Month after cesarean section: the breast, bottle-fed when starting


  1. How many days after a cesarean section come monthly
  2. Breastfeeding
  3. When artificial feeding
  4. Which could affect the resumption of menstruation after surgery
  5. Features resumed menstrual cycle
  6. profluvium
  7. Meager monthly allocation
  8. Recommendations to restore pregnant women after surgery
  9. If any symptoms should see a doctor
  10. When can again give birth after cesarean

Gynecologists, obstetricians confirm that every young mother concerned about the question of when to start monthly after cesarean. Females perceive artificial birth as a dangerous interference with the body, in which increases the likelihood of many negative consequences. Accordingly, they are experiencing how it will take place the restoration.

Month after cesarean

How many days after a cesarean section come monthly

To stabilize the menstrual cycle after caesarean requires a certain time. Date of commencement of the first regular after surgery will depend on many factors, including those from breast or bottle-feeding.


lactation influence the resumption of menses. Breastfeeding triggers activation of prolactin, a hormone that promotes the formation of milk. He depressing effect on the ovaries, so the critical days do not occur.

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Tell exactly when to expect the monthly post-caesarean breastfeeding gynecologists can not. The recovery process of each woman takes a different time. When feeding newborn feeding, the probability of resumption of monthly decreases. When the need for breastfeeding the baby disappears, hormone production will stop and there will be monthly.

Recovery time of menstruation in women in childbirth via caesarean section during breastfeeding is not much different from the same period in women after vaginal birth.

So, when will begin monthly breast feeding after cesarean? If the mother has a lot of milk and newborn baby eats it all the time, critical days may not appear until years. If little milk and the child further feed that menstruation is coming soon.

When artificial feeding

When feeding your baby by artificial means, menstruation comes faster. Why is that? The answer is simple - stop lactation. Month after cesarean section at artificial feeding will be completed as soon as the lochia. Postnatal discharge are about 2-3 months.

Which could affect the resumption of menstruation after surgery

For the healing of all tissues required that the time has passed, respectively - the critical days may be slightly delayed.

Month after cesarean section may be delayed or go earlier due to a variety of factors:

  1. The recovery process depends on age. Restoration of a young woman pass much faster than the ladies 30 and older.
  2. Complications that occurred after surgery can and during pregnancy affect the recovery process. When they are absent, the reproduction organs are recovered much faster, and the body will be prepared for the next pregnancy after a couple of years.
  3. The ratio of stress and time to rest will leave its mark. Heavy workload will not contribute to the rapid emergence of bleeding.
  4. The image of the reference daily life (to exclude all addictions).
  5. A balanced meal will contribute to the rapid recovery.

Features resumed menstrual cycle

Even if the birth was made unnatural and artificial way, in most cases, future leveled the menstrual cycle, the pain disappeared, which was accompanied by a woman during month earlier. Psycho-emotional state during the premenstrual period is also stabilized. The interval between the beginning of one month to the next can be changed, however, the cycle must take within 31 days.


When the first month after a cesarean is very abundant, does not need to be frightened. This is not evidence of pathology or other consequences of a negative character.

Postpartum woman's condition involves the need to constantly monitor its health and prevent emotional and physical stress.

Few situations plentiful monthly after cesarean serve as a basis to believe that the bleeding was formed in the womb. In this case, you need urgent medical help. Rules violation is liquid separation in an amount of more than 500 ml per day.

Meager monthly allocation

The paucity of menstruation is the signal of malfunction female genitalia. For example, the problem may be that the incision formed in step, prevents the complete reduction of the uterus. This provokes unwanted processes in a woman's body, which was accompanied by stagnation of the ovaries.

How long will go the first month after childbirth?

Many women are interested in and how much are the monthly after cesarean. The duration of the first menstruation is normal if it is stopped on the seventh day, can be pretty strong in this period highlight. In the future, when the body is restored, the duration of menstruation becomes normal.

Recommendations to restore pregnant women after surgery

Once the operation was carried out, a woman's body undergoes changes. The uterus contracts, which reduces its size. Formed on the surface of the uterus is constantly bleeding wound. Procedure for proper healing is accompanied by discharge from the female genital organs (referred to as allocation lochia).

Bleeding last up to eight weeks after the birth of the baby. During this period, the nature of the discharge is constantly changing. Initially, the lochia are red, they contain clots and distinctive smell. Somewhat later, the highlight color is converted into a darker, their volume decreases. After a while, they all become light, similar to those that stand out the uterus prior to pregnancy.

After giving birth by caesarean, the damaged tissue for a long time recovering. Speed ​​up the process will fail if mothers will follow these rules:

  1. Go to the toilet regularly. Overflow bladder may provoke bleeding and prevent the healing process seam.
  2. To monitor hygiene. This implies that women should take a shower regularly, as well as the use of gaskets, odorless, and as often as possible to change them.
  3. Trays baby to the breast, because it contributes to the reduction of the uterus (it smooth muscle). Though monthly at GW after delivery arrive later than the artificial feeding.
  4. Within two months for the Constitutional Court to abstain from sexual intercourse, and in the future, mindful of contraceptive methods.

Improve the overall condition of the following tips will help:

  1. It is necessary to adhere to treatment. It is necessary to go to bed on time. In the morning you continue to feel rested not take a few moments to relax during the day.
  2. Do not forget about the need to walk with a child in the park and breathe fresh air.
  3. Adhere to proper and balanced diet. Do not follow the diet.
  4. Try to eat a nutritious diet full of vitamins.
  5. Less nervous and do not take the problem to heart.

If any symptoms should see a doctor

Consult a doctor immediately:

  • if lochia ended prematurely;
  • menstrual secretions with uncharacteristic color;
  • prolonged menstruation that lasts more than seven days;
  • If the monthly cycle varies over six months;
  • itching of the genitals and isolation, having the consistency of cottage cheese;
  • peculiar smell monthly (may indicate a disease such as endometritis, or others);
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen.

After surgery, it is recommended often to visit the gynecologist. This should be done at least once in two months. Timely response to violation contribute to rapid recovery of organs, uterine healing process, as well as regular monthly.

When the month after cesarean very abundant, or vice versa - meager, do not look for the reasons for this on the site, in various articles or forum on the internet. Hurry to come to the proper specialist, because it will help restore cycle much faster.

When can again give birth after cesarean

Childbirth promotes involution (which implies that reverse development). Internal systems of the body are reduced and women go to work in a familiar rhythm. Before planning a second child, the body needs rest. And when the birth was by caesarean implemented for safe gestation, it is necessary to have passed at least three years.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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