Grass inducing menses: the delay scarce as to strengthen monthly folk remedies


  1. About the delay menstruation
  2. The reasons for the delay with a negative test
  3. Call for monthly means
  4. The use of herbs in case of delay
  5. Medicines from plants
  6. Herbal ingredients in the diet
  7. Greenery
  8. Bay leaf
  9. Nettle
  10. onion peel
  11. Traditional medicine in case of delay
  12. Chamomile
  13. Mint
  14. fees
  15. Red brush
  16. Warning

With the failure of the menstrual cycle faced by 98% of women of reproductive age. One of the most frequent disorders is to delay menses. Modern medicine offers a number of tools that can correct such disorders. However, when, for whatever reason, drug therapy is not possible, the fair sex resort to folk remedies. What herbs to call monthly to use and how to accept them in order to achieve maximum effect and not to harm the health, this article will tell.

Herbs for call monthly

About the delay menstruation

Nature is arranged so that a woman's menses occur regularly, at regular intervals that make up the menstrual cycle. This established mechanism regulated by sex hormones, chief among which there are estrogen and progesterone.

The first half of the cycle regulates estrogen: they are responsible for the maturation of eggs in the ovulatory period that goes from the ovary, ready for fertilization. Ovum, departing from the follicle, breaks it, whereupon a yellow body (permanent iron) where produced hormone progesterone. Its task is to prepare an internal mucous layer of the uterus to the adoption of a fertilized ovum. When this happens, this layer is called the endometrium, rejected by the body and excreted as menses.

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It happens that this complex process fails due to various factors, there is a disturbance in hormonal balance and as a consequence - failures occur in the menstrual cycle. Most often, this results in delayed menstruation, sometimes monthly come early.

In case of delay we can say that the body is not enough progesterone to their own "run" the rejection of the endometrium. Sometimes a month go, but in very scanty, to put it bloody or brown daubs.

The cause of the ensuing delays often become pregnant, so you should not immediately try to treat the problem, but it is necessary to do the test and exclude fact held conception.

The reasons for the delay with a negative test

If pregnancy has not been confirmed, the periods may be late due to a hormonal imbalance that occurs for the following reasons:

  1. The first year after menarche when menstrual cycle is still installed.
  2. The beginning of menopause. Before menopause, menses sometimes do not come for several months.
  3. Trauma-informed, busy schedule.
  4. Physical exercise.
  5. Excess or, conversely, to critically low weight.
  6. Unhealthy lifestyle and diet, lack of protein.
  7. Frequent abortions and the use of emergency contraception.
  8. Incorrectly matched hormonal contraceptive preparations.
  9. Endocrinological diseases.
  10. Gynecological diseases and pathology.
  11. Postpartum period.

Call for monthly means

These reasons can delay the onset of critical days. Those. the physiological condition of the female body, or diseases are the cause of what the next monthly not come and you must start to provoke.

Quite often there are situations when you need to trigger menstruation due to other circumstances. It may be important to plan the event, intimacy, the upcoming operation, when the attack female days simply inappropriate.

This should be done with great caution and only with the permission of the doctor, because any intervention in the natural course of the cycle can lead to serious violations.

The data used to hormonal drugs such as Djufaston or Postinor. But these drugs, there are many contraindications. Some of the fairer sex are afraid to drink this kind of pills for fear of side effects in the form of completeness.

Read the article at the link that will come menstruation after Postinor.

Many produce monthly at home, taking the old ascorbic acid, parallel to the long legs warming up in hot water. Such methods of causing critical days in 60% effective, but carry a number of problems for: receiving ascorbic acid an empty stomach increases the acidity, and long hot baths for the feet often raise blood pressure and cause dizziness.

Find out also what is used tablets for the call at a delay of menstruation Article link.

The use of herbs in case of delay

Herbal medicine - a very effective and gentle alternative to traditional medicine. As well as plant components form the basis of a large number of drugs.

Many of the fair half of mankind used herbs to induce menses. But it should be done with caution and on the recommendations of experts, and if there are no serious diseases and hormonal disorders.

Medicines from plants

One common herbal preparations for normalization menstruatsionnogo mechanism is Pulsatilla. This homeopathic remedy, whose main ingredient - Pulsatilla (popularly pasqueflower) having the latin name Pulsatilla. It is used for various disorders of the body's systems, in t. H. and urogenital. Read Usage Pulsatilla delay instruction when monthly Article link.

Son-grass is the basis of other drugs from such disorders - Feminalgina. Along with him in the part Tsimifuga.

Remens - another famous natural-based drug used for various violations of the sexual woman's system. It is composed of plant hormones extracted from plants, simulating the action of sex hormones. In this case, such components represented Tsimifuga, Sangviariya, pilocarpus.

Herbal ingredients in the diet

In conjunction with treatment of menstrual disorders, experts recommend to revise your diet and introduce some herbal ingredients in the diet.


Known all dill and parsley, contain large amounts of vitamin C and acids that contribute the equalization of hormonal balance. Therefore, you should eat food of edible herbs as much as possible. And also proved the effectiveness of the decoction of parsley, especially in combination with the treatment of female disorders. The information contained in herbs ascorbic acid for normalization monthly often used in the form of tablets.

Bay leaf

Few people realize the benefits of broth from leafs to monthlyEspecially in periods of acute gynecological diseases. It contains beneficial to the organism essential oils, tannins and volatile.

Often add this component in food and drink at a delay of his broth: 4-5 large leaves laurel tree, pour a glass of boiling water and hold in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, then let stand about an hour. Consume equal amounts throughout the day.

It is not recommended to drink it all at once, it can cause bleeding. Better drink the broth half an hour after a meal.


Beneficial in such situations acts nettle. From it you can make soups, salads, main dishes. It is necessary to drink a decoction of the leaves nettle call for monthly or prevention of hormone imbalance. Specific dosage not, it can be done in different proportions, but it is recommended to use half an hour before meals several times a day. And also in the nettle contains substances that enhance the body's defense mechanisms and replenishes energy reserves.

onion peel

according to reviews for the onion peel monthly It is used quite often, and shows good results. The effect achieved by the composition of the rich vegetable. Constituents contribute to the tone of the uterus, it begins to shrink, resumed menstruation.

Traditional medicine in case of delay

Grass, causing monthly with a small delay, used both as a self-therapy or in combination with medication.

You will be interested to know what conspiracies and prayers to the monthly used by women today.


In cases where the delayed menses, daisy - an indispensable tool. It contains phytosterols - a natural analogue of the hormones, so getting into the body, it simulates their effects and helps to strengthen it.

Take this grass is easiest in the form of teas, which are prepared quite simply. To do this, take 5-7 grams. dry camomile, fill it with boiling water (100-150 ml of water) and infuse for 15-20 minutes, then drain. Drink this tea is recommended three times a day.


To enhance the effect of menstruation on call together with chamomile drink peppermint and valerian root. Among traditional medicine devotees distributed the following recipe: 50 grams. chamomile mixed with 50 gr. valerian root, and the same amount of mint, pour 200 ml of boiled water for an hour. Drinking this elixir you need in the morning before eating and before dinner for 100 ml.


Chamomile in combination with other herbs to help and scanty menses. It should take 5 grams. chamomile and motherwort, add 2.5 g. Artemisia with yarrow, and 5 g. marigold medicaments. All plants should be taken in dried form. Pour this mixture 250 ml of boiling water for 30 minutes and filter. Use the infusion 3 times a day for half an hour before eating half a cup. These teas are not only cause menstruation to linger, but also feel better during this period and PMS, help get rid of pain.

The plants that cause menstruation are cornflower, calendula flowers, tansy, motherboard, oregano. They make great infusions, causing monthly and enhancing their intensity, if the event takes place.

Red brush

As well as some herbs can make alcohol tincture to help cope with disorders related to the menstrual cycle. 50g red brush pour 500 ml of vodka and sustain week. Take tincture 1 teaspoon three times a day for half an hour before meals. This is done in the periods of manifestation of menstrual disorders. Not only plants, but also to their roots help to solve this problem. These properties are known for the roots of elecampane, parsley.


Provoking these methods beginning of menstruation that linger, can cause undesirable processes in other systems of the body, because herbs have an effect on all organs. Before resorting to the treatment plant components, it is worth to get acquainted with their contraindications and possible side effects. Moreover, some of them can even harm your health.

Precautions should be taken root elecampane to start monthlyAs it has a powerful effect, causing bleeding. If the reason for the delay was still pregnant, this root is likely to provoke a miscarriage or significantly harm the fetus.

Whatever you choose, before using herbs for the correction cycle, consult your doctor.

In the struggle for a normal menstrual cycle is all good. Often in similar situations as a standalone treatment or in addition to another treatment used herb. At all times they were known for their efficiency and gentle effect on the body. Do not forget that before beginning any treatment should be to make a diagnosis, rule out serious illness, and only after that a doctor's permission to proceed to herbal medicine.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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