Symptoms of menopause in women 47 years of age: 34 symptoms of menopause in 48-49-52


  1. Failure of the menstrual cycle and uterine bleeding
  2. Hot flushes and Hyperhidrosis
  3. Insomnia and irritability
  4. Discomfort in the intimal area and decreased libido
  5. Chest pain, shortness of breath
  6. Osteoporosis, pain in joints and muscles
  7. Weakening of memory and concentration as a symptom of menopause after 47
  8. Urinary incontinence and problems with the functioning of the digestive tract
  9. The deterioration of the skin and hair
  10. weight gain
  11. Allergies and frequent SARS
  12. Constant feeling of fatigue and dizziness
  13. Hypertension and headaches

No one can break the established nature of the course of biological evolution of the human body, so the onset of menopause naturally and logically. And related to this phenomenon should be appropriate. The main thing that can make the representative of the fairer sex who are not indifferent to their health - arm reliable information on the difficulties that may arise as the onset of menopause, and use it on practice. In 47 years of menopause symptoms occur quite rapidly, and the variety of them is so great, that sometimes a woman can not bind the reasons for their ailments with the decline of reproductive activity.

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I must say that without signs of menopause - a phenomenon generally occurs very rarely. Most often, a woman is faced with certain manifestations of a complex nature. Let us look at what symptoms can assert itself menopause in women after 47 years.

a sign of menopause

Failure of the menstrual cycle and uterine bleeding

Failure of the menstrual cycle - one of the main symptoms of menopause, which is marked female menopause. With about 45 years of age can be significant fluctuations in steady cycle. Sometimes it becomes very short - less than 21 days, and sometimes there are no monthly for several months. In principle, in the period before the onset of menopause, these deviations are not considered abnormal. discharge intensity is also able to change - they may be abundant or scarce. A year after the last menstrual period female menopause, Ie the time when the reproductive function is fully completed, and, consequently, no longer come menstruation. True is often for ages 52 - 55.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding - a dangerous symptom, which is sometimes accompanied by menopause. They can be called as a lack of vaginal lubrication and dryness of the vaginal walls, and serious pathological processes: polyps, erosions, tumors, benign and malignant character. At occurrence of any bleeding unrelated to menstrual cycle, you should seek immediate medical attention.

Hot flushes and Hyperhidrosis

Tides - another characteristic feature, which is manifested by a sudden feeling of heat in the upper body. There may be weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, flushing of the skin. Attacks can occur at any time of the day, but often disturbed at night. tides capable frequency vary - in some women, they appear to 10 times a day, while others - 20 times or more. If you are interested in the question "How to get rid of hot flashes? ", You will certainly follow the link to our article, which will help you.

Excessive sweating. The reason for this sign of menopause in women is a violation of thermoregulation, caused by the dysfunction of the hypothalamus. This area of ​​the brain suddenly begins to perceive the normal body temperature as a higher sending back respective response including hyperhidrosis.

Insomnia and irritability

Estrogen deficiency negatively influences the activity of the autonomic nervous system. Under the influence of progesterone lack of a change in the hypothalamus, which regulates all the important processes in the body, including the mechanisms of sleep and waking. Read about what to do with insomnia during menopause.

Symptom irritability caused by low production of serotonin, which is explained by the same lack of estrogen. Due to significantly diminish the ability of the organism adaptation to the influence of external and internal instigators.

Frequent changes of mood - another sign of dysfunction of the system. At this vital segment of women are often faced with a similar problem. Upbeat mood could change very dark without any objective reason.

Unmotivated anxiety - the result of suppression of activity of the autonomic nervous system and reduce the body's adaptive abilities. Often, a woman too worried for the reasons that previously did not cause her any emotional displays.

Depression - a frequent companion menostaza caused by the increased load on the nervous system and the insufficient production of natural estrogen. Often, the psychological state of women is deteriorating so that it alone is simply not able to cope with this situation. In such cases, can not do without the help of a qualified psychologist.

Discomfort in the intimal area and decreased libido

Itching, burning, dryness of mucous membranes - all the result of the fact that the ovaries are no longer in the proper amount to synthesize estrogen. Discomfort in the genital area explained by a decrease in volume allocated secretion of the sex glands and atrophy of the epithelium. These destructive changes cause a weakening of local immunity and create favorable conditions for the development of inflammation.

Transformation in the body act on the state of all the mucous membranes of the body, so as it passes climacteric often a feeling of lack of moisture in the nasal cavity and the mouth, as well as drying of mucous membranes of the eyes (the so-called syndrome "dry eyes").

Decreased sex drive can be triggered as a hormonal imbalance and other reasons. Sometimes a woman experiences discomfort in intimate physical contact, caused by lack of lubrication or natural inflammatory process. Reduce libido can, and psychological factors. Often the fairer sex stung offensive menopausal periodBy associating it with the end of youth and loss of visual appeal.

Chest pain, shortness of breath

Heart problems. Estrogen deficiency causes a decrease in vascular tone walls, impaired lipid metabolism, and, consequently, the development of atherosclerosis. The presence of cholesterol plaques impairs blood flow to the heart muscle and saturate it with oxygen, which leads to malfunction of the main engine of the body. Against the background of functional disorders often develop diseases such as angina pectoris, bradycardia, arrhythmia, coronary heart disease.

Shortness of breath - reaction to the lack of oxygen in the blood. This phenomenon rarely occurs alone, it is often accompanied by heart diseases, respiratory diseases, anemia. When menopause is often felt short of breath during attacks tides, hypertensive crises, disruptions in heart rhythm.

Chest pain can be both symptoms of climacteric cardiomyopathy, whose development is associated with impaired of neural processes during hormonal changes and symptoms of pathological changes in the activities of heart. Sometimes attacks can be triggered by neurological abnormalities. To understand the causes of the pain can only specialist. The task of the patient - to elaborate on the nature and duration of pain, as well as its status in this period.

Osteoporosis, pain in joints and muscles

Pain in joints and muscles. This feature often manifests itself at night, increasing sleeping problems. Similar discomfort caused by the deterioration of the assimilation of calcium and poor microcirculation and in articular cartilage. Read if menopause aching joints What to do?

Muscle tension and spasms triggered by estrogen deficiency. As a result of atrophy of the muscles of the body occurs, it diminishes the blood flow, which causes discomfort.

Osteoporosis at menopause - an insidious disease that accompanies menopause parish. Wrong calcium metabolism leads to loss of bone strength, which is fraught with fractures and degenerative changes in the musculoskeletal system.

Convulsions - another indication of formation forty seven year of menopause in women, calcium assimilation caused by deterioration and lack of potassium and magnesium. Often at night worried woman cramps, not giving full night's sleep.

Weakening of memory and concentration as a symptom of menopause after 47

Hormonal changes that accompany the end of the reproductive activity, affect the operation of the brain responsible for memory all kinds of memory.

The lack of female hormones affect the operation of the lateral occipital complex, responsible for focusing attention. Because of this ability to concentrate on a particular class is reduced substantially.

You may also be interested in the article that describe symptoms of menopause in women after 45 years and symptoms of menopause in women 50 years.

Urinary incontinence and problems with the functioning of the digestive tract

Frequent urination - all the same lack of estrogen affects the muscle tone of the urinary system, which is manifested above-mentioned symptoms. even coughing can sometimes provoke the involuntary release of urine, sneezing, physical activity.

During menopause often exacerbated existing problems in the digestive system. At this time, there is a weakening of muscle tone that manifests itself impaired intestinal motility.

The deterioration of the skin and hair

The attractiveness of the skin depends on the capacity of cells to synthesize collagen and elastin fibers. In menopause, this function is being lost cells, so the age-related changes begin to manifest themselves more actively: increases the number of wrinkles, the skin becomes thinner, it becomes drier, markedly reduced turgor, retard natural tissue regeneration.

Strengthening skin pigmentation is often worse in menopause. This happens due to metabolic disorders of skin pigment - melanin. After 55 especially important to avoid exposure to direct sunlight, because they resist the activity of skin cells with vremenenm becoming increasingly difficult.

The problem of deterioration in the state of hair tied to lack of estrogen and progesterone and decreased synthesis of collagen and elastin. As a result, difitsita slows the blood flow in the skin, worsening nutrition hair follicles, and lost elasticity, shine, there is a tendency hair loss.

weight gain

It called endocrine disorders, occurring against the background of hormonal reorganization. Sometimes, for a short time a woman can gain up to 10-15 kg. Fight overweight, say, in 48-49 years - it's not the same thing as 25. Therefore, to prevent weight gain in this age a little bit easier than trying to deal with it. Read about right nutrition in menopause.

Allergies and frequent SARS

Allergic reactions are caused by decreased immunity during menopause. Often, the reaction takes place in the form of rhinitis, skin rash and itching of affected areas.

Frequent ARI due to low immune defenses, which is a direct consequence of the increased load, test all the systems of the body, as well as the effects of the fall in estrogen levels.

Sensation of a lump in the throat - a possible symptom of trouble in the thyroid gland. This feeling may be accompanied by an allergic reaction. If it progresses and appears regularly should consult an endocrinologist.

Constant feeling of fatigue and dizziness

It is often triggered by a feeling of fatigue due to overwork insomnia, as well as deterioration of general well-being as a result of active climacteric symptoms.

Dizziness is due to a failure in the activity of the autonomic system, causing incorrect work of the vestibular apparatus. Dizziness can manifest itself as an independent phenomenon, and as a symptom associated with an increase in blood pressure, tides attacks, emotional overexcitation.

Hypertension and headaches

hypertension development is due to a decrease in vascular tone. Amplify this disease may overwork, disruption of water-electrolyte balance, weight, permanent emotional stress.

Headaches and migraines. One fairly common menopause satellites. They occur either as an independent phenomenon or as a side symptom of hypertensive episodes, hot flushes.

All of the above symptoms of menopause in women can manifest itself as one by one, and as a certain "bouquet". Sometimes the presence of such signals from the body indicates the development of an independent disease, which have been activated the start of menopause. That is why it is important not to put off a visit to a medical facility. With the help of modern diagnostic methods can be in a short time to determine the causes of the pathology and immediately begin appropriate therapy.

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