smoothly and completely, and sometimes Menopause brings with it a variety of discomfort. At this point the aid of medication, which at the expense of its components have on the body similar to the action of the missing hormones. In such cases, experts often refer to Badam or plant hormones or vitamins and minerals that will not only eliminate the symptoms but also rejuvenate the body. A popular representative of such drugs is Menopace its instructions for use in conjunction with feedback is described in this article.

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Application and features Menopace

When hormone therapy is excluded or one of its few, come to the aid of biologically active food supplements and vitamins and minerals. High efficiency proved Menopace preparation - the combined agent containing a a rich variety of vitamins and minerals, the effect of which is aimed at improving the quality of life in menopause period. The drug is not a drug, as relates to the biologically active additives.

Its components simulate the action of hormones, which in this period is in short supply, and are an excellent prevention of vitamin and micronutrient deficiency. In relieving symptoms such as emotional imbalance, mood swings, palpitations, insomnia, dizziness, jumps in blood pressure, bothersome hot flashes, profuse sweating, decreased libido, dry mucous membranes of the genitals and other manifestations.

Structure and mechanism of drug action

This high efficiency means due to its multifunctional structure, which includes vitamins and minerals. Because the drug is presented Menopace capsules and capsules with tablets Menopace Plus, you can say that the capsules have an identical composition, but the pills include herbal extracts.

Thus, the capsules contain:

  • Tocopherol (vitamin E) reduces the disintegration of progesterone, which helps avoid muscle pains and blood pressure spikes; It leads to normal thermoregulation.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) helps to cope with heart palpitations, and in combination with tocopherol - eliminates neurosis and irritability during menopause.
  • Retinol (vitamin A) maintains the water balance of the mucous membranes, which helps to avoid vaginal dryness and skin.
  • Kolekaltsiferol (vitamin D) enhances calcium absorption, preventing thinning of bone tissue.
  • Thiamine and riboflavin (vitamin B1 and B2) restore the balance of the nervous activity.
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) maintains normal glucose levels.
  • Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) in combination with other vitamins and minerals beneficial effect on neural activity.
  • Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) supported in their function adrenal estrogen production.
  • Iodine helps to metabolize fats.
  • Folic acid relieves symptoms of emotional instability.
  • Biotin (vitamin H) in conjunction with other vitamins involved in all beneficial reactions in the body.
  • Nicotinamide (vitamin PP) helps to cope with stress.
  • Iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, chromium, copper, manganese, boron, together with vitamins support the immune system development profilaktiruet a tumor, strengthen all kinds of body tissues and are involved in all processes of the body, which have an effect hormones.

All substances interact with each other, providing only a beneficial effect on the organism.

Tablets plus Menopace include those plant components:

  • Green tea (extract), which are powerful antioxidants, it normalizes cell work, preventing them from aging, improves cardiovascular system, prevents the formation of excess body fat, is an excellent prevention of various tumors character.
  • Sage extract has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antipyretic properties. It helps eliminate disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. It lowers cholesterol and blood sugar.
  • Soy isoflavones inhibit the development of disease and negative manifestations on the part of the cardiovascular system, resulting in the order of metabolism.
  • Flax seeds (extract) has a rejuvenating effect. By blocking the production of estrogen unnecessary, prevents the formation of tumors and inflammatory processes.

Release forms and methods of using funds

BAA Menopace represented by two means: Menopace and Menopace Plus, complex with identical composition, but an improved and enhanced with plant extracts. Both drugs are shown capsules for oral administration in an amount of 28 pieces, and Menopace Plus - enhanced 28th pills with natural ingredients. Separately, tablets are not for sale.
The capsules are green inside which is the yellow powder granules. Tablet - round, painted red.

The facility Menopace instructions for use requires them to take 1 capsule per day during or after a meal with a small amount of water. It is not recommended to drink the medicine along with teas, hot water or on an empty stomach. reception rate can be several months. This norm defines the specialist starting from the characteristics of your body and the clinical picture.

Menopace plus taken in the same way, only need to add to the capsule and 1 tablet per day, not raskusyvaya and not pre-crushing her. the use of the course - 28 days, after which you need to pause for a period of 14 to 28 days.

Contraindications and side effects of medications

The drug does not have a large number of contraindications. These include only individual allergic reactions to certain substances from the Menopace, pregnancy and nursing, hemosiderosis and hemochromatosis is caused by an excess of iron in body.

Do not take it with other vitamin and mineral complexes and Badami without a doctor's recommendation to avoid overdoses of certain substances. Also worth exclude the simultaneous use of capsules and tablets along with calcium-containing agents should make at least a period of 2-3 hours between their application.

Women suffering from thyroid diseases should take into account the content of iodine in the complex and undergo an initial consultation with an endocrinologist.

Side effects were observed only in 3% of patients in the form of a minor allergic reactions (pruritus, redness of the skin).

Overdose of the drug - a rather rare phenomenon. Rather, we can speak of an overdose of substances contained in it, in the case of use with other complexes without doctor's advice. This can be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or bloating.

analogs Menopace

Menopace analogs can assume certain medicinal drugs, vitamins and minerals and dietary supplements. This, for example, Vitrum, Gormopleks, Klimadinon tablets, Klimodien, Remens drug, capsules and drops Feminal, The effect of which is to eliminate the climacteric syndrome. But here's funds with a similar composition and quantity of the content of nutrients in it - yet.

Reviews of physicians and patients about the drug

Both complexes Menopace series of reviews in the most positive, both specialists and patients. The drug is manufactured in the UK, whose pharmacy and medicine have earned the respect of the world.

Specialist prescribed medication as the primary or auxiliary therapy for premenstrual phase, menopause and even after it. Many experts say that if you start to use this set at the very beginning climacteric manifestations, it is possible to get rid of the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause in Later it flows. Various compounds, minerals and vitamins Menopace selected in unique combinations and proportions, that allows to reach 85% of cases of application of high results in alleviating the symptoms of menopause.

Also, the drug has an excellent tonic effect on a woman's body, some even say a noticeable rejuvenation of both inside and outside after the first week of application.

Some specialists prefer the use Menopace in combination with hormonal therapy, while others believe in his self-efficacy. But all of it is safe to say favorable results in the elimination of hot flashes, chills, body temperature jumps, pain in the head, abdomen and lower back. Markedly stabilizes psycho-emotional system.

Almost every review for this tool can be seen that by means of it managed to improve the quality of sexual life, resolve emotional background, to get rid of insomnia, sedation, increase efficiency and common health. And the most important thing for a woman - slowing down the aging process of all types of cells and tissues.

Menopace is an excellent vitamin and mineral complex to combat symptoms of Climax and prolongs the female youth.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 78
  • 194