Inula call for monthly


  1. Features elecampane
  2. When taking nard to call the critical days
  3. The chemical composition of plants
  4. Contraindications and side effects
  5. Methods of Use

Modern living conditions and its accelerated rhythm of a negative impact on women's health, which is manifested disorders of the menstrual cycle. Most of these violations are corrected by hormone therapy, however, if it is not a systematic and serious problems, the fairer sex have resorted to traditional medicine. Most popular is the herb elecampane in disorders of the female cycle. What is the grass, and how to take for monthly nard, find out in this article.

Nard for monthly

Features elecampane

No plant so is not known for its beneficial effects on the female reproductive system and menstrual disorders like nard. From ancient times it is used to normalize the cycle call and monthly relief of PMS symptoms.

This is explained by the fact that all cyclic disorders are mainly associated with hormonal imbalances. This plant contains unique substances - plant hormones that are similar to human sex hormones. So they getting into the body, model the effects of missing estrogens with progestins and help compensate for a deficiency of these substances and cause periods that linger.

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Also elecampane famous anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic and krovoochischayuschimi properties, because of which it is used and painful menstruation; and premenstrual syndrome; and menopausal manifestations.

to call monthly also employed Vitamin E. Follow the link to find out how the Tocopherol on the female body.

When taking nard to call the critical days

delayed menstruation can be caused by:

  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • trauma-informed;
  • emotional and physical stress;
  • postpartum recovery;
  • receiving medical preparations;
  • small or overweight;
  • problems in the endocrine and circulatory system;
  • changing climatic conditions - moving;
  • gynecological pathologies and diseases.

There is a high probability of absence monthly with ovarian cyst.

Thus, the critical days may linger due to certain physiological conditions or female body due to diseases.

Keep in mind that this plant helps when the delay is a single character, and Systematic violations, serious diseases and hormonal imbalance its effect is zero. Therefore, before resorting to this means of therapy, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist.

The chemical composition of plants

Inula at a delay of menstruation, which is caused by physiological state, has a positive effect due to its unique complex nutrients contained therein:

  • Saponins - organic compounds that contribute to the normalization of hormone balance. Anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Inulin inulenin - polysaccharides trigger immune processes, improving metabolism. They affect the muscles and tone, which stimulates contraction of the uterus, endometrial accelerating rejection.
  • The ether resin - toxins, normalize cholesterol, which often becomes a cause of delay.
  • Vitamin E - a high content of the substance in the rhizomes elecampane stimulates the ovaries, which are one of the main bodies in the process of the synthesis of sex hormones.
  • Acids (acetic, benzoic) - excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agents, prevent the development of infectious and inflammatory processes that are capable of provoking cycle disorders.
  • Magnesium - one of the most important trace elements, used for menstrual disorders. It helps to balance the amount of thyroid hormones.
  • Ascorbic acid - a substance that many women use at home to bring up monthly. This shows its beneficial effects on the menstrual function.
  • Such trace elements such as potassium, calcium, iron, manganese support metabolism, hormone synthesis, relieve edema, spasms.
  • Flavonoids - renowned sedative properties, which is very important in the period of delay or PMS.
  • Pectin - normalize the luteal phase deficiency, which is responsible for the growth of the endometrium.

The unique combination of these plant substances provides high efficiency in improving menstrual function. This is indicated by many women in their reviews of elecampane root at a delay of menstruation, most of which mark its effectiveness at the correct reception.

Find out, whether it is possible to cause the monthly with the help of medications, by clicking on the link.

Contraindications and side effects

Any therapeutic agent, synthetic or natural, is particularly rich and powerful as elecampane, has contraindications.

It can not be in the following situations:

  1. Delay menstruation for more than two weeks or for several consecutive months. In this case, to stimulate the flow of blood is dangerous, because it is a serious gynecological disorders.
  2. When secretions observed droplets or blood-streaked. Officinalis root can cause severe bleeding until breakthrough.
  3. In the case of individual intolerance.
  4. At failures cycle because of the use of hormonal contraceptives.
  5. Propensity to allergic manifestations.
  6. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, ulcers, low acidity).

The main contraindication for the use of medicinal plants - pregnancy. In most cases it provokes a miscarriage and cause irreparable injury to the fetus.

That is why it is so important before taking elecampane root at a delay of menstruation, the primary rule out future motherhood and establish the cause of the failure.

In this plant there is also a few side effects in the form of allergic reactions, gastrointestinal disorders, vomiting, nausea, weakness, dizziness and bleeding.

To avoid such a woman must before take grass to call monthly, Consult your doctor to exclude all contraindications and become familiar with the methods of use of the plant.

Methods of Use

To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to know how to brew nard for the call is not occurring monthly. This should be done only proven way and strictly adhere to the proportions.

And it is also important to remember two basic rules for the use of the plant: for medicinal purposes only applicable elecampane root, and its duration shall not exceed three years, otherwise you can get severe poisoning.

Here are two recipes, time-tested, and approved by experience professionals:

  1. Take 1 teaspoon of crushed elecampane root, is filled with 150 ml of water (the output should turn 100 ml broth). Further, this elixir is brought to a boil and boiled for 15-20 minutes on medium heat. Insist about 4 hours. You need to drink 1 teaspoon throughout the day. If you brew root this way, the effect should occur within 1-2 days.
  2. You can make a decoction and other more intensive method. In this case, there is the beginning of the month on the same day. One item. spoon pulverized plant root weld 100 ml boiling water for 30-45 minutes. Drink 2 times with 50 ml of the day. You must do so with extreme caution, because this method has a strong effect on the body and can provoke bleeding. This method can cause even the critical days ahead of schedule.

Both involve the use of a prescription decoction after a meal, so as not to provoke a disturbance in the gastrointestinal tract and poisoning.

Go to the article on the link and uznate recipes for concoctions from leafs to normalize monthly.

There are different situations when it is necessary to bring the menstruation: planned an important event, intimacy or delay in connection with a particular physiological state. In this case, use special preparations for the correction of the menstrual cycle or use traditional medicines. Inula monthly for calling is the most effective natural means. Along with its beneficial properties it has a number of contraindications. Therefore, before calling menstruation using elecampane, consult a doctor.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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