Vikasol to stop menstruation


  1. The chemical composition of the drug and the principle of
  2. Tablets and injection
  3. As displayed
  4. when used
  5. Indications for use of the drug
  6. Dosage
  7. Symptoms of overdose
  8. Reviews of Vikasol
  9. Positive reviews
  10. negative reviews

Timely menstruation - one of the main indicators of the health of the reproductive system of the woman. But what to do when spotting a sudden increase in volume or "critical days" coincide with an important event or a long-awaited vacation? In some cases, you can take hemostatic agents? Is the Vikasol to stop menstruation? What are its active ingredients? Let us try to understand these issues in this article are based on the opinions of gynecologists and women who have used this drug for the "taming" of menstruation.

Vikasol to stop menstruation

The chemical composition of the drug and the principle of

By studying the chemical composition of the drug it can be concluded that Vikasol is a fully synthetic analogue of vitamin K.

This active component has a direct effect on the liver, accelerating the production of prothrombin. It is this substance triggers the formation of fibrin clots necessary to "successful" blood clotting.

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The medicine, which is based on synthetically derived vitamin K, can hardly be called "basic" drug of a number of hemostatic and anticoagulant. This drug is more appropriately classified as a vitamin supplement, and as evidenced by its pharmaceutical characteristics.

Find out, how to drink nettle during heavy menstruationBy clicking the link to the article.

Tablets and injection

Maximum natural chemical composition has a direct impact on the time needed to achieve the desired effect. Phase most severe exposure occurs within 12-18 hours after taking the drug in tablet form.

Menadione solution discharged in the form of injectable hemostatic effect has already one hour after ingestion of a woman. Doctors say that in the case of heavy uterine bleeding during menstruation greatest effect from the use of the drug can be achieved is in injectable form.

As displayed

The undoubted advantage of the use of this synthetic drug moderate exposure during menstruation is also its complete elimination from the body with the urine. Once in the woman's body, the artificial vitamin K immediately binds to proteins found in blood plasma. Once in the kidney, the active ingredient vikasol "launches" the production of prothrombin and proconvertin, accelerating blood clotting. Residual cells and synthesis products are completely eliminated from the body women in the urinary fluids.

This effect, combined with the general, protivoanemicheskim exposure allows Vikasol during heavy menstruation.

when used

Many gynecologists prescribe medication and therapeutic complex with uterine bleeding and different etymology, caused by:

  • fibroids;
  • endometriosis;
  • endometritis.

Moreover, it is necessary to identify a number of pathological processes that affect the reproductive organs system, which means both in tablet form and in the form of injections is indispensable assistant:

  1. Long-spotting caused by sharp jumps in hormonal levels. Malfunction of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and ovaries, according to experts, can lead to severe thickening layer of the endometrium and its "loosening". Such processes are fraught with occurrence of severe bleeding, and in severe cases, and failures in the cyclic menstrual cycle.
  2. Copious rejection mucous brown clots, due to the loss of ability to reduce the uterus. In this case Vikasol assigned as the support means to prevent development of anemia.
  3. Heavy bleeding during menstruation, related to the inability of the body to self-synthesis of vitamin K.
  4. Uterine bleeding, which are the causes of various infectious diseases and surgical interventions. In this case, the drug does not eliminate the cause and symptom, however, is prescribed only as a supplement to main therapeutic course.

An analogue of the drug can be considered Dicynonum, instructions for its use at monthly You can find the article here.

Indications for use of the drug

Based on the reviews, Vikasol to stop or reduce heavy menstrual period is used everywhere. Doctors recommend not to abuse this tool, because the excessive "activity" in the process of blood clotting can lead to thrombus formation.

Official medicine identifies a number of pathological processes in the body, which are a direct indication for the use of menadione. This Vitamins actively used:

  1. With abundant spotting during "routine" monthly.
  2. As a pre-maintenance therapy.
  3. As the reducing therapeutic course after prolonged use of drugs that have a "diluting" effect on the structure of the blood.
  4. With infectious diseases involving prolonged diarrhea.
  5. As maintenance therapy in the presence of the risk of bleeding in newborns.
  6. At long nasal, subcutaneous, and mucosal bleeding.
  7. As reparative therapy in pathologies that could provoke a lack of vitamin C.
  8. In hepatitis and jaundice varying severity.
  9. In gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
  10. In order to prevent the suspension and uterine bleeding during pregnancy. It is worth noting that the use Vikasol during pregnancy and lactation is possible only after consultation with a specialist!
  11. As maintenance therapy in the treatment of radiation sickness.

Based on the reviews, many are trying to use of menadione instructions to find the use of the dosage during menstruation. After examining the information materials attached to solutions for injection, and tablets, it can be concluded that Special dosage, designed specifically for the prevention or rapid completion of menstruation, the manufacturer is not points.

Before applying to the synthetic vitamin in pill form or by injection, it is necessary to consult a specialist to clarify the possible contraindications!

Discover also what helps Ascorutin in protracted menstruation and how to make the drug in the article here.


Studying themed women's forums, we can conclude that one of the main issues related to this synthetic vitamin preparation, is: "How to take Vikasol to stop monthly. " Dosages calculated specifically for this purpose, no. Especially since many doctors argue that the drug is just not suitable for a radical effect on menstruation. This conclusion is based on too large interval between reception of the tablet and the maximum effect is achieved after.

Based on the information published on the instructions for use, it can be concluded that there are several schemes receiving this drug. Let us examine them below.

  1. Synthetic vitamin K tablets. Experts recommend not to exceed a daily dose indicated on the packaging. It is 0,03g and is equivalent to 2 tablets.
  2. Synthetic vitamin may be taken strictly every day K in the form of injections.

Based on the responses of experts, synthetic vitamin K in the form of injections, as well as in the form of tablets at monthly at doses higher than the above can lead to overdose and cause considerable damage to the body women.

Many girls think that if you "take the number" t. E. drink once 4-5 capsules, you will be able to delay the onset of menses. This reasoning is fundamentally wrong and very dangerous.

Cumulative effect of taking vikasol has Sustained, systematic and does not depend on a one-time dosage.

Gynecologists advised not to drink the drug on a monthly basis, and take breaks between similar courses.

Symptoms of overdose

Adverse symptoms in a planned, vikasol course intake during the month, based on the reviews and the experts who use its women are not fixed. But if you take pills at random, from case to case, it is possible to trigger the appearance of negative symptoms. It includes such states:

  • Severe headaches.
  • Nausea.
  • The occurrence of allergic urticaria.
  • The sharp drop in pressure.
  • Tachycardia.
  • The appearance on the skin of allergic plaques studded with whitish bloom.
  • Pathological processes in the liver.
  • The development of hemolytic anemia.
  • Thrombus formation.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Bronchospasm sharp against the background of the asthmatic syndrome.
  • Atrophy of the taste buds.

Based on the opinions of practitioners and gynecologists, we can conclude that with the menadione delay monthly call will not succeed, but a little to correct the usual timeslot critical days can.

Some of the girls from my own experience say that if you start a course of synthetic fortified the drug for a few weeks before the scheduled monthly, the period of rejection of bloody substance may be reduced for 2-3 days.

Volumes of mucous substances also undergo changes. Instead of the usual, in the early days of bleeding, many have seen only meager daub rich brown.

Reviews of Vikasol

More eloquent than any findings and pharmaceutical characteristics of the action of synthetic vitamin preparations can tell reviews of those who have experienced its impact on themselves.

Consider some of the reviews posted on niche sites, describing the effect of taking vikasol during menstruation:

Positive reviews

Comment Victoria D., city Moscow: "On vikasol I learned from a friend. He gathered in a long-awaited vacation and hoping to use it to achieve a "deferral" of critical days. A friend said that he definitely help, and the price does not bite. I decided to try. I can not say that the drug helped by 100% and completely stopped the month at the time of admission. Menstruation came on time, but the selections were much smaller. Instead of heavy clots, barely perceptible spotting. I'm happy with the result, I think we can use it in an emergency. "

Comment Marina Ch of Stary Oskol: "This medicine I was advised at the pharmacy as an analogue Dicynone. I liked Vikasol. He does not do miracles, but helped me to cope with the massive bleeding in the first days of menstruation. Especially liked that taking this drug does not lead to a breach of the general menstrual cycle. After trying this medication in tablet form, has moved to intramuscular injections. I prefer this form of almost instant effect. I can say with certainty that a long course application has helped me to cope with the shortage of vitamin K, as my doctor, and prevent anemia. I recommend!"

Comment Alain Z. of Vitebsk: "I Vikasol well helps to reduce the amount of bleeding during menstruation. It is enough to take one or two pills and the problem of abundant mucous rejections settled for the day. Eat courses I have not tried, I drink just the first two days of menstruation. In general, the results are pretty, especially when you consider that you can buy medication at any pharmacy. "

negative reviews

Comment Olga Ya, city Zelenograd: "From my experience, before Vikasol drink, be sure to talk with your doctor. I thought that he acts gently and neglected this rule. Whether it is too blood coagulation influenced, whether I had contraindications for health, but after the first day of receiving much headache, whole body was covered with a crust and was sick all the time. State returned to normal as soon as the drinking stopped and drank antihistamine. Be careful, drink, only if he has appointed a doctor! "

Comment Larissa T., city Saratov: "I Saw, Saw this Vikasol, but no effect. Monthly, and visually, and the feelings were not as strong, but always came on time. I at this dose exceeded, and increase the dose itself. No effect. "

  • Oct 19, 2019
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