Non-hormonal drugs during menopause hot flashes: the treatment of hormone-free


  1. Do I need to fight the symptoms?
  2. What is the advantage of treatment of hot flashes without hormones?
  3. What are non-hormonal drugs during menopause hot flashes
  4. Pharmacy drugs of plant-based
  5. Estrovel
  6. Remens
  7. Chi-Klim
  8. Klimadinon
  9. Klimaktoplan
  10. Klimaksan
  11. ethnoscience
  12. Evening primrose oil
  13. Evening primrose oil
  14. Herbs, teas and infusions
  15. sedatives
  16. antihypertensive drugs
  17. Trankvelizatory and antiepileptics

Tides - one of the most common signs of pathological menopause, which occurs as a result of disorders of the vegetative-vascular system. In some cases, the intensity of hot flashes is so pronounced that without the use of additional medication can not do. Non-hormonal drugs during menopause hot flashes - the preferred treatment option. This group of funds include: a variety of dietary supplements, Homeopathic medicines, sedatives, organic foods, drugs regulating the functioning of the nervous and vegetative-vascular system.

Let's talk about how to deal with the tides, by means that do not contain artificial hormones after menopause when hormonal drugs can cause quite serious problems health.

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non-hormonal drugs

Do I need to fight the symptoms?

This question naturally arises from the fact that menopause itself is not a disease. And, accordingly, a manifestation of pathological symptoms to some extent is justified. Sometimes, however, the tides are accompanied by not only a physiological discomfort, which in itself is not dangerous, but severe dysfunction of the organs and body systems. This is where it becomes necessary to use a variety of non-hormonal drugs.

Very often in the background of aggressive flowing tides are created conditions for the development of hypertension, atherosclerosis, which subsequently leads to heart problems. For example, developing ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris, tachycardia, bradycardia and others. Climax and tachycardia often they come together. This is explained by the gradual decline in the natural production of the main female sex hormone - estrogen. Their lack causes in the body a series of changes of negative character. To support the body during this crucial period would be reasonable to have recourse to special preparations, can neutralize the excessive severity of pathological manifestations and, thus, prevent the occurrence of complications.

What is the advantage of treatment of hot flashes without hormones?

The development of treatment strategies especially individual in each case. The choice of drugs depends on the severity of the problem and the seriousness of the consequences that this problem causes. Preference is given to hormonal drugs only in exceptional cases where the risk of complications from their use is less than the benefit that can bring this treatment. In all other cases, the best option to combat bouts of fever are non-hormonal drugs are different course of action.

Preparations for the treatment of hot flashes in menopause without hormones have a number of advantages compared to hormonal therapy options:

  1. If we talk about plant-based tools, they are, firstly, have far fewer contraindications. This can be idiosyncrasy of the individual components, the presence of hormone-dependent tumors and certain metabolic disorders.
  2. Secondly, during menopause hormonal agents affect the body more delicately, without provoking the development of side effects that often accompany hormone replacement therapy. Especially the terrible consequences of abuse of hormones - the development of cancer processes, thrombosis and thromboembolism. It is an unpleasant appearance and endocrine disorders, often accompanied by an increase in body weight.
  3. Third, the administration of drugs containing no hormone, further enriched with plant extracts, increases the body's defenses and its adaptive capacity, helps to keep the visual appeal and extend youth.

What are non-hormonal drugs during menopause hot flashes

The fight against the tides requires an integrated approach. They should be targeted as the cause of disease and pathological symptoms and effects, which he followed. To carry out such an effect often use the following tools Group:

  • preparations based on vegetal extracts;
  • sedatives;
  • antihypertensive drugs;
  • antiepileptic complexes;
  • tranquilizers.

The need to use such a wide range of products due to the nature of occurrence of the tides and the vastness of their accompanying symptoms.

Let's look at each group of tools to help reduce the severity of hot flushes in more detail.

Pharmacy drugs of plant-based

This group of drugs include biologically active additives and homeopathic complexes containing substances capable help combat tides. The choice of these funds on the market today is truly inexhaustible, but among them there are options that have earned positive reviews and recommendations of the fair sex. Among them are:


This is one of the most popular complex drugs used to eliminate the symptoms of menopause. The basis of its effectiveness is the use of medicinal properties of a large number of plants, in particular, black cohosh, soybeans, nettle. Due to the content of phytoestrogens is possible to normalize the hormones and smooth pathological manifestations menostaza, including hot flashes. This preparation is further enriched with vitamins, folic acid, Amino acids, which allows women to make up the energy reserves of the organism in this difficult time for her.


Homeopathic agent having a specific authority among similar drugs. It has two release forms, drops and tablets in menopause hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms. Remens positive effect is due to the content in its composition of plant estrogen substitutes derived from black cohosh racemosa, Sanguinar Canadian. Subsidiary effect has presence in the formulation of microscopic doses of snake venom and secretory liquid cuttlefish. Due to this combination of components is not only a reduction in the severity of hot flashes attacks, but also the elimination of psychological and emotional instability, headaches and migraines, hyperhidrosis, palpitations and other pathological symptoms;


The drug is presented in three dosage form. This pill, as well as drops and cream. They include all also dominated by black cohosh - known source of phytoestrogens. Action means amplifies the addition of minerals such as calcium and magnesium. The preparation gently regulates hormones and does not cause negative side effects. Chi-Klim a cream helps to minimize the symptoms of menopause, by helping to keep a youthful and fresh appearance of the skin of the face and body. Its composition is enriched with hyaluronic acid, retinol, vitamin supplements. see also what vitamins drink in menopause.


This is another non-hormonal drug that can help to combat hot flashes. Its effectiveness is based on the estrogenic action of substances that are part of the dry extract of black cohosh. Reviews of shoppers indicate that the positive results obtained after administration of the drug. Thanks to him there was a significant reduction in the severity of vegetative-vascular disorders (Hot flashes, sleep at night, increased lability, depression);


Tablets of tides and other symptoms menostaza containing a mix of mineral extracts: black cohosh, sepia, Ignatius sanginarii. The interaction of these components provides a pronounced effect in combating the pathological symptoms of menopause. The drug helps to cope with hot flashes, increased emotional irritability, impaired thermoregulation, sleep problems.


The drug is presented in the pharmaceutical market in the form of homeopathic granules and tablets. It consists of a trio of leading components: black cohosh, Lachesis, bee venom. Useful properties of each complementary efficacy of other constituent, which explains the general positive dynamic after the reception of the complex. Application Klimaksan It helps equalize hormonal stabilizing the overall condition of the woman and neutralizing the negative symptoms.


Outstanding representatives of traditional medicine can be called the Clean Point tampons. They contain plant hormones, estrogens, which are necessary for the normalization of the state of health of women in menopause. Reviews of fitotamponah of this type, see the link in one of our articles.

Speaking of herbal preparations, we can not say a few words about the positive properties of such funds, like evening primrose oil and evening primrose oil, which has long been considered a reliable assistant in opposition menopausal syndrome in women.

Receiving plant collections also has beneficial effects on the health of women. A well-known of monastic tea of menopause include the above-mentioned plants, as well as thyme, sage, motherwort.

Evening primrose oil

The oil has been successfully used to combat the symptoms of menopause. It is rich in linoleic and gamma-linolenic acids. These substances are polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-6, and their value to women's health is difficult to overestimate. At the climax of the evening primrose oil can prevent the development of atherosclerosis, strengthen immune defenses, maintain visual acuity, help to keep youth and beauty of hair, skin, nails, strengthen the adaptive properties of the nervous system, protect the heart from pathological changes. No wonder, evening primrose oil is recommended to take at any time during a woman's life, especially when menostaze. For ease of use this valuable product is available on the pharmaceuticals market in the form of a capsule in a gelatin shell.

Evening primrose oil

This is another source of valuable ingredients necessary for health and longevity of the female body. This product is not less popular than evening primrose oil. Receiving this agent reduces the viscosity of the blood to form clots fighting, protect cell membranes from free radical damage, increases the immune protection eliminates the expression of vegetative-vascular disorders, regulate the activity of the reproductive system, helps prevent premature aging of the skin covers, It improves the condition of the hair.

Herbs, teas and infusions

We should also highlight the use of a heat treatment of hot flushes teas and infusions of medicinal herbs, vegetable rich in phytoestrogens. Among them are considered to be the most effective:

  • Sage. It helps eliminate the vestibular disorders, relieves spasms, has a calming effect, eliminates the inflammation of the urogenital area. Sage in menopause It helps to balance the activity of the hormone system.
  • Red brush in menopause a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive organs, eliminates vegetative-vascular disorders, stabilizes hormones, thereby helping to eliminate hot flashes symptoms and reduce the frequency and intensity of attacks head pain;
  • Borovaya uterus - a plant, the use of which at high tide has worked very well, and solo and as part of fees, in particular, in combination with a red brush. This plant relieves tension, stabilizes hormones, reduces sweating, smooths out the severity of hot flashes, struggling with pathological processes in the pelvic organs;
  • Red clover - a plant with a tonic, anti-cancer, antiseptic, anti, anti-sclerotic action. Course use infusions of this plant can significantly improve the condition of women and to minimize the activity of the tides.

Read also more about the treatment of medicinal plants in the article about folk remedy for menopause hot flashes and sweating.


Sedatives are also helping in the fight against the tides. The necessity of their use is explained not only interconnection of all vital processes in organism, but provocative direct action on the occurrence of emotional outbursts flushes. In connection with this appointment sedatives, not only increases the adaptive properties of the psyche and improves the emotional state of a woman, but also reduces the frequency and intensity of hot flushes. Priority means are treatment options based on vegetable components. For example, such as Percy Novo passes, tincture motherwort, valerian tincture and so forth.

In more serious cases may require the use of drugs: Afobazol, Phenibutum, tenoten, Adaptol et al. They all help to reduce emotional lability of the nervous system, indirect leveling force attacks.

antihypertensive drugs

Antihypertensive drugs are required in cases where the climacteric pathology manifests itself in the form of high blood pressure. Sometimes hypertension occurs alone and sometimes accompanied by episodes of hot flashes. In any case, this condition requires constant monitoring of indicators of blood pressure regulation and its differences with the help of medical devices.

Frivolity in a similar situation threatens the development of such dangerous conditions such as stroke. The choice of drug should be entrusted to the physician, initiative in this matter can have dire consequences. There are several groups of drugs that differ in their composition, and the action of the symptoms in which they are applied. Understand all this diversity very difficult person without special education, so you should immediately contact the hospital at the first sign of trouble.

Trankvelizatory and antiepileptics

These are serious drugs, which can prescribe a doctor. They are used particularly in severe cases, when the condition of the central nervous system causes a woman's fears. These funds are struggling with the manifestations of convulsive states, neuropathic pain, epilepsy, severe depression.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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