Yoga in menopause: gymnastics, exercise, watch video tutorials online


  1. Why is it recommended to do yoga in menopause?
  2. The best exercises for women in menopause
  3. Asanas to eliminate hot flashes
  4. Asanas which stimulate the blood circulation in the pelvic organs
  5. Asanas to help maintain a stable emotional background
  6. How to do the exercises?
  7. Limitations and contraindications for yoga during the menopausal changes

The beginning of menopause is often marked by a number of unpleasant symptoms: sleep disorders, hot flashes, bouts of fever, blood pressure jumps, headaches, Problems with the nervous system and other troubles. Entering the age of menopause requires more attention to the health and general well-being, so it is with menopause yoga can provide an invaluable service.

Today, more and more women understand the importance of a responsible attitude to his condition at this time of life. They begin to search for specialized literature and training materials on the web. Once they click yoga exercise during menopause. This moment is often the starting point for relieving unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

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Yoga and menopause

Why is it recommended to do yoga in menopause?

  • This type of load during menopause, unlike many others, implies a mild effect on all organs and body systems. To minimize the likelihood of reduced fatigue, which could aggravate the general condition.
  • This technique minimizes the risk of sprains and injuries, as all options asanas focus on slow and gradual elaboration of the muscles and joints. This eliminates the abrupt and traumatic movement, which is especially important during menopause, because the bones become fragile and ligaments are rapidly losing its former mobility.
  • This area of ​​physical perfection gently stimulates metabolic and hormonal processes in the body, it has a positive effect on the emotional state.
  • The elimination of stagnation is a preventive measure in the fight against multiple diseases, including oncology.
  • Yoga during menopause contributes to the prevention of vegetative-vascular disorders.
  • The ancient Indian doctrine helps to keep the visual appeal, to keep the body in good shape, to deal with a set of extra kilos.

The best exercises for women in menopause

Basic practices aimed at minimizing the climacteric symptoms and manifestations of intensity in each individual case. Although training system implies a complex compilation techniques aimed at balancing all internal processes of the female body, highlighted some priority practices that are desirable to be carried out at regular menostaze.

Asanas to eliminate hot flashes

This category is represented by the exercises, especially asana "connected angle." It relaxes the body, stimulates the female organs, beneficial effects on the adrenal glands that produce hormones, reduces fatigue in the legs and prevents the progression of varicose veins. Another exercise that helps overcome attacks tide blocks are slow, deep squats with the pressure of his hands on the lower abdomen. They are performed at a slow pace with a constant breath control.

Asanas which stimulate the blood circulation in the pelvic organs

To intensify the work of the female reproductive organs, yoga offers a set of exercises, including the so-called "female tilts "when combined with stretching the muscles and joints, postures static and dynamic" butterfly ", as well as one of the most important women's practices" tired dog". All these techniques together can prevent stagnation in the pelvic area, increase blood flow, optimize the performance of this important women's field. All movements should be carried out smoothly without any strain.

Asanas to help maintain a stable emotional background

When menopause nervous system characterized by extreme instability. A woman can be confusing attacks irritability, touchiness, tearfulness, sleep disturbances, apathy. To stabilize the mental state is very important to learn to relax properly and on time, to avoid fatigue, right out of the stress. Excellent assistants in the following asanas will "bridge pose" "posture of the child", "savasana", the practice of "legs up the wall", "pigeon pose," "Goddess Pose" "Pose swimming fish."

How to do the exercises?

Yoga - is not just a set of individual exercises. It requires preparation of a whole complex of activities in order to achieve a positive effect, taking into account the particular condition of the body women, comorbidity, level of fitness, as well as the symptoms that are specific to it during menostaza.

No less important is the proper execution of exercises. The ideal option may become classes with an experienced trainer. If such a possibility does not exist, you can try to seek the help of search engines, typing a query: yoga during menopause to watch video tutorials online. View these videos will help you to build a class, monitor the implementation techniques and their inner feelings.

Limitations and contraindications for yoga during the menopausal changes

Physical activity during menopause requires special care when performing. Not all kinds of techniques are recommended for women in menopause.

  1. If a woman suffers bouts of hot flashes, then it is absolutely contraindicated any asana practicing breath retention and intense vibrations of the chest.
  2. In the presence of such diseases as hypertension, should eliminate the practice, in which the assumed position upside down in order to avoid relapse.
  3. Any serious illnesses should be cause for consultation with a physician. With his permission, it can be designed gentle program of activities.
  4. Load should be increased gradually, adding new exercises and the number of repetitions, focusing on internal self-awareness of women and their mood.
  5. The decision to do yoga at a time when the menopause, should be supported by changes in diet and lifestyle. Bad habits and junk food, saturated fats and fast carbohydrates will enhance fatigue, irritability and increased other symptoms of menopause, nullifying all the efforts efforts.

Compliance with these simple tips can significantly improve the quality of life during menostaza. It allows regular exercises minimize the manifestation of the unwanted symptoms of menopause, and allows women to enjoy every day of his life.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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