Dicynonum instructions for use during menstruation


  1. Mechanism of action
  2. advantages of drugs
  3. What effect does not have?
  4. release Form
  5. Key readings
  6. How to use the drug?
  7. General rules
  8. Strong prolonged periods
  9. prevention
  10. Conventional long menstruation
  11. Severe blood loss during the first days
  12. To delay menstruation Dicynone
  13. Uterine bleeding
  14. Contraindications
  15. Side effects

Application Dicynone, like any other strong hemostatic drug, in order to address problems with heavy menstrual periods, should take place strictly according to instructions. This is due to the need of treatment without the risk of negative consequences for the organism.

Dicynone menstruation

Mechanism of action

The active component of the drug acts as a hemostatic Dicynone etamzilat. Substance causes the following processes in the body:

  1. Stimulation of bone marrow, do not provoke the formation of new clots.
  2. Providing the accumulation of platelets in the area of ​​vascular lesions.
  3. Maximum rapid elimination of bleeding of different etymology.
  4. Improved blood vessels in microcirculation, strengthening the walls of capillaries and increase their permeability.
  5. instagram viewer
  6. vasoconstriction due to activation in an organism substance prostacyclin.

See also our article on the link, how to drink nettle to stop menstruation.

advantages of drugs

The drug has the following positive aspects:

  1. No effect on the chemical properties of the blood.
  2. No negative impact on the state of the circulatory system.
  3. It provides platelet accumulation only at the desired location.
  4. The substance is distributed uniformly and almost completely absorbed.
  5. Is the least dangerous of these drugs.

What effect does not have?

It is important to understand that the monthly tablets Dicynone:

  • do not block the sensation of pain;
  • are not able to rapidly stop the heavy monthly bleeding;
  • It does not affect the volume of blood in the next cycle;
  • It does not affect the length of the menstrual cycle.

The drug is an emergency tool for bleeding, but it can not be called universal. Buy medicine only on prescription in pharmacies in advance in consultation with a doctor and picked up the scheme of therapy.

Another drug is able to stop the bleeding during the critical days - Vikasol. Follow the link to find out how to stop taking Vikasol monthly.

release Form

The gynecologist may prescribe Dicynonum drug in two variants:

  1. Pills. Package 100 comprises pellets (10 blisters) in each tablet 250 mg etamzilata.
  2. Ampoules. 20 or 50 vials (2 ml) in a stack, each milliliter contains 125 mg of active ingredient.

Information should be used for informational purposes. Independently divide pill or injection is prohibited.

Key readings

In the field of gynecology using Dicynone can perform the following steps:

  • prevention heavy menstruation;
  • stop uterine bleeding;
  • elimination of problems with the prolonged menstruation;
  • treatment of hemorrhage in adolescents;
  • prevent miscarriage during pregnancy.

Medication should be used to delay the menstrual flow.

Patients should be aware that the physician has the discretion to prescribe another medication to solve problems with menstrual bleeding.

With abundant menstruation used Ascorutin. Follow the link to find the correct dosage of the vitamin B complex.

How to use the drug?

Only a gynecologist establishes how to take Dicynone a heavy menstrual period. It may be one of the following options:

  • orally;
  • intramuscularly;
  • intravenous;
  • topical application using a swab moistened with bandages.

For therapeutic purposes, it is advisable to take the drug in pill form, and in emergency situations - injection, but under medical supervision.

General rules

When used with etamzilat drug, consider the following:

  1. Dicynone can drink during menstruation and before they begin.
  2. Any period of treatment should not last more than 10 days.
  3. The drug is given on an individual basis.
  4. The optimum dosage is from 10 to 20 mg per kilogram of human body weight.
  5. The pills must be taken or during a meal or immediately after a meal, drinking plenty of fluids.
  6. If any adverse events should stop treatment immediately.

Efficacy of the drug is a few hours (tablets) and 15 minutes after the injection. Complete purification of the body after drug withdrawal observed one day after administration. The therapeutic effect after treatment persists for about seven days.

Strong prolonged periods

Prolonged menstrual period (over a week) due to massive blood loss requiring immediate treatment to prevent anemia. In this case, the expert assigns the patient a daily dose of 750 mg (three pills) that need to be taken in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Therapy should be continued until the complete cessation of bleeding. If within 10 days the situation has stabilized, it is necessary to visit a medical facility immediately. The doctor will conduct a quick inspection, appoint maintenance therapy or conduct emergency aid techniques.


Dicynone of reviews is most often used during menstruation, when there is increased profusion of monthly bleeding. In such treatment the doctor in advance establishes a strong presence of blood loss during the critical days and lays therapy at the end of the cycle. The dosage regimen:

  • One bolus three times a day (approximate dose - 1000 mg).
  • Starting dates - 5 days prior to the estimated emissions.
  • End of prevention - on the fifth day of the next cycle (the fifth day of menstruation).
  • Repeat the circuit - one or two months.

The effectiveness of the course will largely depend on the original source of the problem. If profuse discharge caused by abnormalities of the reproductive system, hormonal disorders, the drug Dicynone only removes the symptoms for a while. Therefore, before starting treatment will not prevent a complete examination.

Conventional long menstruation

Dicynone to stop monthly (long), which were in the normal daily volume, take one tablet per day. Negative symptoms should disappear within a few days. In this case also can not exceed the maximum treatment that is ten days.

Severe blood loss during the first days

Some women suffer from significant discharges it at the beginning of the cycle. Against the background of this problem it is advisable to start the application Dicynone during the third day of menstrual bleeding. Women need not exceed 250 mg per day etamzilata. Duration of therapy is on average 5 days.

To delay menstruation Dicynone

Dicynonum are allowed to delay menses, but doctors are advised not to use this method of delay. After this experiment have the risk of failure, which have a negative impact on the entire menstrual cycle.

To move the menstruation, will suffice a daily dosage of 500 mg. The safest not exceed the duration of reception of more than 5 days. The longer a woman uses the drug to delay the release, the greater the risk of side effects and serious violations.

Uterine bleeding

For almost instantaneous result solution was used:

  • intramuscular or intravenous injection;
  • daily dose is from 750 to 2000 mg (extreme case);
  • bleeding should stop after a quarter of an hour.


According to reviews and instructions on the use of Dicynone menstruation is contraindicated in the following situations:

  1. Intolerance or hypersensitivity to the composition means.
  2. Violation of the blood clotting process.
  3. Thromboembolism in stock.
  4. Malignant tumors of the hematopoietic system (hemoblastosis).
  5. Bleeding on the background of the use of anticoagulants.
  6. Acute porphyria.
  7. Glucose-lactose deficiency.

Be especially cautious with the following diseases:

  • thromboembolism (in the past);
  • thrombophilia;
  • liver problems;
  • kidney disease.

Side effects

In the opinion of women it is evident that Dicynone menstruation rarely cause adverse reactions when treatment is prescribed by your doctor. The risk of negative effects is increased due to the following factors:

  1. The drug has been used for a long time (over 10 days).
  2. Exceeded the maximum daily dose.
  3. Using the solution, which changed color.
  4. The injection at home.

Common adverse reactions are:

  • nausea;
  • sensation of heaviness;
  • heartburn;
  • general weakness;
  • slight dizziness.

Very rarely are the following negative symptoms:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • redness and itching of the skin;
  • allergic rashes
  • Angioedema;
  • vomiting.

Most often in dealing with side effects helps to complete removal of the drug.
Any woman who enjoys Dicynone during menstruation, should comply with the instructions and directions of the doctor. And before therapy it is important to eliminate the causes of strong menstruation, which are not able to remove the hemostatic agents.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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