Can menopause when sick abdomen and lower back: how to get rid of pain


  1. Why back pain and lower back
  2. Abdominal pain in menopause
  3. The causes of pain in the abdomen
  4. Diseases that cause abdominal pain during menopause
  5. fibromyoma
  6. ascites
  7. endometriosis
  8. salpingitis
  9. Getting rid of the pain associated with menopause
  10. Prevention of pain in the abdomen and lower back

When menopause begins in a woman's life great changes, changes in the body and well-being, there is the extinction of the reproductive system. Women may experience fatigue, mood swings, fatigue, hot flashes, chills, and even the pain of different nature. Often female representatives are wondering whether at the climax sick abdomen and waist? After all, any pain we associate with a problem that needs to be urgently addressed.

sore lower back

Why back pain and lower back

Often back pain during menopause blamed on "the painful echo" from discomfort in the pelvis. This can really be a pain in the stomach, extending to the side, back, waist, sacrum. But these discomforts have their reasons.

  • The body disappears important hormone - estrogen, which incapacitates the body work, violates the balance of nutrients. One of the first acute calcium deficiency, which leads to a weakening of blood vessels, heart walls of various tissues, including bone. This is a test for the spine, so that every day is subjected to load. Hence, back pain, lower back.
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  • Hormonal failure and age-related changes in women is often accompanied by the appearance of excess weight that carries an additional strain on the back.
  • During this vulnerable period for an organism can develop low back pain, especially lumbar at which changes occur in the discs between the vertebrae and ligamentous apparatus. This may be displaced disks and pinch the nerve and it is - a very unpleasant sensations in the back. At risk women with sedentary work, unhealthy lifestyle, improper posture. If such a disease run, it may develop intervertebral hernia.
  • The spine is a plurality of sensory nerve endings, so long loadings, fatigue, weight lifting can also cause discomfort in the back. Especially sharply, they manifest themselves during physical activity, walking, slopes, a long horizontal position.
  • Suffering and digestive system, impaired intestinal flora (often against the background of experiences), so there are pains in the back of the torso.

Abdominal pain in menopause

Women often felt pain in the head, muscles, sore feet and during climax. But the most common problem is the discomfort in the abdomen with a different localization. They appear in different times of day, may be pulling, cutting, stitching. Over time, the pain can go in the back part of the body, giving the side, in the feet. During menopause, pain most often occur in the pelvic section, as many processes occurring at this stage are related to the sexual organs. If the cause is psychosomatic, you may feel discomfort in the digestive organs, accompanied by disorder.

The causes of pain in the abdomen

Abdominal pain in menopause are the result of psychological, endocrine, hormonal changes in the body because the women in this time carried out a complete overhaul.

First of all, hormonal changes during menopause makes itself felt in all its manifestations. The brain reacts rapidly to reduce the hormones, particularly estrogen. Mood changes, feelings arise about what is happening, the constant expectation of discomfort, and as a result - pulling pain in the abdomen. Metabolism slows down at this time of the work, and this entails failures not only in the genital organs, but also in the intestine. May appear: bloating, stomach pain and constipation during menopause. Therefore, it may seem that hurts everything.

Diseases that cause abdominal pain during menopause

It is not always the cause could be a psychological factor. It happens that the discomfort caused by more serious causes, such as gynecological and urological diseases. In this case, the time to see a doctor, because in the period of menopause diseases that were lurking in your body, go out more often, and show themselves in full force. It is important to them in this period did not start and did not let them develop into chronic.


The most common disease in women is uterine fibroids. Most often, this phenomenon can be found in those climax overtook quite late - after 50 years of age or older. This is a type of benign tumor, which appears in the background of hormone surges - estrogen. Unpleasant, gnawing and pulling sensations with fibroids can be accompanied by heavy bleeding and not very.

Like any tumor, this - can develop into malignant. Therefore, if the stomach ache during menopause - it is better to go through the inspection by specialists to avoid this kind of disease, because in women increases the risk of developing ovarian cancer.


The characteristic abdominal sensations can occur due to the development of ascites. At menopause and suffer the kidneys, liver and stomach: their work may slow down and because of this to linger in the body fluid. Its accumulation will naturally lead to pain and increase the size of the stomach, which often celebrate women during menopause. Therefore it is very important to observe the changes in the body and in appearance in this difficult period of life.


Hormonal disorders in menopause can trigger the development of another disease process - endometriosis. Abdominal discomfort when it may be accompanied by dizziness, insomnia, malaise and in 75% of cases - spotting. Pain can manifest itself in different places - it all depends on where the particles are localized endometrial who can hit and urinary tract, and appendages, and even the intestines.


If during the life before menopause you often inflammatory processes, - be prepared for salpingitis, which in 30% of cases makes felt in that moment, marked by pain in the side (as a disease of the fallopian tube) and is accompanied by an increase in temperature.

In any case, if you are concerned about severe pain at menopause, accompanied by bleeding and other unpleasant phenomena - immediately inform your doctor.

Getting rid of the pain associated with menopause

As it turned out, - the leading cause of pain in the abdomen and in the lower back is the psychosomatic factor. It is therefore important at the beginning of menopause reject all experiences, to explore all possible manifestations of it and be screened to exclude all possible diseases listed above.

It is worth visiting a psychologist or read useful books that will help you to smoothly enter at this time, because it is your feelings provoke pain and other troubles.

When single pain can use analgesics (analgin, ibuprofen). But if you are concerned about the pain frequently - consult your physician.

It is useful to be herbal infusions. Mint will help you relax, chamomile - remove inflammatory processes in tissues, rosehips support metabolism. It is important during this period to balance hormones: help special preparations, which are teeming with pharmacies and online. But drop the self. Only a specialist can help you choose the right tools based on your symptoms and tests.

If the sore underbelly - take a horizontal position and a light circular motion pomassazhiruyte it for 3-5 minutes, gently (note - a little!) pressing down on the place where localized pain. You can do this only if you are sure that your lack of various kinds of tumors, even the most minimal. Take a comfortable position, lying down, sitting. Make sure that the gum on the clothes did not was transferred by your stomach. Wear comfortable clothes and underwear.

Prevention of pain in the abdomen and lower back

Reasons why bother these pains during menopause, we have found out. To avoid them, you need to adhere to simple rules preventing their occurrence.
Climax involves changing primarily lifestyle.

  • Take carefully to your diet, because in this period of acute nutrient deficiency is using proper nutrition during menopause you adjust the metabolism and strengthen the tissue. Eat foods rich in calcium and protein to strengthen bone tissue. Fruits and vegetables with the help of vitamins strengthen the immune system. Herbal teas and infusions will not only bring benefits but also will wash the excess salt, which always carries a surplus of a discomfort.
  • More often in the open air, ventilate the room where you are, because the lack of oxygen can cause pain. Refuse to sedentary work and sedentary lifestyle, to avoid stagnation of blood in the pelvic and back problems.
  • Bad habits are not allowed. They aggravate all illnesses and troubles during menopause. Scientists have repeatedly cited the facts that alcohol and tobacco are extremely negative impact on the work of women genitourinary system, which so weakened in this period.
  • Rid yourself of great physical exertion, in any case, do not lift heavy. Weakened waist at the moment is doubly exposed, as well as the pelvic organs.
  • Avoid drafts - they cause inflammation of genitals and back muscles. Hypothermia can lead to chilled loin, and there can not do without pain. Wear thermal underwear, perhaps even a special belt to your stomach and back were always warm. Do not forget to see your doctor regularly.

Listen to yourself and your body, follow all the rules and prevention and the pain does not become a problem for you. Maybe you will experience menopause without them. According to statistics, only 55% of women experience pain during menopause. Therefore, it is possible that the climax will be held for you without any changes and negative processes.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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