Can polyp come up with monthly: on any day of the cycle remove endometrial polyp


  1. The influence on polyp cycle
  2. Spontaneous disappearance of the polyp
  3. small growths
  4. Methods of treatment
  5. hormone therapy
  6. other drugs
  7. When the operation is necessary
  8. The importance of the cycle of the day for surgery
  9. basic methods
  10. Scraping during menstruation
  11. Month after the removal of tumors
  12. When will the monthly
  13. bleeding patterns
  14. the cervical canal
  15. the uterus

Benign education complicates the life of a woman. Build-up in the reproductive system must be removed in time. So you need to figure out whether a polyp is to come up with their own monthly or require curettage procedure.

Can polyp come up with a monthly

The influence on polyp cycle

Neoplasm negative impact on sexual health. The nature of the menstrual cycle will largely depend on the build-up location. The features of a polyp in the uterus (endometrium)

  • delay;
  • heavy menstruation;
  • long periods (from one week or more).

Abnormal growth of tissue in the cervical canal of the cervix is ​​the following:

  • discharge of blood during sex;
  • scanty menses;
  • brown color bleeding.

Among the common symptoms is to provide:

instagram viewer
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • cycle crash.

In some situations, the damaged tumor begins to become inflamed, causing pus and appear at any day of the month.

And there are other types of polyps:

  • glandular;
  • fibrotic;
  • adenomatous;
  • placenta (after pregnancy, miscarriage on the remains of the placenta).

Spontaneous disappearance of the polyp

Polyp with menstruation may come, but this happens rarely. No photos will not help to understand whether it was a build-up or routine blood clot. It is not necessary to hope that the buildup will resolve on their own. Without treatment, it increases the risk of repeated relapse, because the provocation was not eliminated.

Often, the first ultrasound gives a false result when the endometrial folds are seen for pathology. Therefore, doctors prescribe the re-examination.

It is believed that traditional medicine or supplements can not fully solve the problem with an abnormal growth of tissue.

small growths

Polyp to 1 cm in diameter can go together with menstruation, but only after the appropriate treatment. In medical practice, there are cases of spontaneous release, but more often an outgrowth did not disappear until the end. It is therefore important for any symptoms in time to go to the hospital to avoid polypectomy.

Read also in one of our articles, As a way out ovarian cyst during menstruation and what are the early signs of the process.

Methods of treatment

Therapy is selected based on the root causes and the age of the patient.

hormone therapy

Polyp in the early stages of development, eliminate hormones for several months. The main selection criteria - age and health status.

Up to 35 years - combined oral contraceptives (estrogen + progesterone)

  • Janine;
  • Novinet;
  • Yasmin;
  • Diane-35;
  • Regulon.

Find out why month after regulon sometimes delayed by clicking the link.
Premenopausal - tablets progestins:

  • Norkolut;
  • Mikrolyut;
  • utrozhestan;
  • Duphaston.

Learn about the nature of the discharge month after Norkoluta Article link.

  • Zoladex;
  • Diferelin;
  • Leuprorelin.

Important! When hormone therapy does not work, you must choose other methods of treatment.

With the growth of tumors doctor will tell you remove endometrial polyp on any day of the cycle. In most cases, treatment is administered after menstruation.

other drugs

Cure buildup without surgery can not only hormones. Preparations are selected on the basis of the causes overgrowth of tissue. Antibiotics help if the problem is caused by inflammation of the pelvic organs and the presence of genital infection.

Used such drugs:

  • Gentamigin;
  • doxycycline;
  • Zitrolid;
  • tetracycline;
  • tinidazole;
  • Ornidozol;
  • Gentamigin;
  • Erythromycin.

As maintenance therapy doctor prescribes iron tablets, and vitamin complexes. It helps prevent anemia on strong blood loss, and improve the patient's immune system. If you take homeopathic medicines and traditional medicine, they are allowed, but only after consultation with your healthcare professional.

When the operation is necessary

Operative intervention is necessary in the following cases:

  • large size build-up;
  • there is no improvement after taking the hormone;
  • strong uterine bleeding;
  • suspicion of oncology;
  • after the age of 40 years.

The importance of the cycle of the day for surgery

On which day of the cycle do hysteroscopy to remove a polyp, can respond only by a doctor. In the medical field believe that the best time for surgery - the second or third day after the menses. The deadline shall not exceed ten days after menstruation.

This approach is justified by the fact that during this period the mucosal layer of the uterus has the smallest thickness. Therefore gynecologist easier to recognize the tumor for precise removal.

basic methods

Modern gynecology offers several ways in which the polyps are removed:

  1. Hysteroscopy. Gisterorezektsiya allows most accurately assess the condition of the genitals, and completely remove the tumor at the root. Following the basic procedure hysteroresectoscopy doctor conducts moxibustion.
  2. Curettage. An outdated method that is rarely used. Expedient when polyposis, when you need to scrape the multiple formations using a curette.
  3. Laser. The safest possible way, which reduces the risk of infection and bleeding. But the laser scalpel is not available in all health facilities.
  4. Laparoscopy. Operation through a small incision in the abdominal cavity involves removal of the uterus. It held if the abnormal cells have been found, or there is a high likelihood of cancer.

There is also an endometrial ablation, but after this event she will never be able to have children. Therefore, this method is for patients in menopause.

Scraping during menstruation

During monthly bleeding is undesirable to carry out surgery for the following reasons:

  • prevent menses;
  • endometrial thickness is too large;
  • inability to examine carefully the submissions received.

It should be noted that the answer to the question whether it is possible during the month to remove a polyp, is ambiguous and there are exceptions when the procedure is still carried out:

  1. In order to stop the profuse bleeding.
  2. When the build-up located on the cervix.

In the first case it is impossible to postpone the procedure until the end of menstruation. In the second situation, there is a significant opening of the cervical canal. Surgeon easier to define the boundaries of tumors and capture it with a special device.

So do not be surprised if after the issue, remove a polyp of the cervical canal, the doctor will not preclude surgical action in the critical days on which day of the cycle.

Month after the removal of tumors

When a polyp is no longer harmful to the health of women, begins recovery period. At this time, the patient should take care of yourself and accurately carry out the instructions of the attending physician. The pace of the normalization of the functioning of reproductive system depend on the following factors:

  1. removing process. The less intervention, the faster the woman recovers.
  2. Age. Young body and reproductive system after 35-40 years are coming back to normal in many ways.
  3. Additional factors. It plays an important role holidays, compliance specialist advice and general health.

When will the monthly

The beginning of menstruation after curettage polyps often falls on the next cycle. Tolerance - 1.5 months (40-50 days). Menstruation begins soon after the removal of the build-up of the cervical canal due to less stress on the body.

The long delay is not pathological character can be linked to the patient's age and hormonal status. If bleeding delayed for more than two months, you must:

  • to hand over analyzes on hormones;
  • make vaginal smear;
  • pass an ultrasound.

It is important to exclude the time of progesterone deficiency. The lack of this hormone not only violates the cycle, but also provokes recurrent polyp.

bleeding patterns

Features of the first month after the removal of the polyp will depend on the location of tumors:

the cervical canal

Notes scanty menses due to the use of antibiotics. Intermenstrual discharge should disappear, but may be spotting for a week after surgery. It is important not to let liquid delayed. After all, they can cause inflammation.

the uterus

Month after the removal of endometrial polyps are abundant and are accompanied by pain. In the middle of the cycle is normally absent brown discharge. Prolonged menstruation (over 10 days) indicate incomplete removal of the buildup. In that case requires repeated inspection and intervention.

When doctors removed a polyp, it is important to rule out endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia.

Without the elimination of these diseases, you can forget about the normal functioning of the reproductive system. It increases the risk of recurrence of polyps after treatment.

After hysteroresectoscopy endometrial polyps or cervical monthly differ from regular monthly bleeding. It is impossible to say exactly how fast rebound cycle. But doctors say that a timely solution to the problem of neoplasm improves the chances for a speedy recovery. Therefore, it is not necessary to self-medicate, giving preference to alternative medicine.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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