Menses when miscarriage after start: in early pregnancy without cleaning, no periods with cleaning


  1. When a miscarriage come monthly
  2. nature of the discharge
  3. Menstruation after complete abortion
  4. Month after abortion with curettage
  5. hazardous release
  6. If monthly gone too soon
  7. Why not monthly

The sudden interruption of a wanted pregnancy is always a stress for the woman. There is more experience of the subsequent state of the reproductive system. And this month after a miscarriage to help keep track of the state of health and recognize the problem in time.

Month after miscarriage

When a miscarriage come monthly

It is difficult to answer the question about when to begin after a miscarriage without knowing the monthly overall picture of the state of the female body.

The rate of recovery of the reproductive system of the female affected by the following factors:

  • term period of gestation at the time of spontaneous abortion;
  • the presence of absence of surgical intervention;
  • hormonal condition;
  • the presence or absence of cleaning the uterine cavity;
  • presence of complications after curettage procedure;
  • number of terminated pregnancies in the past;
  • instagram viewer
  • age of the patient;
  • compliance with the recommendations of a gynecologist;
  • the individual characteristics of the organism;
  • presence of external negative feedback (stress, emotions).

In an ideal situation, menstruation will go according to schedule, which was celebrated at the woman before. But the first day of the cycle is already the date of termination of pregnancy.From this time and it is necessary to count the length of your cycle. The normal monthly bleeding should begin no earlier than 21 and no later than 35 days after the miscarriage.

Experts advise to track ovulation and even by means of tests. It was a period full of oocyte maturation not only tell the date of menstruation, but also points to the restoration of hormonal and reproductive function. After ovulatory period menses occur within 14-17 days.

And there are also benign and more serious abnormalities that have their own characteristics, duration, as well as different specific symptoms.

nature of the discharge

The first month after a miscarriage only in 5% of cases remain unchanged. Especially the allocation of significant change, if the doctor did uterine clearance of fruit residues. Therefore, due to the permissible deviation from the norm doctors insist on ultrasonography (US) every 5-10 days after the abortion.

To ensure the normal endometrium and the resumption of reproductive function, it is sufficient to compare the features of your menstrual period with the following indicators:

  1. Duration. From three days to a week, taking into account the total amount of emissions. Do not be afraid, if earlier periods were less than seven days. This is not a deviation, and if not week period, and does not cause blood loss anemia.
  2. Volume. The amount of blood - from 50 to 150 ml. The slight increase in emissions. But the gasket is not completely soak for an hour. Otherwise, you should suspect hemorrhage.
  3. The composition and color. The normal dark red and reddish-brown shades. Clots can be present up to 1.5 cm without odor and pus.
  4. State cycle. Full recovery can occur both after 1 month and after a few. If the situation does not stabilize within three months, you need to seek medical help and get tested.
  5. Additional experience. PMS, mild pain at the beginning of the cycle in the region of the abdominal waist, moderate weakness, mood swings - is the norm.

When the menstrual flow is very different from the medical standards, it is necessary to visit your gynecologist and get tested. Most often belated stabilization causes stress and emotional stress, but we can not exclude inflammation and other negative consequences.

Menstruation after complete abortion

The onset of menstruation after miscarriage in early pregnancy without cleaning usually takes place according to schedule. But only if that does not happen a strong hormonal failure, and the remains of the fetus is completely out.

At full miscarriage or spontaneous abortion gestation period stops minor bleeding quickly, and almost unpleasant symptoms are not observed.

It is a complete cleansing of the uterus by fetal remains, the lack of inflammation and small gestational age allow the body in a new cycle after a miscarriage to fully recover. Slight modifications and delay periods, but these processes are of short duration and fade in the second, third month.

Month after abortion with curettage

With incomplete or missed abortion there is a need for surgical intervention. The specialist conducts scraping to prevent inflammation, heavy bleeding and other adverse consequences.

The most modern methods of treatment and diagnostic acts separately scraping. When cleaning the blind are more likely to leave the placenta particles inside the uterine cavity. And scraping assigned if there is a suspicion that the fetus came out spontaneously, but not completely.

Waiting for the month after a miscarriage with cleaning, keep in mind that the first day of the cycle is just scraping the date, not abortion. And in this case may be delayed menses after cleaning up to two months because of the following:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • taking certain drugs;
  • use of oral contraceptives;
  • strong stress for the body;
  • damage to the endometrium (endometrial).

hazardous release

Violations may indicate the following menstruation:

  1. Scarce. A small amount of bleeding (a few drops on the strip) often indicates the development of the strongest hormonal failure or the formation of adhesions after cleaning. It is necessary to determine what caused the obstruction of the fallopian tubes, as well as undergo therapy.
  2. Abundant. Unusually large loss of blood in the month precedes the development of dangerous iron deficiency anemia. Common causes - this is an incomplete miscarriage or sudden bleeding opening.
  3. Atypical. The presence of an unpleasant smell, significant clots, pus and precipitates with a red or pink tinge can not be considered the norm. The doctor may prescribe inflammatory and antibacterial drugs.

If monthly gone too soon

Even if the patient knows when after a miscarriage come monthly, do not be afraid of early bleeding marks on the gasket. Next period may start after 21 days, even if the cycle before it was longer.

All allocation up to that time, if they do not resemble the bleeding can be attributed to the effects of the sudden termination of pregnancy. Maximum duration - up to 10 days, but allowed the re-emergence of bloody footprints on the strip.

Why not monthly

The absence of menses, after an abortion with a dusting of 1.5-2 months is not a pathology. But only on condition that the doctor has confirmed the absence of negative processes in the body.

In other cases, if there is no monthly after the miscarriage, should suspect the following:

  • advent of a new pregnancy;
  • inflammatory process;
  • formation of adhesions;
  • strong emotions;
  • failure to comply with the doctor's recommendations;
  • functional disorders of the ovaries.

Material articles on the site can not replace a full consultation with a doctor or a survey. It is to abandon any hasty conclusions, and did not immediately suspect pathology. Short delay and changing characteristics of menstruation - is a normal situation, if all the indicators fit into the medical standards.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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