Month after laparoscopic ovarian cyst (fallopian tubes): Will make laparoscopy during menstruation


  1. The algorithm of the laparoscopic
  2. The menstrual cycle as a result of laparoscopic surgery
  3. In which phase of the female cycle to do a laparoscopy
  4. When laparoscopy is done at monthly
  5. Month after laparoscopy
  6. signs of pathology
  7. diagnostic laparoscopy
  8. myomectomy
  9. Tubal obstruction
  10. endometriosis
  11. Ovarian cyst
  12. polycystic ovary
  13. Delay after laparoscopy
  14. Neginekologicheskaya operation
  15. The period of recovery and rehabilitation
  16. Pregnancy and laparoscopic surgery

endoscopic procedures used in modern gynecology. Laparoscopy - one of the most common types of minimally invasive surgery. After manipulation of virtually not observed pain and no scars are formed. One of the undesirable effects is that month after laparoscopy slipping and do not go according to schedule. This may be due to the specificity of the surgery.

Month after laparoscopy

The algorithm of the laparoscopic

The main advantages of laparoscopic surgery are the low level of trauma, a short hospital stay, rapid rehabilitation and minimal risk of skidding infections.

Laparoscopy though not imply cuts, but is surgery. Therefore, prior to the manipulation of the patient appointed laboratory and instrumental studies.

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When planning your procedure date of the transaction depends on the results of blood tests (biochemistry and sugar), urine from Rh factor, the quality of the blood clotting on the results of the ECG and fluoroscopy images of the conclusion uzist. Also important sample for cytology and liver counts. Hepatitis, AIDS and syphilis verified as in the standard surgical abdominal operations.

When emergency hospitalization taken blood and urine tests, coagulation is determined by blood group and Rh factor, electrocardiograms. Two hours before the start of the operation the patient should stop taking any food or liquid. Put enema.

The operation lasts from 10 minutes to several hours and is performed under general anesthesia. To raise the abdominal wall through the puncture carbon dioxide is introduced into the umbilicus. Thereafter, through the punctures 10 and diameter 15 mm laparoscope introduced and manipulators. Inspection is carried out strictly in a clockwise direction. After finding all the pathologies is their removal.

The menstrual cycle as a result of laparoscopic surgery

After a laparoscopy may be a delay menstruation, heavy menstruation sometimes observed and their atypical characteristics. Changes in the cycle will depend on spitsifiki of gynecological surgery. It may include:

  • removal of tumors or cysts;
  • stimulation of ovulation in polycystic;
  • infertility treatment;
  • elimination of adhesions;
  • Extraction endometriosis;
  • permanent or temporary sterilization;
  • in the presence of fibroids bleeding;
  • treatment of early stage cervical cancer.

Intervention may include partial removal of the uterus. If necessary, can be extracted with a neoplasm, problematic portion reproductive organ tissues. And there are times when the uterus or ovaries are removed completely. The complexity of manipulations depends on how much will be changed menstrual cycle.

In which phase of the female cycle to do a laparoscopy

Screening for the detection of infertility or cysts removed performed after ovulation. The optimum period - 15-25 days of the menstrual cycle. Laparoscopy can also be done before menstruation, however, for 1 - 3 days before the start of discharge is not necessary to carry out the procedure. Increases the percentage of probability of getting infections.

When laparoscopy is done at monthly

Most patients are concerned about whether you can do a laparoscopy during menstruation. In the absence of indications for urgent intervention, manipulation is not performed during menstruation. This is due to the blood clotting process and a high probability of breakthrough bleeding. However, to clarify the diagnosis in difficult clinical cases, as well as vital signs, the procedure can be carried out during menstruation. Immediate surgery proiskhoditpri:

  • or torsion at break ovarian cysts;
  • in the case of acute appendicitis;
  • ectopic tubal pregnancy;
  • if diagnosed with adhesive intestinal obstruction.

Month after laparoscopy

The main features of the monthly changes, which should pay attention to are:

  • the start of menstruation;
  • nature of the discharge;
  • painful or their absence;
  • hormonal changes.

signs of pathology

Abundant clusters of brown indicate the presence of possible infection and require doctor visits. Warning sign and also is unpleasant odor rejects the liquid.

diagnostic laparoscopy

With good initial health status of women menstruation after laparoscopy carried out taking into account all the indicators comes in time t. E. on the usual schedule. The norm is delaying the start of the cycle for 2-5 days. If a long delay is recommended to immediately contact the expert.

Beginning of menstruation may be preceded by spotting and this is the norm.


When treating myomectomy possible removal of all or uterine leiomyomata. In the first case after periods do not begin operation. When you save the body, the beginning of menstruation after the removal of uterine fibroids by laparoscopic method is caused by individual characteristics of the female organism.

Tubal obstruction

Fallopian tubes - a common cause of infertility. Operation can increase the possibility of pregnancy several times. Menses after laparoscopic tubal abundant, distinguished by the presence of pain and discomfort.


Endometriosis can occur on the outer surface of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ligaments, pelvic cavity. In case of suspicion of oncology education performed laparoscopy. Monthly occur immediately after the procedure. Allocation should be abundant, however, may bleed, so the patient should always be under the supervision of a physician. After a laparoscopy on monthly appendages often painful.

Ovarian cyst

With the threat of further growth, rupture or cysts conversion benign formation in malignant surgical intervention is necessary. Minimally invasive surgery allows you to fully preserve ovarian tissue. Treatment is often accompanied by hormonal therapy, so month after laparoscopic ovarian cysts occur on schedule.

polycystic ovary

In the presence of polycystic ovary syndrome, endoscopic surgery is the perfect solution for the early pregnancy. The intervention is desirable after ovulation. Availability of monthly after laparoscopic ovarian polycystic when evidence of successful treatment. discharge character may change the course of several months.

Delay after laparoscopy

The first month after laparoscopy does not always come on time. The reason is not the surgery itself and the human reaction to anesthesia systems and psycho-emotional state of women. Doctors believe a recovery period to average cycle of not more than 2 months. If after laparoscopy month no longer need to see a specialist to determine the reasons for failure. They are as follows:

  • age of the woman;
  • medication;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • complex regulation of the nervous and hormonal systems;
  • general deterioration of health.

Neginekologicheskaya operation

Laparoscopy also allows you to examine the abdominal cavity. surgical intervention for the treatment is carried out regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle:

  • hernias;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • acute abdominal injuries.

After removal of appendicitis by laparoscopy often come plentiful monthly. Possible minor cycle crash. Doctors recommend transfer procedure possible at mid-cycle.

Methods of minimally invasive treatment method is also contraindicated in patients with heart disease, are not corrected coagulopathy, respiratory insufficiency, and also to the presence of many abdominal cavity operations history.

The period of recovery and rehabilitation

Laparoscopy - the most safe procedure. It is called the "gold standard." The main advantages of minimally invasive surgery - is minimal injury tissues, low risk of adhesions and a short rehabilitation period.

In the first hours after the procedure may experience the effects of anesthesia: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, but most patients are discharged on the same or next day. Unlike traditional surgical surgery, you can walk a few hours after the procedure. In the food can be consumed easily digestible food and plenty of mineral water. In the future, it is necessary to comply with doctor's recommendations for the care of the seams during the week or two.

Pregnancy and laparoscopic surgery

The innovative technique of manipulation makes it possible to perform laparoscopic procedures during pregnancy. Such procedures should be done only in specialized clinics under the supervision of medical professionals.

Carry out the operation at any period of pregnancy, but the most favorable is the second trimester. Be aware that as a result of intervention after the start of laparoscopy allocation similar to scanty menses. The use of minimally invasive procedures to minimize the possibility of premature birth.

If surgery is performed with the aim of becoming pregnant, the probability of conception dates vary depending on the original condition. In case of manipulation of the fallopian tubes or polycystic become pregnant must as soon as possible. In other cases, pregnancy occurs in the first postoperative year.

Modern minimally invasive interventions contribute not only to quality diagnosis, but always ready to help in difficult cases. Endoscopic intervention - an ideal solution to many gynecological problems. To avoid complications it is necessary to choose the professional doctors.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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