Inderal at VSD: symptoms, methods of treatment, prevention


  1. SUMMARY causes and development of the disease during the period menostaza
  2. Symptoms and consequences of the IRR in menopause
  3. tides
  4. Disruptions to the cardiovascular system
  5. Psycho-emotional disorders
  6. Thyroid work
  7. Problems in the activity of the urogenital system and digestive tract
  8. hyperventilation syndrome
  9. Decreased libido
  10. Methods of treating vascular dystonia when menostaze
  11. Propranolol in the treatment of disorders vegetovascular
  12. Prevention of dystonia
  13. Food
  14. Physical activity
  15. Daily regime
  16. Absence or neutralization of bad habits
  17. Regular sex life

Any woman approaching the time when the first manifestations of menopause begin experiencing serious stress. This is easily explained by the fact that the very concept of menopause is inextricably associated in our minds with the aging process. And health is gradually beginning to falter. Gradually, in the home medicine cabinet there are specific medications: Inderal at VSD, Phenibut from nerves, Ibuprofen for pain, Pancreatin with digestive problems... Life becomes a constant struggle with symptoms. And willy-nilly sad images coming age. But very often the negative phenomena are explained not so much by age-related changes, as the dysfunction of the nervous system, which cleverly disguised as features of different pathologies.

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SUMMARY causes and development of the disease during the period menostaza

This pathology - the phenomenon of the mysterious and often difficult to recognize even experienced professionals. The fact is that its features can be similar to symptoms of other diseases. And on the stage of the survey specialist to whom people turned for help, must correctly orient a history of diagnosis and prescribe justified. And it will draw further treatment.

At its core, dystonia - a disorder based on the imbalance of sympathetic and interaction parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system, characterized by a whole bunch of different manifestations and symptoms.

It activates the sympathetic section of all the processes occurring in the body. For example, it is responsible for increased blood flow, increases vascular tone, resulting in stimulation of functioning of the internal organs and positively affecting the operability. The action of the parasympathetic division is aimed at forming processes slow down operations and move the body to the resting stage. An example would be the occurrence of fatigue after performing a certain labor, the onset of relaxation before the night's sleep, deep sleep.

When the formation of phases of excitation and deceleration ceases to obey certain laws, talk about the failures of the autonomic nervous system.

This disease, like no other, is associated with psychological and emotional well-being in the sphere of human life. It is therefore not surprising that menopause is marked by manifestations of nature. Chain relationship is simple: the hormonal changes cause a reduction of estrogen, which are responsible, in particular, and for the formation of stable mechanisms of adaptation to stress impacts. Accordingly, the fall of the level of hormones causes disharmony in the CNS and thereby indirectly stimulates dystonia. Since the emotional state of the menopause itself is unstable, the emergence of the IRR becomes easily understandable.

Subsidiary reasons may be:

  • heredity;
  • especially the nervous system device, temperament, character type;
  • weakening of immunity after surgeries, infections;
  • presence of disorders in the central nervous system functioning, trauma;
  • abuse addictions;
  • increased physical, mental, emotional stress;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Symptoms and consequences of the IRR in menopause

As mentioned above, the diagnosis of dystonia is often complicated by the fact that its symptoms overlap with symptoms of other diseases. However, the IRR in menopause is identified simply as in medical practice of its manifestations has long been formed into a single complex characteristic of the arrival of menopause. Suffice it to call a woman his age as a doctor at once there is a logical comparison of the patient's complaints pathological signs of menopause, To express the dysfunction of the autonomic system.

If you have any suspicious changes should be made to the help of doctors. The treatment can help a therapist, neurologist, cardiologist, vascular surgeon.

What are the main symptoms of VSD during menopause?


First of all, the so-called "hot flashes", the frequency and intensity of which menopause causes to separate them from the general group of symptoms of distress on the part of the heart and blood vessels. This process resembles the natural phenomenon - a sea wave. He is a sharp blood flow to the upper part of the body, accompanied by a feeling of unbearable heat and causing a rush of blood to the chest, neck and face. Then the phenomenon takes place in reverse order - woman splash ice then, "wave" makes return movement.

Hot flashes are often accompanied by a short-term shutdown of consciousness, severe dizziness, Weakness, tremors in the hands and feet. When during the menopausal syndrome pathological similar processes occur more than 20 times a day, they can take up to several minutes.

Disruptions to the cardiovascular system

Most often it is bradycardia, angina, coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, tachycardia in menopause symptoms which manifest themselves in the form of disruptions in heart rhythm, pain syndromes. And also, dyspnea climax - outward sign of their characteristic. All these troubles can pose a serious threat to health and life, causing heart attacks and strokes.

Psycho-emotional disorders

Instability in the psycho-emotional sphere, shown flashes of irritation, hypertrophic resentment, a feeling of complete indifference and apathy to the ongoing events, hysterical and suicidal state. performance decline, inability to concentrate, memory loss.

Thyroid work

Violation of metabolic processes and hormonal changes provoke endocrine disorders (diabetes) and malfunction of the thyroid gland.

Problems in the activity of the urogenital system and digestive tract

Manifest an increased urge to urinate and defecate, bloating, pain, unexplained specific disorders of the digestive organs.

hyperventilation syndrome

Manifested by wheezing, dyspnea, lack of oxygen, weakness, dizziness, and sometimes reaching up to fainting. Headaches, migraines may become frequent and prolonged.

Decreased libido

Problems in sexual life (persistent decreased sexual desire, Lack of orgasm) can also be triggered by the disease, is developed on the background menostaza and has an adverse effect on the emotional lability of women.

Methods of treating vascular dystonia when menostaze

Solution should include a range of activities.
The first thing you should pay attention, as the basis of a prosperous therapy is to stabilize the emotional state. In the course can go either drugs based on natural herbs with a sedative effect ( "Motherwort", "Valerian," "NEW-Pass") or medications. So if the emotional lability pronounced, it justified the appointment of tranquilizers (Phenibut, Afobazol, Adaptol).

But the tactics of treatment aimed at eliminating adverse symptoms from other organs It may be varied and will depend on the location of the problem, its intensity and extent of potential danger.

In the treatment of dystonia using combination therapy, correcting both its symptoms and their causes.

  • so while sleep disorders, Insomnia, so often accompanying VSD during menopause, resorted to using hypnotics (Zolpidem, dormicum). But their appointment should be made only by the attending physician. Self-threatening side effects and exacerbate the problems.
  • Restore memory, performance and ability to concentrate help: Glycine, Pantogam, Aktovegin.
  • climacteric depression, Panic disorder is corrected with the help of anti-depressants: Amitriptyline; paroxetine; Sertraline. This is another group of drugs in which the appointment is extremely dangerous initiative.
  • In the struggle with migraines, vertigo, provoked by ischemic attack, performed well Cavintonum. They can be assigned as Pentoxifylline or Oxybral.
  • Women suffering reduced pressure can help the use of adaptogens: Ginseng tincture; radiograms pink tincture, lemongrass, Eleutherococcus.
  • With the development of hypertension resorted to using antihypertensive drugs: Inderal, metoprolol, enalapril, hood.
  • Significant impact on the treatment have physiotherapy (infrared laser radiation, radon baths, electrophoresis), massage courses, acupuncture, darsonvalization, passing spa courses treatment.
  • As a measure of additional support to the body can be used by application of vitamin-mineral complexes, supplemented with plant estrogens. These farmapreparaty help strengthen the protective functions, provide a burst of energy, and due to the content of plant hormone components, allow for the gradual smooth hormonal surges.
  • Positive dynamics is able to interact with a psychologist, aimed at addressing the psycho-emotional overload, exacerbate menopausal symptoms. Study of internal problems, the importance of awareness, natural menopause, the adoption of its body changes are able to provide the necessary stability of the nervous system.

Propranolol in the treatment of disorders vegetovascular

Malfunction of the cardiovascular system are the most dangerous among other manifestations of autonomic disorders. If the reproductive period cardiac pathology is characterized more for the male part of the population, postmenopausal women compared with the opposite sex in the incidence of diseases of data. Inderal at VSD will enable a comprehensive approach to the correction of faults in the activity of the heart and blood vessels.

In particular, the intake of this drug, you can:

  • significantly lower blood pressure (his indicators aligned approximately 2 weeks after the start of use);
  • eliminate angina;
  • fight migraine recurrence;
  • align your heart rate;
  • reduce the risk of bleeding, since the drug increases the contractile ability of the uterus;
  • get rid of tremor;
  • to assist in the treatment of hyperthyroidism, helping to subdue hyperthyroidism
  • neutralize panic attacks by blocking the action of epinephrine.

One of the drawbacks of the drug is a dampening effect on the concentration, so performing actions that require high concentration during the treatment can be difficult.

The correct dosage of the drug may appoint a doctor, based on the results of examination and medical history.

Prevention of dystonia

Preventive methods of struggle should be distributed in two ways: the normalization of psycho-emotional state and lifestyle adjustments.

To stabilize the psyche can become an excellent option meditation classes, yoga, The use of relaxation practices, access to the pool, listening to soft music, reading books. The benefit is communicating and doing some hobby. The essence of this kind of prevention - prevention of excessive inactivity, a distraction from the "bad" thoughts. This is especially important for people melancholic warehouse, prone to pessimism and self-blame.

Correct way of life - the basis for health and body, and soul. To prevent the development of the IRR, you should pay attention to the following components of life:


The body should do the necessary, but not excessive, amount of nutrients, vitamins, trace elements. Fast food, fatty and fried foods should be rare exceptions. A sufficient amount of meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts and dried fruits in a woman's diet are able to give more energy and maintain the body's activities in the energy-intensive period. It is important to consume adequate amounts of clean water.

Physical activity

Any kind of physical activity - from hiking before going to bed to aqua aerobics - will be relevant. Movement helps to saturate the blood with oxygen, improve blood circulation, strengthen metabolism and hormonal processes, prevents weight gain and improves mood.

Daily regime

Prevention and treatment require that control of work and rest. Overwork, lack of time for sleep provoke the development of vegetative disorders. It is desirable to coincide with morning awakening and bedtime ritual a certain time and try to observe the established boundaries.

Absence or neutralization of bad habits

Alcohol and nicotine adversely affect the condition of the body as a whole and in particular the central nervous system. They not only poison the body of toxic substances, but also cause vasospasms, hypertension, pathology heart, thyroid, breast tumors, ie all areas already prone to the negative effects of menopause.

Regular sex life

The impact of well-being in this area can not be denied. Sexual satisfaction increases the resistance to stress, and support women's self-esteem smoothes hormonal surges.

Dystonia - a complex phenomenon that can largely aggravate the arrival of menopause. Start the fight against this insidious disease is best initially, until he did not cause substantial harm to the health and quality of life. Only attention to yourself and your body can help women successfully overcome menopausal changes and stop the manifestation of the disease.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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