Why do before, during menstruation headaches: menstrual migraine causes and treatment


  1. The causes of headache before menstruation
  2. primary dysmenorrhea
  3. secondary dysmenorrhea
  4. Pain due to the occurrence of water-salt imbalance
  5. Treatment
  6. Pain resulting from abnormalities in the blood vessels
  7. osteochondrosis
  8. Treatment
  9. Anemia
  10. Treatment
  11. Slagging of the organism
  12. Treatment
  13. Why have a headache during menstruation
  14. Pathological processes in the reproductive organs
  15. Start using oral contraception
  16. When to see a doctor
  17. Varieties of pain
  18. menstrual migraine
  19. "The head is in a vise"
  20. "Occipital" pain
  21. What to do with headaches during menstruation
  22. Non-steroidal analgesics
  23. Vitamin-mineral complexes
  24. Means of oral contraceptives that contain estrogen
  25. progestins

According to statistics provided by the International Association of Public Health, every person in the world at least once, but faced with migraines varying intensity. Studying the percentage of respondents, it is clear that the vast majority of those who suffer from sudden attacks of this disease - women during menstruation. Based on the opinion of practicing physicians and neurologists can conclude that headache when menstruation occurs for reasons that lie deeper than just the body's response to the menstrual metamorphosis. Cephalgic determine the origins of the syndrome, to isolate the symptoms provoked by menstruation and consider possible methods of getting rid of the uncomfortable sensations try in this material.

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Headache during menstruation

The causes of headache before menstruation

Cyclic periods - the main sign of good health, not only the reproductive system of women, but also the whole organism. Perhaps each woman familiar discomfort of varying intensity in the back and abdomen, prognostic fast start controller. It is these symptoms are called premenstrual symptoms and, simply, the ICP.

But why have a headache before menstruation? whether a symptom belongs to the notorious PMS? A clear answer to these questions is difficult, because each body is unique, and the reaction to the changes, heralding fast menstruation, individual. But relying on statistical data gynecologists can say with certainty that it is often the cause of heavy periods become spazmoobraznyh pain affecting various areas of the head.

Such a manifestation of PMS causes a general nervousness, irritability, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite and past performance.

Neurologist secrete several kinds of dysmenorrhea comprising cephalgic syndrome known as headache in advance of or during menstruation:

primary dysmenorrhea

Characterized by the presence of pronounced PMS per day or more before the month, including a severe pain in the head area. This phenomenon - the individual reaction to the "menstrual stress." Unpleasant sensations are stopped using analgesics, but a complete "cure" comes only after the first birth.

secondary dysmenorrhea

Characterized by the presence of head pain during menstruation is not a physiological phenomenon, but as a symptom of pathological processes occurring in the body. In most cases, it is a disease of the reproductive and circulatory systems.

Often the reason is the sharp change in the level of "female" hormones that accompany ovulation and ending approximation "elimination" unfertilized egg from the body of the girl.

It jumps in progesterone in the blood are a major cause of cephalgic syndrome.

Experts say that the month, as usual, though, but rather a major stress for the fair floor, "open" pressure points are located on different systems body. In addition to hormonal, neurologists allocate a number of reasons that can provoke the appearance of parietal pain during PMS. Let us consider the most common ones.

Pain due to the occurrence of water-salt imbalance

The sharp increase of estrogen in the blood immediately before the critical days interfere with the excretion of fluids in its entirety. Usually she does not notice this "delay", because the water-salt balance gradually recovers by the end of menstruation. But if the history includes renal disease, susceptibility to swelling caused by pathology or hereditary predisposition, the hormone surge can lead to brain edema various tissues intensity.

The phenomenon is not a serious threat to women life.

Based on the opinions posted on niche sites, many faced with this problem, we noted the occurrence of sudden pain in the occipital and parietal area of ​​the head. Characteristic of small soft tissue swelling in said zones and a blood pressure increase. Headaches such etymologies, both before and during menstruation can be avoided.


Must be abandoned shortly before the onset of menses from the use of fatty, fried and salty foods. Such gastronomic attachments can enhance water-salt imbalance in the body. In cases of predisposition to this illness or the presence of pathological processes affecting the kidneys, experts can advise a woman Course diuretic therapy. Drug intervention can prevent the occurrence of severe pain.

It should be noted that is not recommended to start a course of diuretics alone! Long-term use of drugs of this spectrum is able to aggravate the fluid and electrolyte imbalance and lead to the development of acute renal failure!

According to its nephrologists, as therapy, planned to restore and maintain fluid and electrolyte balance, you can use a variety of diuretic teas and infusions.

For more accurate dosage and duration of medication, the woman should consult with her doctor watching!

Facilitates control of the diary, which should mark the amount you drink and the rejection by the body fluid.

Pain resulting from abnormalities in the blood vessels

During the entire time of menses, blood vessels, the fairer sex "feel" an increased load. It increases not only the number of "passing" of substance, but also its "head."

Cyclical unpleasant symptoms accompanying the girl every month, may indicate the presence of blood clots, high blood pressure or other vascular abnormalities.

Often these diseases occur in women who turned 40 years abroad.


One of the most common answers to the question of why the headache during menstruation is osteochondrosis, hit the cervical spine.

Occurrence of sensations, in this case, due to insufficient oxygen saturation of the brain cells. A similar pathology is caused by displacement of the blood vessels bumped vertebrae.

Many women have faced this problem personally, say that long-term neglect of the disease monthly accompanied by not only a headache, but also frequent dizziness, nausea, and in the "running" cases, even vomiting.


Practicing surgeons and osteopaths recommend not to "score" the symptoms of analgesics, as desired relief will be short-lived, and eliminate the cause. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can be cured with the help of massage courses. With long-term neglect of the problem, you may need to use orthopedic neck "corsets".


Low hemoglobin level may "haunt" the woman severe headaches directly during menstruation.

Experts say that anemia and is the monthly results in a lack of "fueling" of brain tissue oxygen, and during menstruation situation is exacerbated.


As a maintenance therapy and to stabilize the hemoglobin in the blood doctor may prescribe a course of pharmaceutical preparations containing iron. These tools are manufactured in the form of tablets and syrups. The dosage is adjusted individually, based on the existing level of hemoglobin at the time of appointment, the patient's age and weight.

In addition to medical intervention, prescribed special, antianemic, a diet that includes buckwheat, nuts, beef liver, beets, dried fruits and caviar.

Slagging of the organism

Most women say that in the first days of menstruation often worried about diarrhea. This phenomenon is quite physiological. Increased blood flow "accelerates" the excretion of toxins from the body, cleansing it of toxins. The tendency to constipation, on the contrary, is fraught with intoxication, accompanied by headaches, nausea, and in severe poisoning, the presence of temperature, fever and vomiting.


With a history of addiction to constipation, doctors recommend to seek the assistance of laxatives drugs drugs and adhere to a special diet consisting of a consumption of fruit and dried fruit, especially prunes.

Why have a headache during menstruation

Many women who face headaches during the critical days, noted that it is a sharp, pulsating character, hinder look, and sometimes even simply to translate view. The reasons for this phenomenon lie in the spasm, the damaging blood vessels. Their dramatic expansion and leads to strong stimulation of pain receptors.

Migraine, shown on the background of menstruation, requires immediate treatment.

Ignoring the disease is fraught with the appearance of neurological complications. In most cases, neurologists prescribe tablets from PMS a series of triptans:

  • sumatriptan;
  • eletriptan;
  • Zolmitriptan.

Pain, migraine in conjunction with the cervical vertebral osteochondrosis perfectly docked via Ibuprofen. For a quick effect and can help the capsule from a number of analgesics:

  • Nurofen;
  • analgin;
  • No-spa;
  • Paracetamol.

Analgesics can help eliminate discomfort, but drink them permanently dangerous to health!

It is worth noting that the experts is not recommended to self-medicate. Each of the above formulations has a number of contraindications and side effects. Before using any drugs the woman should consult with their physician to assign the correct dosage and the ratio of benefits and harms of the drug!

Remember that long-term use of analgesics can cause addictive!

Pathological processes in the reproductive organs

Various STD, ovarian cysts, dysplasia in the uterus, infections of the reproductive tract can manifest themselves headaches during menstruation. Is not a primary symptom, but, along with nausea, vomiting and profuse bleedings, changes to the color, odor, or consistency rejects mucous fluid may indicate the development of pathological processes in the genital organs women system.

Start using oral contraception

Based on statistics, 4 out of 10 women who started a course of oral contraceptives, faced with a sudden headache that accompanies the first few menstrual cycles. Such symptoms is one of the most common side effects from the use of this method of preventing unwanted pregnancy.

If the pain continues for 4 or more cycles, you must immediately stop taking the medication and seek to watching a woman gynecologist! The symptom may indicate you are hypersensitive to the drug and the strong intoxication!

When to see a doctor

Headaches, including migraines during menstruation, in spite of the reasons arising from changes in the body due to the onset of critical days, have a number of characteristics. These include:

  1. Localization of pain in the parietal or occipital part.
  2. Sudden, pulsating character of pain.
  3. Typical shot in the eye area and temples.
  4. The alternation of the increase, the decrease in blood pressure.
  5. Malaise is accompanied by constant nausea. In severe cases, the pain may be accompanied by vomiting and dizziness.
  6. Amplification discomfort when a light or sound.
  7. Numbness in the fingertips as the hands and legs.
  8. Tingling in the heart.
  9. Heart palpitations.
  10. "Ache" throughout the body.
  11. Lack of appetite.
  12. Irritability.
  13. The alternation of apathy and irritability.
  14. Sleep disturbance.
  15. deterioration of performance.
  16. Puffiness.
  17. The absence of the chair throughout the menstrual period.
  18. Drawing pain in the lower back and abdomen.

When diagnosing such symptoms, conjugated with severe headaches, a woman needs to turn to watch her physician or neurologist. Specialist will help you choose the drug and determine the cause of deterioration of health.

Timely access to a doctor to help prevent the onset of headaches in the subsequent menstrual cycle.

Varieties of pain

Folk wisdom says that every one and the same pain in different ways. In the case of headaches provoked by approaching menstruation, it is not only the individual pain threshold. Pain itself can manifest itself in different ways. Based on the intensity and "dislocation" There are several types of uncomfortable sensations in the head:

menstrual migraine

The most widespread and strongest type of headache before and throughout menstruation. Literally any movement, sound or change in light intensity is strong, "sweep" a pain in the temporal lobes. The duration of pain is individual and can last from 3 hours to 3 days.

Sometimes migraines during menstruation may be accompanied by vomiting and fever. When the nausea should immediately drink painkillers capsules, because of vomiting do the procedure would be extremely problematic.

Migraine usually accompanied by a decrease in hemoglobin. If it is against the background of menstruation is cyclical, the specialist may prescribe a course receiving drugs containing magnesium and iron. Formulations based on magnesium pressurized. This effect is good for those suffering from low blood pressure during menstruation.

"The head is in a vise"

Thus many women are characterized by a dull, boring pain that appears in the first day of menstruation. The intensity of the pain spasms is weak, but the constant feeling of discomfort, according to many women, it is extremely exhausting.

The reason for this phenomenon may be osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Based on an article posted on the specialized medical resources, we can conclude that if there is such a headache intensity come to the aid of exchange rate massage "collar" zone. To begin therapy is recommended for several days prior to menstruation, but also directly during the pain attack self-massage is a great assistant.

"Occipital" pain

Feelings are concentrated in the occipital area. Pain is expressed softly, is periodic. Heaviness in the back of the head during menstruation is associated with problems in the vascular system of the body. To eliminate the headache of such etymologies is necessary to resort to a cooling compress long rest and "vascular" diet. State is facilitated by mild analgesics effects.

What to do with headaches during menstruation

What do you do when the headache, nausea and increased pressure before and during the critical days. How to cope with a migraine before menstruation? The unequivocal answer to these questions can give only a doctor watching a woman. Based on the results of tests and examinations, the expert not only pick up the pills, but also to calculate the dosage needed to achieve the desired effect.

Let's look at some medications that are presented in the "arsenal" of doctors. List of painkillers during menstruation:

Non-steroidal analgesics

These drugs are called not simply "drown out" the pain, but also to overcome the inflammatory processes accompanying malaise. For drugs in this group include:

  • Ketarol;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Nurofen;
  • Aspirin.

Remember that you should not really get involved in drugs. It is enough to take one tablet, and painful symptoms go away.

Vitamin-mineral complexes

These drugs are taken courses and avoid anemia due to profuse bleeding. Experts recommend taking these drugs as a means of warning the appearance of pain and as a preventive measure several times a year.

Means of oral contraceptives that contain estrogen

Drinking OK not only to avoid unwanted pregnancies, but also soften the hormonal surge, characteristic of the premenstrual period. You should not be treated with these drugs alone, because the harm from their reception could surpass the favor!


These substances are synthetic "doubles" of female sex hormones. The most known preparation containing a chemical formula based artificial progesterone - Djufaston. Said medicament commonly used in gynecology and can serve as a primary therapy for getting rid of headaches and alleviate premenstrual syndrome, associated with a sharp change in hormone background.

Remember that self-appoint themselves drugs and choose the dosage is very dangerous for health!

At periodic, mild pain in the head enough to drink a light analgesic, sleep or make a weak massage sore points. Relaxing bath with the addition of aromatic oils also have medicinal properties. It is advisable to avoid eating fatty, fried, salty foods and alcohol a few days before menstruation and throughout the menstrual period. This food abstinence would be beneficial not only to the "state of health" of the head and blood vessels, but also on the condition of the body.

When diagnosing long, "sweep" of pain before menstruation, accompanied by changes in blood pressure, nausea, vomiting and fever, must apply to the doctor!

  • Oct 19, 2019
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