A decoction of nettles at monthly: how to drink during heavy with clots, hemostatic, reviews


  1. Chemical composition
  2. Vitamin K (phylloquinone)
  3. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
  4. Chlorophyll
  5. Effects on body
  6. hemostatic effects
  7. immunomodulatory effects
  8. Normalizing effect exerted on the periodicity of cyclical monthly
  9. Contraindications
  10. References to the use and dosage
  11. nettle juice
  12. Nettles for reducing the duration of menstruation
  13. To achieve a complete cessation of menstruation
  14. To move the start date of the month
  15. Recipes decoctions and infusions of nettle
  16. Decoction of nettle leaves
  17. Alcohol tincture of nettles

Cyclical menstruation is one of the main indicators of the health of the reproductive system of mature women. After studying data from the International Association of Public Health, it can be concluded that 6 out of 10 respondents Women faced with the problem of heavy bleeding, leaking the first few days after the start monthly. If the root cause lies not in violation of pathology plane and linked to natural features krovoottorzheniya during critical days, to relieve symptoms, you can resort to the phytotherapy.

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A decoction of nettles at monthly

Nettle has long been used during menstruation to reduce their intensity.
On what is the miraculous effect of the plant? In what form is best to take the grass to eliminate negative symptoms during the critical days? Is there a special scheme for the use of nettle is menstruating? Let's look at this together, relying on the opinions of gynecologists and specialists in the field of herbal medicine.

Read the article at the link which tablets for normalization cycle menstruatsionnogo recommend gynecologists.

Chemical composition

Nettle has long been famous for its healing properties. But what is the secret of this inconspicuous, "weed", this searing and "unfriendly", according to many, the representative of flowering? After all, the grass is not only used for the "taming monthly.

The key to the miraculous effect exerted on the human body, is in the chemical composition of the nettle. Let's take a closer look at the active ingredients, allowing the use of plants in the fight against various diseases, especially with heavy bleeding.

Experts in the field of herbal medicine argue that this "child of nature" contains a whole range of substances that have a direct impact on blood clotting, wound healing rate and the body's ability to recover from abundant blood loss.

Vitamin K (phylloquinone)

The substance is an indispensable element providing protein synthesis in blood and its subsequent coagulation. This timely protein synthesis accelerates blood clotting and a beneficial effect on the damaged surface.

It should be noted that vitamin K is involved in the formation of a special material called "transport protein". Thanks to him, nutrients: vitamins and minerals, instantly "spread" throughout the body, providing it with a continuous power supply.

Such an impact explains the extensive use of drugs based on vitamin K to combat anemia different etymology.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Most women who suffer from heavy bleeding during menstruation noticed a significant decrease in iron levels in the body. If you notice such symptoms, many generations of Physicians recommends taking a decoction of nettles course.

According to the content of vitamin C, this herb many times greater than the lemon and rose hips!

In addition to the active influence on the rate of iron absorption, nettle broth will help to support the immune system of women, protecting it from infectious diseases.


Nettle leaves contain a large quantity of chlorophyll, has a positive effect on the rate of healing of microcracks on the surface of the uterus and on the "quality", and the density of the endometrium.

Active ingredients that are released during the heat treatment of leaves of weeds can have a firming effects on cell membranes and prevent infectious diseases, including in the organs of the reproductive system women.

The combination of these mineral elements in one plant allows to use it not only for the "taming" of heavy bleeding during your menstrual cycle, but also as a support a therapeutic agent for normalizing the hormonal and treatment of pathological conditions in the genital organs system.

Effects on body

Broth nettle menstruation, regardless of its abundance, is an excellent tonic, supports and haemostatic agent. In addition to these positive effects from the receiving means, it is possible to identify a number of directions in which the "work" of the active ingredients of the plant:

hemostatic effects

Contents in the nettle large amount of vitamin K provides early hemostatic effect after a single agent use.

Experts closely involved in the study of blood, argue that natural vitamin K, located in a plant affects the structure physiological fluid, making it in some times denser. That is why during the regular nettle - an indispensable tool.

immunomodulatory effects

The abundance of vitamin C contained in the weeds, can increase several times the speed and quality of iron absorption. Owing to such effects, decoctions and infusions prescribed as nettle protivoanemicheskim means during heavy menstruation.

Many physicians recommend the plant as the main drug at low hemoglobin.

Normalizing effect exerted on the periodicity of cyclical monthly

Infusions and decoctions based nettle possess anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect. Many gynecologists believe that the fitosredstv has beneficial effects on the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and gonads, and therefore eliminates fluctuations in the frequency of menstruation associated with hormonal failures.

The elimination of pain and ailments characteristic of menstruation
The combined effects of vitamin K and chlorophyll has a beneficial effect on the performance and speed of endometrial tissue neoplasms. Therapists say that this vitamin complex, with constant use, is able to "tame" even a strong pain.

Naturopaths believe that the percentage of the positive effects depends largely on the manner in which it was prepared a medical drug. But before you answer the question: "How to make nettle infusion at monthly" must pay attention to a number of contraindications, which preclude the use of nettle potions.


Despite the comprehensive beneficial effects on a woman's body, nettle teas are recommended not for everyone. There are a number of physiological features, allocated by experts as a direct contraindication to their use:

  1. Individual intolerance to the components of the chemical composition of nettles.
  2. Allergic reactions to drugs from nettle.
  3. Pathological states characterized gipersvertyvaemostyu blood.
  4. A history of the propensity to a systematic increase in blood pressure.
  5. renal diseases, t. h. renal insufficiency.

In the presence of such diseases, doctors strongly discourages the use of funds on the basis of nettles. If you have any urgent need for taking medicines of herbal remedies should consult with the attending physician the patient!

References to the use and dosage

Gynecologists and herbalists are unanimous in answering the question: "How to drink nettle during heavy menstrual period." The answer is unequivocal. To maximize hemostatic effect nettle infusions and decoctions of courses to be taken from cycle to cycle. Starting treatment plant for a few days before the expected menstruation, women should continue to use throughout the critical days.

Phytotherapists sure that a great role as a feedback nettle elixir has "material" is used for its manufacturing. It is not recommended to make decoctions and infusions based trash deposits, sold in bags at the pharmacy. The effect of the impact of nettle infusion, produced on the basis of "nettle dust" will be minimal. Laying the basis for the monthly dirty "tame" it is impossible, but will harm the health completely.

Experts recommend to make healing drinks from freshly collected material or sold in pharmacies dried nettle in placers.

nettle juice

Some women prefer the use of nettle juice. Some prescription formulas, it appears as an herbal extract. Contraindications such a procedure does not.

The dosage regimen is quite simple: it is necessary to mix three teaspoons of boiled and cooled water and one teaspoonful of nettle juice. It uses the infusion 3 times a day before meals. To achieve the maximum recommended hemostatic effect start taking juice-containing drink on the first day of the month.

Nettles for reducing the duration of menstruation

Many women seeking information about the plant and its impact in a review posted on this theme forums asking how to drink nettle to stop or "postponement" monthly and is it possible to principle. in the field of herbal medicine experts say that to achieve such an effect is possible only under the constant use of a decoction of nettles.

To achieve a complete cessation of menstruation

Used plant in fresh and in dried form placers. In order to completely stop the flow of blood, should be consumed one glass of fresh broth throughout the duration of the month.

Women who have tried similar recommendations on himself, claim that the body "respond" to the impact of the nettle is not immediately. The first few discharge cycles just will not very intense, but later, some people managed to achieve suspension krovoottorzheniya for a desired period. Water pepper at monthly It has a similar effect.

Based on the review posted on the theme of women's forums, it is clear that is more likely to be able to stop and delay the onset of menstruation and to influence its intensity.

To move the start date of the month

Gynecologists sure to "postpone" the beginning of the month for 12-18 hours should start drinking nettle broth for 48 hours before the day of H. Recommended brew and 600 ml of infusion drink means in three steps.

Recipes decoctions and infusions of nettle

In the vastness of the discussion forums, you can find a lot of healing, "nettle" recipes, the validity of which may on their own experience to confirm more than one generation of women. Let's look at some of them.

Decoction of nettle leaves

For the manufacture of this elixir is used exclusively dry plant material! Formulation formula is calculated on the volume of 200 ml. Tablespoon dry nettle substance is poured boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. Further, experts recommend to keep the resulting broth in a water bath for another 30 minutes.

Through such a procedure, the final product will be more intense and fortified. After complete cooling, the resulting liquid to be diluted to 200 mL total volume. Serving nettle broth at heavy menstruation recommend 100 ml of 3 to 5 times per day.

Please note that drinking a decoction of this recipe is not worth more than 3 days in a row!

Alcohol tincture of nettles

For the manufacture of a medicament infusion needs 500 ml of alcohol and 200 g liquid, necessarily, fresh grass! For the final product need to connect the components in an opaque container and push these or within 10 days.

The dosage regimen of this elixir is very simple. It needs to be taken every day for 1 st. l. alcoholic tincture, placed in 1 cup (250 ml) of drinking water. The solution is taken once a day. reception rate is 10-14 days, and start eating tincture is recommended since the middle of the cycle.

Remember, the breaks should be done with prolonged use.

Stick to the formula "month after month" and the beneficial effect of alcohol tincture of these weeds will not have negative consequences.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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