Ascorbic acid for the month at a delay: how much to eat, vitamin C affects the monthly


  1. What are the effects of ascorbic acid on the body
  2. Effects on the menstrual cycle
  3. Elimination of hormonal imbalance
  4. The effect on tocopherol
  5. CNS normalization
  6. blood thinners
  7. Signs of a lack of vitamin
  8. Contraindications
  9. Benefits askorbinki during the delay
  10. What medicines can not be combined to use acid
  11. As used ascorbic acid to call monthly
  12. Side effects
  13. General recommendations

Benefits askorbinki known to many people since childhood. But few know that this acid is important for women's health, positively affecting the menstrual cycle. What benefit has ascorbic acid for the month? How to take this matter? In some cases, askorbinka contraindicated in women? Let us try to understand these issues.

Ascorbic acid to month

What are the effects of ascorbic acid on the body

The lack of material negative impact on the flow of all processes in the body. And this influence extends to the sexual health of women. Monthly no different regularity, increases their duration, there are other unpleasant sensations.

consumption rate is 90 mg per day. If the substance is regularly enters the body in the desired amount, it may be noted a positive effect on it:

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  1. Strengthening of the vessel walls.
  2. Improved hematopoietic process (hemopoiesis).
  3. Activation of collagen synthesis.
  4. The destruction of harmful microorganisms.
  5. Strengthening the immune system.
  6. Improving the production of sex hormones.
  7. Participation in the thyroid and adrenal glands.

Find out in one of our articles how to apply Norkolut drug at a delay of menstruation.

Effects on the menstrual cycle

How exactly ascorbic acid affects menstruating understood by study of the following factors:

Elimination of hormonal imbalance

Most often monthly delayed due to the lack of a particular hormone. Under the action of an acid to normal functioning of all organs that are responsible for maintaining hormonal balance.

The effect on tocopherol

not a full-fledged growth of endometrial cancer can be eliminated under the influence of vitamin E. Such violation causes a delay critical days. Askorbinka improves tocopherol synthesis and a positive effect on its absorption. As a result, the problems disappear with the development of germ cells. Reviews of vitamin E at a delay of menstruation mostly positive. However, the drug has its contraindications that you should know.

CNS normalization

Any problems in the central nervous system, causing disruption in the development of sex female hormones. Vitamin C does not only eliminates the tension and stress effects, but also stabilizes the interaction between the pituitary, hypothalamus and ovaries.

For maintenance of the nervous system and also recovery cycle applied drug Pulsatilla. Already during the day means eliminates the delay, so for monthly call Pulsatilla - the best choice.

blood thinners

When thick blood can not fully pass endometrial rejection process. Askorbinka normalize plasma cell mass and balance, as well as eliminates the cholesterol.

Doctors recommend eating foods containing ascorbic acid. Admission pills are allowed, but only after the appointment of a medical expert.

Signs of a lack of vitamin

Menstrual disorders can be due to an insufficient number of useful microelements. Ascertain that could delay periods, only by a specialist. But vitamin deficiency has clear signs:

  1. Pain in the area of ​​the heels and feet.
  2. Malaise, flu-like.
  3. Poor and slow healing of small wounds.
  4. Total pale skin.
  5. Experience without reason.
  6. Sleep problems.
  7. Bleeding gums.
  8. The deterioration of the protective functions of the body.

But these external signs not yet act as a guarantor that the delay and other problems with menstruation provoked is an insufficient number of organic compounds. So do not do without consulting a doctor.

Learn how to take vitamins for PMS Article link.


You can not drink ascorbic acid:

  • if you are hypersensitive;
  • hypersensitivity to means components;
  • thrombosis or tendency to blockage of blood vessels;
  • diabetes;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • with fructose malabsorption.

Benefits askorbinki during the delay

Responding to a question whether the cause monthly vitamin C, it should be noted that it acts only in certain situations. Askorbinka eliminates the delay, which was triggered by the following reasons:

  1. Slight hormonal disturbance.
  2. The effects of severe stress.
  3. Improper or incomplete absorption of vitamin E.
  4. Grueling diet.

Against the background of pathologies genitals, serious lack of female sex hormones and thyroid diseases, the effect of the minimum means. There is a possibility to improve the overall condition of the patient, but will not be monthly, while provoking the disease is not cured.

Learn how to use the Duphaston cause monthly.

What medicines can not be combined to use acid

To benefit the treatment, it is necessary to take seriously the acceptance of other drugs. Some drugs under the action of ascorbic acid lose efficiency also increases the likelihood of side effects:

  1. Oral contraceptives. If you drink OK with askorbinki, the latter absorbs the hormone levels, making contraceptives less effective. It is therefore necessary to make a break between meals - at least two hours.
  2. Salicylates. Concomitant use of aspirin, diflunizalom, atsetizalom can provoke crystalluria (appearance of salt crystals in the urine).
  3. Alkaline water. You can not drink pills alkaline mineral water because of reduced absorption of vitamin C.
  4. Antidepressants. Not only a reduction in efficacy, but also disrupted production mexiletine kidneys.

It is also prohibited to combine ascorbic acid with means which comprise:

  • iron;
  • caffeine;
  • folic acid;
  • group B vitamins

As used ascorbic acid to call monthly

means manual does not contain information on how to call the month of ascorbic acid. Two methods can be found online.

The first method is aimed at the gradual accumulation of mineral trace elements in the body:

  • Preventive dosage - from 50 to 100 mg per day.
  • treatment - 50 or 100 mg once a day (up to five doses).

These courses do not involve an immediate challenge monthly. Their main task - the overall normalization of the cycle due to the accumulation of substances in the body. Full recovery is noted in a few months.

When absolutely necessary is possible to use more radical methods for monthly call:

  • duration of treatment no more than two or three days;
  • per day can not consume more than 450 mg.

Doctors do not recommend to resort to this method because it is most often cited one-time effects without eliminating the cause of failure. It is also possible overdose.

A woman's worth remembering that only a specialist can determine exactly how much you need to take the matter in a particular case.

Side effects

The use of ascorbic acid in large doses is fraught with the following consequences:

  1. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Anaphylactic shock.
  3. Angioedema.
  4. Allergic reactions on the skin.
  5. Arterial hypertension.
  6. Headache.
  7. Sleep problems.
  8. Fast fatiguability.

If you follow the instructions and drink acid only when prescribed by a doctor, do not follow the negative manifestations.

General recommendations

Ascorbic acid, at a delay of menstruation optimally digested with the following rules:

  1. Daily must fall inside the same amount of vitamin C to an organism to accumulate learned beneficial agent. The same applies to the reception time.
  2. It is forbidden to drink vitamins on an empty stomach, or increases the risk of irritation of the gastric mucosa. Optimally to make it in time to eat a meal or tablet immediately after a meal.
  3. You need to eat potatoes, bananas, and other starchy foods that are able to remove the possible negative effect of acid.
  4. There are some days when it is better to drink acid for the month. Doctors are advised to do so from the twelfth to the twenty-sixth day of the cycle.
  5. A large number of substances does not give quick results, but only provoke side effects.
  6. Sunlight enhances the absorption of vitamin C, so it is necessary to use tablets in the morning and afternoon.

Askorbinka is absolutely safe drug, therefore self is better to exclude. May cause a delay of monthly various factors, including pregnancy. Therefore, before starting treatment should consult a gynecologist. Experts have found that just delays the flow of blood, and whether it makes sense for additional sources of vitamins.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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