Can I get pregnant during menopause: If no menses, after 50-60 years


  1. As fades genital function in menopause?
  2. Is it possible to conceive in premenopausal?
  3. The probability of conception in menopause
  4. Can I get pregnant in postmenopausal women?
  5. How to get pregnant during menopause?

The onset of menopause is associated in our minds with the completion of the reproductive function of the female body. Many women believe that the manifestations menostaza and cessation of regular menstrual periods - a guarantee that the child is no longer possible to conceive. But whether such a view is correct? Or the answer to the question "Can I get pregnant during menopause?" Is not so clear? To answer this question, let's look at what is the essence of menostaza what steps the process takes place, and what are the chances of pregnancy in each of them.

Pregnancy during menopause

As fades genital function in menopause?

"Climax" in Greek means "step ladder". After 45 years, every healthy woman is at the beginning, in the first stage of this process, called premenopause. At this time, functional ovarian activity gradually decreases under the influence of endocrine processes in their cavity gradually reduced number of follicles, which leads to an irregular maturation of the egg, because it does not create, as before, favorable conditions. Gradually, ovulation occurs less and less frequently, and as a consequence, the menstrual cycle becomes irregular. Sometimes menstruation is delayed by a week or two, and sometimes disappears for a few months. The situation is often complemented by the adverse symptoms of menopause.

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At this time, all of a sudden comes the understanding that these changes are irreversible, woman relaxes after the threat of unintended pregnancy leaves. However, all processes are usually inherent nature, take place gradually, so hope that the pregnancy during menopause is absolutely excluded, more than reckless. To understand this fairly sensitive issue, consider the stages of menopause process and compare the changes taking place with the possibility of conception.

Is it possible to conceive in premenopausal?

The first stage menostaza called premenopause. This time is the starting point of the coming changes. It is characterized by the appearance of the first pathological symptoms provoked by the already-running mechanism, the final mission of the reproductive female. However, symptomatic manifestations still minimal, and sometimes none at all, and the only sign of becoming a failure of the menstrual cycle. Optimal for the start of this period can be called the age of 45 years, although there are cases and earlier entry into the life segment.

Premenopausal - this time, when the question "Can I get pregnant during menopause?" After receiving an affirmative answer. This is easily explained in terms of anatomy. Yes, the egg is no longer to mature regularly, respectively, menstrual bleeding lose their regularity, but completely the possibility of the ovulation process has not yet been ruled out, which means that there is a real chance of fertilization egg.

At this time, you need to very carefully monitor their condition. After all, the situation may be complicated by the fact that against the background of irregular menstruation can not see a pregnancy and its symptoms to take over the development of the pathological syndrome. Hence the conclusion: in premenopausal have a high probability of conception. Especially if reproductive activities not previously been burdened by any diseases and malfunctions in the work. Read on how to distinguish pregnancy from menopause.

If you have a child you do not plan, you should take care of reliable contraception. Question how to protected in menopause It should be a matter of paramount importance. In such a situation, if not monthly on time, it is better to consult a doctor-gynecologist, to dispel the doubts, because during this phase of menopause can become pregnant. Popular among women using spiral Mirena in menopauseWhich not only prevents conception, but also regulates the hormonal balance.

The probability of conception in menopause

The next stage is directly menopause. This period begins a few years after the start of the first changes. It generally comes in fifty years (with small deviations in the upward or downward). This time is characterized by more severe symptoms, and the more intense the processes occurring in the body at the level of physiology and psychosomatic medicine.

ovarian functioning continues to subside. In their oral matures fewer and the number of follicles and their place is occupied by connective tissue. Changes in the structure and size of the pelvic organs. Uterus twice reduces its size shortened fallopian tubes, their permeability decreases, endometrial atrophy. Ovulation gradually completely ceases to occur. Accordingly, monthly fully completed, and we can say that the menopause.

However, in this situation too early too early to say that there is no more need to worry about birth control. And the reasons are the following: even if for a sufficiently long period of monthly allocation available, to the complete offensive menostaza prematurely. Only if last month were more than a year ago, we can talk about the relative safety in terms of unwanted conception.

To remove any doubt, it should be take a blood test for hormones. If the concentration of FSH is much higher than the norm indicators, it is possible to almost completely eliminate the possibility of conception.

You could say that conception during menopause is theoretically possible, but the probability is somewhat lower than in the previous period of menopause.

Determine almost one hundred percent guarantee of menopause can help FSH test.

See also, How do I get the ovaries during menopause.

Can I get pregnant in postmenopausal women?

The last phase menostaza - it postmenopause. It begins about 55 years, but this figure is quite conditional and depends on many factors. This time is characterized by a full "off" the ovaries. Undergoing profound atrophic changes in the genital organs of the system, and the woman completely lose the chance to have a baby of their own body's reserves.

The question "Is it possible to get pregnant after menopause?" Is almost 100% of the gain confidence in the negative. If there is a minimal chance of conception in postmenopausal women, it is rather rare exceptions option, the possibility of which is negligible. The body is simply no more reserves for the implementation of this complex process. To confirm the completion of the reproductive function, a woman should periodically visit their primary care physician and track together with him the dynamics of the phenomena.

How to get pregnant during menopause?

As a rule, the question of whether the pregnancy period menostaza may be set in the context of the fact that its approach is already inappropriate and undesirable. However, there are also other cases in which a number of reasons a woman decides to become a mother already quite mature. What to do in such cases?

As mentioned earlier, the chance of pregnancy during menopause exists, but the chances of her natural offensive declining every year. This is understandable natural dynamics occurring internal changes. Reproductive system step by step goes into dormancy stage. Is it possible to reverse this process, forcing her to work again with all his might? In today's world, there are fewer chances for the impossible. And if before such issues were given to solve divine providence, today often these functions are assumed by a man in a white coat.

Pregnancy during menopause is most likely premenopausal. If a woman decides to such a crucial step, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist doctor, who will assess the chances for a successful solution to the problem.

Most often, a natural attack of conception is already difficult, therefore, to maintain the body uses preparatory and then supporting hormonal therapy. Often have recourse to in vitro fertilization.

Pregnancy after menopause can occur only with the help of IVF. The lack of their own full of eggs requires the use of donor oocytes. With the help of the accompanying hormonal therapy possible replanting fertilized donor eggs in the cavity of the potential mother's uterus. However, the older the patient, the more pronounced her atrophic changes, the less the chance of successful conduct IVF in menopause.

Learn about character discharge after insemination Article link.

Science has stepped forward so far that even today the question of whether a woman can get pregnant after menopause, receives an affirmative answer, with a small caveat that this is only possible with the help of supportive medical technology.

In human life around has its place and time, so the offensive menostaza should be treated accordingly as to the next life cycle. And interfere with its flow is not necessary unless absolutely necessary. And to prevent surprises from your own body, you should take responsibility for the choice of contraception.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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