What tests need to pass on hormones for women in menopause


  1. The importance of timely delivery of analyzes in menopause
  2. What tests are needed during menopause?
  3. That will test for FSH?
  4. The importance of the blood levels of estradiol
  5. Effect of luteinizing hormone in the female body
  6. Progesterone and Menopause
  7. deciphering tests
  8. How to prepare for the tests?

Hormones play an important role in the female organism. They not only affect the reproductive system, but also to ensure the normal course of metabolic processes. Therefore, it is important to know what tests you need to take on female sex hormones during menopause, and during their reproductive years. After all, our bodies do not have bodies that would not depend on hormonal levels.

Timely analysis will not only help to determine menopause, but also in time to reveal female gynecological diseases and pathological condition of thyroid, ovary, pituitary, hypothalamus and other organs. In addition, the survey will help select the optimal hormonal therapy to comfortably postpone menopause.


The importance of timely delivery of analyzes in menopause

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The main and clear signal the onset of menopause for women advocates cessation of the menstrual cycle. But it is not always indicative of the absence of menstruation ovarian failure. The reason may be a variety of diseases of the body that need to be timely treatment.
Analyzes on hormones in menopause take a must, because the absence of menstruation is not an absolute indicator of the onset of menopause. So do not do without a comprehensive survey in menopause.

In addition to blood tests on female hormones at menopause is necessary to:

  • undergo a comprehensive medical examination (visit all the doctors);
  • check blood lipids (is there fat metabolism disorders);
  • inspect blood glucose levels;
  • undergo X-ray examination of bone density (helps in the early stages identify osteoporosis).

In this case, the doctor on the basis of the results obtained from research and general blood analysis on the data at hormones menopause can choose for the patient optimal hormonal therapy to combat unpleasant symptoms menopause.

In addition, for women in menopause study of an organism plays a very important role, because the timely detection of violations - is the key to quick treatment. Therefore, you may need an additional:

  • Pelvic ultrasound;
  • Thyroid ultrasound;
  • various swabs (indicates that it was found in the vaginal smear)
  • mammography;
  • osteodensitometry.

What tests are needed during menopause?

Faced with this situation, not everyone knows what tests you need to pass to female hormones at menopause. There is a standard list of blood tests on female hormones during menopause. During these surveys, check:

  1. FSH at the menopause. For a young woman's body FSH rate low. But because of the hormonal changes in menopause normal FSH believe has higher rates. In addition, the FSH will show whether there is a violation of the process of synthesizing estrogen. The test for menopause (Determination of the level of FSH) can go and at home.
  2. Estradiol in menopause. The main type of estrogen, which is responsible for bone strength and the development of subcutaneous fat tissue. His lack of provoking bone diseases (osteoporosis and atherosclerosis).
  3. Luteinizing hormone. Norm women in menopause significantly higher due to hormonal changes. He is responsible for the correct functioning of the sexual glands.
  4. Blood Assay for progesterone in menopause. With age less progesterone in the body. The lowest rate observed in the first few years after menopause, but then the rate increases.
  5. Prolactin in menopause. Responsible for breast growth and secretion of milk. Elevated levels of prolactin can cause early menopause (before age 35) or other type of pathological amenorrhea.

The exact list of tests appoints doctor after consultation with the patient. It is important not to hesitate to answer the questions of the doctor, the specialist was able to compile a complete picture of your condition and choose the appropriate examination.

That will test for FSH?

Follicle stimulating hormone produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary. He is responsible for the normal functioning of the gonads. There is a certain connection between the hormonal and FSH. If the body's normal hormonal balance, the release of FSH is insignificant. But FSH levels at menopause increased, because the follicle stimulating hormone is produced even stronger due to the lack of estrogen.

However, elevated levels of FSH may be an indication not only of menopause. This can be:

  • Primary ovarian failure;
  • violation of the pituitary gland;
  • problems with alcohol.

The importance of the blood levels of estradiol

It is believed the primary female hormone responsible for the development of sexual characteristics. Notably, but it is formed by the action of FSH. EIf laboratory studies have shown that the rate of estradiol is less than 35, it indicates the occurrence of menopause.

The lack of estradiol causes weight loss and other unpleasant consequences:

  • the problem with vaginal microflora;
  • breasts lose their shape and firmness;
  • increase in blood cholesterol;
  • delayed recovery processes in tissues;
  • increased fragility of bones;
  • emotional instability.

And this is only one of the tests for hormones at menopause that has to pass, because only on this basis can not be an accurate picture of the patient's condition.

Effect of luteinizing hormone in the female body

Luteinizing hormone is the basis of hormonal balance and provides active production of other hormones. Increased rates of LH may indicate not only on menopause, but also the reproductive system diseases.

Important! The ratio of LH and FSH in menopause is less than 1.

Progesterone and Menopause

In some situations, the physician assigns a test for progesterone. His absence is considered normal only in the first few years after the cessation of the menstrual cycle and during the onset of hormonal changes during menopause. In other situations, the lack of progesterone can cause infertility and other disorders in the work of the whole organism.

It is worth remembering that scarce spotting does not mean that you do not need to analyze in menopause. After all, these secretions may have nothing in common with menstruation.

deciphering tests

It should be remembered that the normal values ​​for the menopause are different from the norm in the reproductive age:

  • The level of follicle stimulating hormone. In reproductive age should not exceed 10., But with age, this figure increases. FSH hormone norm in women at menopause is 30-40 units. It should be clarified that the rate of follicle stimulating hormone in women who only a year are in menopause, may be 125 units. If you are just approaching menopause, the rate will be in the range of 30-40 units.
  • The level of estradiol. The lower estradiol levels, the more pronounced the symptoms of menopause appear, and without hormone therapy simply can not do. The level of this hormone in normal - from 8 to 82 units.
  • LH levels.. Luteinizing hormone: the norm in the reproductive age range of 5-20 units, menopause has a higher - from 29 to 50 units.
  • progesterone levels. In the first few years of menopause indicator of progesterone may be less than 0.5, but later his level should be increased to 0,5-06. It is remarkable, but with a decrease in progesterone are observed drastic mood swings.

How to prepare for the tests?

If the hospital has already identified what you need the kinds of laboratory tests, it is time to prepare for the procedures. Otherwise, the data will not reflect the real situation in the body.

If the monthly entirely absent, the examination can be carried out on any given day, but on an empty stomach. In addition, it is necessary for at least two days prior to blood donation to give up:

  • alcoholic beverages;
  • cigarettes;
  • coffee and tea;
  • drugs;
  • intimate life.
  • sports

If your period is still there, then you need to pay attention to the day of the cycle:

  • FSH, LH - 4 or 5 days.
  • Estradiol - 19 to 22 days.
  • Progesterone - from 18 to 21 days.

It plays a significant role, and emotional state, therefore it is necessary to maintain a moderate mood, avoiding stressful situations.

Now that you know what you need to take hormones during menopause and how to prepare for the examination. Remember that the results will help to assess the current state of the organism, to select an optimal hormonal therapy, as well as the time to find the underlying disease.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 35
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