Sweating during menopause how to get rid of, what to drink to not sweat


  1. Why women are sweating excessively during menopause?
  2. Do I need to treat hyperhidrosis menopause?
  3. How is sweating
  4. Medicines to combat manifestations
  5. Let us turn to traditional medicine
  6. important recommendations
  7. Sweating due to stress

Gradually, the female body stops its reproduction, the ovaries decrease production of the female sex hormone - estrogen, menopause. This is a completely natural physiological process, however, it is associated with many inconveniences.

When menopause is not only the menses disappear, but changes character, mood and lifestyle. This is due to a change in the functioning of the body. Sweating during menopause - one of the worst of its manifestations.


Why women are sweating excessively during menopause?

During this period, not only the reproductive system changes its behavior, changes occur almost throughout the body, particularly in the nervous system and in certain parts of the brain.

The hypothalamus, which is responsible for maintaining a normal body temperature, often gets the wrong signals that the body is hot and must be cooled immediately. At this time, it begins flushes of heat, followed by active work of sweat glands.

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How to deal with hot flashes during menopause, Read our article here.

Changing the psychological balance also causes sweating during menopause. Mood changes, irritability, and there is concern. Stress also provokes perspiration.

The reason for sweating may be related to a way of life. For example, smokers hyperhidrosis expressed brighter. From this habit affects vessels, broken blood circulation, and more people flying.

Excess weight also provokes heavy sweating, especially during this period.

Do I need to treat hyperhidrosis menopause?

Seemingly due to sweating during menopause symptoms - this is a normal manifestation of women during this period. Then why do questions arise about the need to treat it? In fact, the elimination of hyperhidrosis is very important, because it not only inconvenience but also provokes some disease states.

  1. First, get rid of the odor becomes quite difficult. This is due to the amount of perspiration and its unpredictability. Take a shower several times a day, you see, is impossible, and personal hygiene products are not designed for this amount of moisture released.
  2. Secondly, the sweat and the constant moisture can cause itching in private parts and on mucous membranes. Scratching can cause infection entering the wound and subsequent health problems. In addition, women self-esteem suffers greatly.
  3. Third, sweating often occurs at night and makes you wake up. All this leads to a chronic lack of sleep, decreased immunity, and frequent colds.

Of course, to recover from this disease and its symptoms is impossible, but to facilitate their condition and reduce sweating is still possible.

How is sweating

Menopause - a process, of course, the natural, but in this period the woman should even more attentive to their health. This is due to the fact that menopause may develop serious enough problems to women's health. So how do you make life easier during hot flashes, as well as in postmenopausal women and which doctor to go to for help?

Be sure to consult a gynecologist, mammalogy and visit these specialists are not less than once every six months. In addition to routine inspections, the body's changes should be closely monitored, and at the first suspicious symptoms to contact physicians.

There is a relatively efficient way of getting rid of perspiration, which is included in a range of beauty services clinics. Curettage involves excision of a skin in the axilla sweat glands thereby cease to operate. However, we must remember that it is still surgery, and thus there is a risk of complications. Often there is a compensatory gipepgidroz, because of which the operation becomes useless. In addition, at the site of intervention is edema, which requires treatment, and restored the sensitivity is not always the case.

Gipergidratsiya sooner or later stop. Therefore, we must repeatedly think about before you go under the knife

To eliminate discomfort during sweating the issue should be approached complex: use medication, adjust your lifestyle and seek folk medicine. Consider the most popular tools that help you sweat less.

Medicines to combat manifestations

All the troubles associated with a hormonal disorder, so the most effective treatment will, of course, hormone therapy. However, it should be remembered that in this case it is impossible to self-medicate. Only a gynecologist you select optimal medications and their dosage in order to reduce sweating during menopause.

several types of drugs can be identified among the drugs:

  1. Formulations containing plant hormones or synthetic hormones such as Chi-Klim 45+, Ovestin, Femoston, Remens and other (choice of drug should produce a doctor);
  2. Antihypertensive drugs, ie, lowers blood pressure. They must appoint a doctor;
  3. Sedatives, or sedatives: valerian extract, Leonurus, Corvalol, Kliofit, Lerivon, Novo-Passy, ​​Percy;
  4. Equally important is the vitamin, as the stress period, the body often needs them.

Let us turn to traditional medicine

Perhaps the struggle with sweat during menopause - it is one of the few occasions when even the doctors are advised to resort to traditional medicine.

Prepare yourself herbal teas, they are perfectly calm and tone the body. Perfectly suited lemon balm, oregano and mint. also suit homeopathic agents during menopause based on herbs.

  1. Recipe. One part lemon balm, mint, and one part of the same amount of linden pour boiling water and drunk as ordinary tea at any time of the day.
  2. Recipe. Two tablespoons of sage herb brew in a glass of water and leave for one hour. A decoction can be drunk three times a day.

Excellent soothing bath with camomile and oak bark. Additionally daisy has antimicrobial action. Tannins are found in the bark of oak, decrease the activity of sebaceous glands.

Another means of getting rid of perspiration is aromatherapy. Often arrange a relaxation in the evening, enjoy your favorite flavors.

Cope with excessive sweating will help herb that contains plant estrogens. You can resort to the treatment of such herbs as: upland uterus or red brush.

important recommendations

The amount of allocated liquid depends on the lifestyle, so, observing the simple rules, you can greatly facilitate their state.

  1. Watch your weight. The greater the weight, the more liquid is required for cooling. It is better to give up coffee and black tea to green tea and herbal infusions. They not only reduce the appetite, but also will have a calming effect. You should also eliminate the use of alcohol, which itself causes sweating.
  2. Limit consumption of spicy, salty food. Is focusing on dairy products, fruits and vegetables. They enrich you with vitamins and help cope with stress.
  3. Choose clothes made of natural fabrics: it allows the skin to breathe and absorbs moisture better. Removing stiffness movements reduce isolation fluid.
  4. Avoid stuffy room, often ventilate your room and office.
  5. Take a shower at least twice a day, using antibacterial soap: it reduces the activity of bacteria that cause bad breath.
  6. Do not strain, do not try your nervous system and your body will thank you.
  7. If any alarming symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor, he also tell you how to get rid of sweating during menopause.

It is well known that you can not do without antiperspirants during climax. These care products are reliable partners for the fairer sex during menopause. Women at the Forum recommends that such brands: ETIAXIL, DeoIce, Max-F, Fluides Classic, Odaban, DryDry. These hygiene products have a pleasant smell and high duration.

Sweating due to stress

Completely protect yourself from stress is impossible, so it is important to be able to cope with them. The first thing that comes to mind - sedatives and herbs. They can really help reduce the anxiety state.

Good results show reception decoctions and infusions. For example, monastery tea for women in menopause quite popular now and is recommended by doctors. It helps to cope with menopausal symptoms, including sweating, and has a calming effect.

Also, you can use one of these: ways to overcome stress.

Breathe deeply and try to calm down. Try to carry the cool water, a few sips which will help you feel better. Plan your day. This will help avoid additional stress and rush.

Remember that all our problems come from within. Try not to focus on what is happening. Most often their problems only see ourselves, and if not to focus attention on them, the surrounding did not suspect anything.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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