When the starting month after birth (how come) when artificial feeding


  1. As childbirth affect the monthly
  2. Are lochia menstruation
  3. Timing of the first month after childbirth
  4. What affects the resumption of menses
  5. Features monthly after pregnancy
  6. How to understand what is required medical care
  7. Hygiene in order to avoid complications
  8. Top 3 Myths about menstruation

There are generally accepted rules regarding menarche. But every woman month after birth returned individually. At the slightest deviation from the norm of character selections and their terms of approach, some mothers worry for nothing, while others do not attach importance to serious violations. Therefore, every new mother need to understand how the body takes place and when to expect recovery of menstruation.

Menstruation after childbirth

As childbirth affect the monthly

There is a definite link between the end of pregnancy and the onset of menstruation. Regardless of the method works child birth, the placenta rejection structures marks the beginning of the recovery processes. Pause in the menstrual cycle is essential for the resumption of reproductive and endocrine organs, prenatal hormonal status, fortification of the body and allow the new pregnancy.

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In the first weeks of the resumption of the uterus is gradually reduced, getting sizes that were peculiar to it before birth. And also there is internal organ regeneration layer. Because the relationship between the placenta and the endometrium during pregnancy is growing, after the scraping of the natural structure of the first second receives a large amount of damage. While the inner layer of the uterus has healed completely, the critical days after the delivery is not met.

Are lochia menstruation

Due to the peculiarities of the human body, by the nature, the endometrium is restored quickly enough. It is normal for the complete healing of endometrial layer 2 months. During this period, there is no menstruation, but there are other emissions from the internal reproductive organs - lochia.

At the beginning of allocation have large volumes and color saturation. Later blood in them becomes relatively small, lochia acquire a yellowish tint and decrease in number. The pathological condition is a continuation of the allocation of more than 10 weeks. In this case you should consult a doctor.

Lochia - is not post-natal periods. Their appearance is connected with other physiological processes. Normal menses is necessary to wait until the lochia end.

Timing of the first month after childbirth

In fact, when the start month after childbirth are most influenced by GW. Menstruation and lactation are based on changes in the concentration of hormones in the female body and the processes are mutually exclusive. Explain the reason for this can be a simple way. During breast-feeding increases the production of prolactin. Hormone needed to produce enough milk. However, an increase in prolactin levels dulls the products of other biological substances - those that are involved in the appearance of menses.

Because, how many after childbirth begin monthly, if not fed, or when DHW is present - different time periods. At full breastfeeding there is a minimal chance of an early resumption of menstruation. On the contrary, if there is insufficient prolactin production of complementary foods and monthly reappear.

Proper rules for the return of monthly as follows:

  1. From 6 to 8 weeks to the exclusion of breastfeeding completely.
  2. In the period from 3 to 4 months with mixed feeding the baby.
  3. After six months or for a year, when lactation is held fully and the child is fed exclusively mother's milk.

What affects the resumption of menses

In fact, when starting monthly days after birth when artificial feeding and natural feeding a baby, is also influenced by other factors:

  1. The complexity of the birth and development of pregnancy. Resumption month depends on the normal functioning of other body systems.
  2. The development of disease. Sexual pathology and endocrine systems, the use of drugs, abnormalities in the hormonal reorganization have a negative impact on the reduction of the monthly.
  3. The weight. Too thin or obese people are female tend to be a breach of regulation.
  4. Food. After making a baby born, many mothers adhere to the diet. As well as the body of pregnant women and women who give birth suffer from a lack of vitamins.
  5. Age features. Do mothers older than 30 years, the recovery is slower and longer period does not appear. If my mother more than 40 years, the absence of menstruation after delivery is associated with menopause, matured early.
  6. Mental-emotional component of health. Constant stress and depression, failure sleep lead to a deterioration of the whole body and cause failure to return on time monthly.

Features monthly after pregnancy

Pregnancy and birth of the baby cause strong changes of hormones in the body. Therefore, most often during the critical days and change of all phases of the cycle before becoming uncharacteristic traits.

Menstruation after childbirth occurs with differences in different mothers. Women can observe at such characteristic features of regulation:

  1. Profuse discharge with a duration of more than a week. There is a standard for daily amount of blood withdrawn from the body - 50 ml. When replacing the gasket is carried out every hour and a half, discharge may be a symptom of not menstruating and bleeding in the uterus. Then you need to go for a visit to a specialist. Regula refuse to tread a long time. How postpartum bleeds during menstruation, if you are breastfeeding and formula feeding? sometimes the first month after birth through breastfeeding within three months, characterized by a discharge of more than 7 days. Then the duration of menstruation normal. When allocating long end, and my mother wants to play it safe, appeal to the specialist about the bleeding does not hurt.
  2. Having unnatural color selection. Before and after delivery in the first few days of menstruation, bleeding have bright crimson hue, and by the end of menstruation darken. If month immediately have a dark brown color and a greater concentration of clots, should consult with a specialist, and tested for the presence of uterine abnormalities, ovarian, endocrine system.
  3. Irregularities in the cycle, a small amount of bleeding, their offensive late. While some mothers say the profusion of first menstruation, while others complain about the scant bleeding. Cause irregular cycle - the partial resumption of reproductive and endocrine structures after childbirth. After two or three months periods should soon return to normal and occur regularly.
  4. Begin to appear pain and unpleasant symptoms of PMS. Sometime during the birth mother Bend, previously causing spasms in the abdomen, is rectified. Then periods may become painless. Usually, however, there is the emergence or worsening of premenstrual syndrome in those who had never experienced it. Dizziness, excessive emotionality, blood pressure problems may occur during the critical days for mothers after birth. If the pain becomes severe, may develop inflammation or infection of the internal reproductive organs. Then you need to visit a doctor and undergo treatment.

How to understand what is required medical care

On examination by a gynecologist at the end of the first menstruation new-found mother goes on a mandatory basis.
Unscheduled trip to the doctor is necessary, if a woman says at:

  1. Above normal daily amount of bleeding, prolonged bleeding more than a week after a couple of cycles.
  2. Pathologies that cause such disorders include endometriosis, problems with hormones, adenomyosis.
  3. Spotting immediately after the period lochia, their bad smell. May cause the symptom remains of the placenta or fetal membranes inside the uterus.
  4. If monthly in 3 months after delivery and termination of breastfeeding did not come.
  5. Insufficient amount of bleeding, frequent menstruation that lasts very little.
  6. The absence of a regular cycle of 2-3 months.
  7. A situation where only once came menstruation.
  8. Monthly discharge after childbirth do not follow night.

Hygiene in order to avoid complications

In the first and second periods occurring after birth, and at any other time of newfound mother should follow the hygiene with particular zeal. There are some rules that will reduce the risk of complications and diseases of genitals:

  1. If lochia is not recommended to use tampons and hygiene with a layer of absorbent mesh. In the first 6-8 weeks after birth is better to resort to the help of Gorny pads. Change absorbent hygiene must be regularly - every 3 hours.
  2. Wash with bleeding need twice a day - morning and evening. In the period after childbirth can not use special gels for intimate hygiene. Much more suitable procedures for children mylo.6 weeks postpartum is not necessary to engage in sex. The uterus at this time is extremely sensitive to all sorts of infections.

Top 3 Myths about menstruation

There are a few common myths about how much are monthly after the birth and how to conduct necessary during this period. They significantly affect the quality of the newly-minted mom lives and prevent it to cope with the problems associated with menstruation.

Most errors cause the forums following prejudices:

If six months after giving birth is not monthly, as my mother is breastfeeding, pregnancy and conception is impossible not to be.

Myth becomes a cause of failure of contraceptives during sexual intercourse and causes many unplanned pregnancies. The truth is that ovulation does not begin with the advent of regulation, but much earlier - the egg is ready to conceive for about 14 days before menstruation. Because after birth need to be protected, not to get pregnant, even if there is no bleeding secretions. Experts recommend to give the body time to rebuild and plan for the next birth in a few years.

Tampons are unacceptable and bring irreparable harm to women's health.

Women fear that means personal hygiene will not allow residues of the endometrium to go outside, will to disturbances in the microflora of the vagina, and with regular use will cause malfunction of the whole sexual system. All this is not true. Although at the time of exit from swabs lochia should be abandoned, with the onset of menses during the period after the birth, they are perfectly safe. Means may even be much easier to conventional pads, as will be less to embarrass my mother movement during games and walks with your child. The only problem is that after childbirth a woman may notice changes in the characteristics of the external genitalia, why have to choose a new convenient type and size of a tampon.

Any, even the meager monthly allocation after delivery require the immediate cessation of HBV and bring harm to the baby while continuing lactation.

If menses come, but the woman plans to breastfeed more, worry about it it is not necessary. Menses will not affect the taste and milk characteristics. The only negative - they can reduce its production. Then it is necessary to feed the baby a little formula. Abandon breast child can due to changes in the smell of mom's due to the onset of menstruation. To avoid this, a woman needs only to carefully monitor the hygiene.

Resumption of menstruation postpartum time being influenced by many factors, and every mother's happening at different times. Caesarean section or natural product of the baby into the world do not affect the duration of the renewal cycle. Conversely, feeding a child breast milk or the use of mixtures leads to situations in which menstruation occurs immediately after the lochia or 6 months after delivery no periods.

For minor violations of the reasons for the unrest there. If the critical days have not recovered, you need to go to the doctor and be examined in order to identify the cause of the deviation.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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