Why during the month to the bathroom in the long: it hurts to write menstruation, painful to walk by and large


  1. Changes in the digestive tract during menstruation
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Painful bowel movements during menstruation
  4. Urinary system: why hurt to write
  5. What causes discomfort?
  6. Unusual during menstruation when emptying

If some women are asymptomatic critical days, while others suffer from a certain discomfort. There are both natural reasons why during the month to the bathroom on a large and negative factors. The last cause discomfort, frequent urination and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Sick to go to the toilet during menstruation

Changes in the digestive tract during menstruation

Frequent bowel movements during menstruation is not an aberration. Hormonal changes affect not only the muscles of the uterus. The digestive system is also under the direct influence. Increased motor activity of muscles provokes intestinal cleansing, which then exerts less pressure on the uterus.

It does this body in order to reduce the level of sensations a woman cuts her main sex organ. The hardest part comes with abundant secretions.

Slight pain at the time of going to the toilet, but they should not lead to tears.

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During menstruation diarrhea or other disorder of the gastrointestinal tract may occur due to the following:

  • relaxation of the muscles of the vagina;
  • functional disorder of the intestine;
  • effect of increased levels of progesterone;
  • improper diet (lack of fiber);
  • goiter;
  • stress.

These factors do not carry serious harm to women's health. The problem goes away after a month, or after the improvement of lifestyle and diet. In this abuse possible discomfort, in that case help tablets from abdominal pain during menstruation.

There are also pathological causes of diarrhea:

  • bending of the uterus;
  • endometriosis;
  • cystitis;
  • exacerbation of digestive diseases;
  • menstrual disorders (algomenorrhea);
  • infection of the intestine.

It menstruation helps to understand that there is a disease that should be treated.

Painful bowel movements during menstruation

Normal when menstruation to the bathroom to a large, and in the process having unbearable pain. During monthly bleeding is reduced immunity, and therefore more pronounced latent health problems.

Ascertain the cause without medical assistance impossible. There are a few most likely precipitating factors:

  1. Intestinal problems. Pain when emptying occurs frequently in the lumbar or abdominal area (around the navel).
  2. Hormonal disruptions. Excessive blood levels of oxytocin causes the muscles to be clamped, and therefore have difficulty when visiting the toilet.
  3. Endometriosis. If the disease foci spread to the rectum, the periods become abundant, ends and begins daubs. And there is a strong pain every time empty.
  4. The consequence of treatment. Many oral medications can affect the gastrointestinal tract, causing not only indigestion, but also pain during defecation.
  5. Poisoning. The use of expired or infected foods, cooking recipes violation menstruation is better tolerated by the body than at the critical days.

Pulling or cramping at the beginning of the cycle can be caused by gynecological problems, and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Self-medication is completely eliminated, as no examination and consulting a doctor can not choose an effective therapy.

Urinary system: why hurt to write

In most cases there is nothing wrong with a frequently visit the toilet during menstruation. Rejection of the endometrium takes place against the backdrop of a sharp decline in the level of sex hormones women. The uterus begins to contract more intensely to bring out the old cells faster.

If you add a swelling of the body during menstruation, it is possible irritation of the bladder. Most of urgency to the toilet arises at the beginning of the cycle with the first day of menstruation. But if added to this cutting pain, burning sensation, the cause of the violation acts.

What causes discomfort?

If a girl or woman to walk on a little hurt to the toilet during menstruation, need to be examined in the hospital. The reasons for such a state can be a lot. Starting from a large fluid intake, stress, to serious infectious diseases:

  1. Cystitis. The symptoms of an infectious inflammation of the bladder are amplified during the critical days. When monthly bleeding bacteria easier to get into the bodies of the reproductive system and the urethra, causing a number of unpleasant sensations. may be referred cystitis before menstruationAfter them in time.
  2. Hygiene. Abuse swab cleaning the aggressive means causes irritation, allergic reaction. The process of urine only exacerbated the situation, causing pain and a burning sensation.
  3. Kidneys. In the presence of stones in these bodies sick woman to write, not only during menstruation, but also after them. can distinguish vomiting, nausea and fever among other symptoms.
  4. Hidden sexually transmitted infections. Due to lower the body's protective functions are beginning to take an active STI symptoms before menstruation. Also it changes the character of not only urine but also blood. The discharge becomes cloudy and have an unpleasant odor.

In most situations, sick to go to the toilet during menstruation for women who have recently suffered hypothermia. And you still need to see a gynecologist and other specialists. Even minor violations untreated can develop into a more serious disease that affects not only sexual but also other organs.

Unusual during menstruation when emptying

Quite often you can find a complaint to the Women's Forum "monthly go only when I go to the toilet." This is a problem faced by almost 30% of women, and the rate can only be regarded as the end of the month, when the remnants of endometrial go out.

A problem also can be linked:

  • with poor uterine tone;
  • with an anomaly of the reproductive system organs;
  • with narrowing of the cervical canal;
  • with the beginning of pregnancy.

To identify the exact cause of what is happening only on ultrasound. Doctors advise women also abandon the methods of traditional medicine to accurate diagnosis.

Frequent urging to the toilet, pain and other discomfort may not be associated with the pathology. But it is extremely important to get information from the doctor. The specialist will conduct a survey to answer the patient's questions and prescribe the necessary treatment. Comments on forums and article may be used for informational purposes only, or self-will only aggravate the problem with the digestive tract and the bladder.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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