Preparations at the climax: the best medicine for women tablets (reviews)


  1. Do I need a drug therapy during menopause?
  2. The most effective non-hormonal medicines during menopause
  3. Estrovel
  4. Klimadinon
  5. Stella
  6. Gemafemin
  7. Dysmenorm
  8. EDAS 101 (feminus)
  9. Menosan and Chyavanprash
  10. apilak
  11. mildronat
  12. Fraction 2 SDA
  13. Hormonal medication menopause
  14. menopausal gonadotropin
  15. Estrozhel
  16. Dermestril
  17. Ovestin
  18. Premarin
  19. Antidepressants with menostaze
  20. Antiepileptic and antihypertensives
  21. vitamin complexes
  22. alphabet 50+
  23. Ladies Formula 40+
  24. Doppelgerts Active Menopause (Germany)
  25. Vitatress
  26. Complivit Calcium D3

Climax is often a series of tests for the female body. Very rarely it is asymptomatic in most cases, the fair sex suffers from a kaleidoscope of pathological manifestations of menopause. To facilitate the state is very often necessary to use special tablets during menopause, as well as preparations at the menopause in women in other dosage forms.


Do I need a drug therapy during menopause?

Although in itself menopause in women is natural and logical, in some cases, pathological symptoms are so pronounced and diverse that do without the help of drugs just impossible.

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Of course, we can let the situation take its course, hoping for a favorable outcome, but it is fraught with the development of a number of serious consequences. The fact is that hormonal transformationOccurring in this period, affect the functioning of all organs and systems of the female body. And often it manifests itself in hypertrophied form. Very often problems arise in those areas where there are signs of trouble.

Menopause can significantly worsen the course of chronic diseases, and trigger the development of new ones. That's why it is imperative to keep the situation under control and, if necessary, to use the achievements of modern the pharmaceutical industry for the benefit of their health, that is to take medications that can affect the dynamics of the negative manifestations.

The most effective non-hormonal medicines during menopause

What medications to take during menopause? - natural question that a woman should ask your doctor. Application protivoklimaktericheskih drugs based on plant estrogens - the preferred and safest solution. Such complexes have a minimum list contraindications (allergy to the components, estrogen-dependent diseases) and do not cause such severe consequences, such as hormone replacement therapy (from thrombosis to oncology).

Let's look at the best medications for menopause on an organic basis.


This combined product, combining the use of several medicinal plants: black cohosh, wild yam, soya, nettle. Additionally it has a mix of vitamins and minerals. This tool is capable of reducing the intensity and frequency of hot flushes, prevent dysfunctional bleeding, To protect cells from free radicals, align and flatten the emotional state hormonal imbalances.


The drug owes its effectiveness to such plants as black cohosh. In the rhizomes of this herb contains large amounts of phytoestrogens. The severity of autonomic disorders can be reduced by using this tool, the tool also harmonizes the cardiovascular, urogenital and endocrine system, while acting gently and delicately.


Medicine based on phytocomponents designed not only to reduce the severity of menopausal symptoms, but also to prevent the development of hormone-dependent tumors. Means is also an auxiliary component of the treatment of diseases of the reproductive system.


Non-hormonal drug of menopause, The main active substance is pantogematogen created based on blood deer females. Pantogematogen helps maintain the body's hormonal balance of women than significantly reduces the severity of unpleasant symptoms in menopausal. Vitamin complex, also included in the composition, has a bracing effect.


Homeopathic medicine used in the menopause. The composition of its main components include small doses of Vitex sacred, lumbago meadow, rosemary, Apis. These plants have anti-inflammatory effect, stimulate the functioning of the reproductive organs, align hormonal imbalance, eliminate vegetative disorders.

EDAS 101 (feminus)

This is another homeopathic remedy based on plant extracts: black cohosh, Ignatia, Sepia, Lachesis. He is able to have a therapeutic effect on the nervous, cardiovascular and reproductive systems by estrogen-like action of composite components.

Menosan and Chyavanprash

Preparations of menopause, which came to us from distant India. Ayurveda in menopause can become an alternative for this hormone therapy. These funds have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, blood vessels, the autonomic nervous system, reproductive organs, etc. AT their composition contains a complex of plant components, which together help to reduce the severity of pathological symptoms of menopause.


Means at menopause has tonic, tonic, regenerating and stimulating action on tissues and organs of the female body.


A medicine often used in menopause to resolve metabolic processes, stimulating activity of the heart muscle, improve cerebral circulation. To stimulate blood flow in areas of the brain used as a medicament as Cinnarizine.

Fraction 2 SDA

Controversial drug whose effectiveness, however, confirm the actual reviews. It was invented in 1947 and still has not lost its popularity. Among the ailments that are amenable to therapy by the SDA-2, and numbers climacteric changes. Means a positive effect on female hormones, normalizing its health. To start taking a fraction, it would be nice to know the opinion of the attending physician in this regard.

Hormonal medication menopause

There are cases where the severity of abnormal manifestations in menopause makes women live a full life. In such situations, to manage exclusive use of herbal medicines is not possible. Hormones better to take under the strict supervision of the attending physician who is familiar with the history of menopausal women, a result of analysis and surveys. What hormonal agents usually prescribed to women? It can be: klimonorma, menopausal gonadotropin, Estrozhel, Dermestril, Ovestin, Premarin, CLIMAR, Menorest et al.

menopausal gonadotropin

The hormonal drug action which is aimed at stimulating the growth of follicles within the ovary. Furthermore, menopausal gonadotropin increases the amount of estrogen. Thus, it eliminates ovarian dysfunction. Menopausal gonadotropin can provide real help in menopause, prematurely. However, like all hormonal agents, menopausal gonadotropin has some contraindications and may cause ovarian hyperstimulation and other side effects associated with hormone replacement therapy.


Means in the form of a gel, which is home to France. It is applied topically once a day 1 on the abdomen, waist, shoulders. The effectiveness of this product due to the presence in its composition of estrogen - the main hormones responsible for the harmonious flow of most processes in the female body.


This is a known estrogenic medication, drugs of this type are very effective at all stages of menopause. Available in the form of a skin patch. Such a release form is more convenient than drugs at menopause tablets. It helps to quickly eliminate hormonal disorders and, respectively, to remove the symptoms. Similar effects have in menopause patches CLIMAR, Menorest.


Preparation based on estriol, produced in tablet form or in the form of suppositories and creams. ruler means Ovestin It has directed action, eliminating the negative aspects in the urogenital system: thinning of the mucosa, inflammatory processes, itching and burning sensation in the intimate area during menopause.


Tablets of menopause containing estrogens. The drug can significantly smooth out pathological symptoms and improve the overall condition of the woman. As with any hormonal therapy options, it has a number of side effects and contraindications. This may be an allergy, and the formation of edema and weight gain, and more serious disorders.

Stable popularity received funds Solgar brand that produces organic complexes to maintain the health and longevity. The company has a wide range of products, among which there are lots of options that can reduce the severity menostaza example: Antioxidant formula double omega-3, Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc Masterbatch isoflavones and etc.

Antidepressants with menostaze

Hormonal treatments during menopause have a wide range of contraindications, which makes their use is absolutely impossible in some cases. In this situation, a good result can have reception sedatives during menopause. As an example, the following drugs: venlafaxine, Efevelon, Prozac, Velaksin, Valemidin, Adepress et al.

These drugs can significantly reduce the intensity of hot flashes, normalize condition vascular and cardiac activity, remove overvoltage nervous system depressive eliminate state.

However, with this group of drugs to be careful, because they also have certain side effects and contraindications.

Appropriateness of the appointment of antidepressants should be determined by your doctor.

Antiepileptic and antihypertensives

This group of funds combines effective drugs that relieve spasms and convulsions, which also helps to reduce the frequency of hot flashes at menostaze. Examples of such drugs may be: Neurontin, Konvalis, Tebantin, Gabagamma.

During menopause blood pressure problems often become very relevant. This is due to the lack of female hormones - estrogen, which causes weakening of the walls of blood vessels and, consequently, the development of the disease. Hypertension is dangerous risk for stroke, so ignore it impossible to leave. Pressure reduction can be carried out by a variety of means: Enalapril, Indap, Clonidine, Lorista etc.

It should be remembered that a person without professional education is extremely difficult to determine the choice of preparation of an action, therefore, to engage in self - a thankless and sometimes dangerous business.

vitamin complexes

During menopause, the body needs extra support because all the organs and systems are under increased load associated with the ongoing transformations. The pharmaceutical industry today offers women a wide range of vitamin-mineral complexes, whose composition takes into account the essence of the processes in the female body.

alphabet 50+

Russian formulation comprising optimal doses of minerals and vitamins for women over 50. This complex features a separation of the components on the basis of the best co-digestion. It helps compensate for a deficiency of important vital functions for the body substances. Daily should drink 3 tablets, each of which is distinguished by its composition and the color of the shell.

Ladies Formula 40+

Canadian vitamin and mineral complex that focuses on the needs of the female body in the menopause. The drug contains not only essential minerals and vitamins, but also citrus bioflavonoids, grape seed extract, root extract Qui Dong, green tea extract. reinforced formula Vitamins Day-Night at menopause not only replenishes the energy reserves of the body, but also helps keep longer young and attractive appearance.

Doppelgerts Active Menopause (Germany)

The complex is a vital element, enriched and soy isoflavones. Because of this drug provides the basic needs of the female body, but also helps to smooth out the pathological manifestations of menopause.


It is the development of domestic pharmacology, with a rather rich structure, able to meet the needs of the female body during the period of all the stages of menopause. The drug is recommended for increased physical and mental stress, and that becomes the key to its effectiveness.

Complivit Calcium D3

The drug is produced in Russia, focused on risk elimination of problems with the musculoskeletal system during menopause. Its use allows to neutralize calcium shortage in the body, which prevents the development of a dangerous disease which causes brittleness and fragility of the bones - osteoporosis.

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