Depression in menopause: the climacteric disorders, the treatment of (reviews)


  1. The reasons for the destabilization of the psycho-emotional background during menopause
  2. physiological effects
  3. psychological effect
  4. Types of depression during menopause
  5. The main symptoms of depressive mood in menopause
  6. Peculiarities of diagnosis of the disease
  7. Treatment of depression during menopause
  8. Hormonal drugs in mild depression
  9. Antidepressants and their benefits
  10. Psychotherapy of Depression in menopause

Menopause is accompanied by a restructuring of the whole body, from which a woman is not easy psychologically to cope with these changes. When menopause depression can be caused both by physiological changes and psychological factors.

Of course, not all women suffer from such disorders at menopause, but it does not put in advance to prevent the effects of psychological adjustment. Here, an important step in favor timely visit to a specialist support organization of the body, as well as knowledge of the causes, main symptoms and ways to combat depression. Using the following details can normalize the psycho-emotional state, by getting rid of various mood swings and depressed state.

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The reasons for the destabilization of the psycho-emotional background during menopause

According to statistics, mental disorders in menopause have been reported in 8-15% of women. And it is not strange, given the range of factors that cause depressive moods:

physiological effects

The destabilization of the hormonal balance of estrogen surges greatly can affect the psychological state. Many doctors are of the opinion that it is such fluctuations trigger menopausal disorders. The fact is that in a good mood meets serotonin, and its production in the brain is directly affected by estrogen. Reduced levels of this hormone stimulates serotonin decrease, which arise from sudden changes in mood and the depressive symptoms.

psychological effect

Menopause in many women is associated with old age and the loss of sexual attractiveness. Broken self-image in which all age-related changes too quickly perceived the woman. A menopause unpleasant symptoms only complicate the situation, undermining the psyche. In addition, many people want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but make it very difficult when expressed klimakterialnom syndrome. At constant tides, disturbed sleep more often there is irritability and sad mood. Even if in the reproductive age has not been such a violation, the psyche in menopause still loses its natural protection.

It is important to understand that any treatment can not be carried out, if not to learn the nature of the disease, its shape and features of the course.

Types of depression during menopause

Notably, but during menopause depression may manifest itself in various forms. Among the main types of depressive disorders is to provide:

  • Climacteric. This type is characterized by apathy to the previous interesting and meaningful things, systematic tearfulness, increased anxiety and unusual passivity. Against the background of these signs of reduced sexual desire, having trouble sleeping, and frequent hot flashes.
  • Endogenous. Here the tides do not occur often, but come to the fore pessimism, apathy and depression. A woman and a negative look at the past and the present and the future. Sometimes there is loss of appetite and insomnia.
  • Involution. This type is characterized by exaggeration woman severity of their health problems. The patient is constantly concerned about their condition, very afraid of death. In addition, the involution type of depression is often accompanied by painful and unpleasant sensations.
  • Psychogenic. It is often seen on the background of heavy anxiety and unpleasant thoughts. There is decrease in self-esteem, it is very critical attitude to his personality. Additionally, there can be problems with sleep, poor appetite, and dramatic weight loss.

It is very difficult to independently determine what type of disorder affects women. Therefore, rationally see a specialist. Indeed, the lack of deal with psychological problems intensifies the symptoms of menopause, causing a number of serious diseases.

The main symptoms of depressive mood in menopause

It is not always depressed mood stands to receive a direct indication of drugs. Depression at menopause has its own features, but they take into account the complex. Treatment is prescribed on the basis of the following symptoms and their frequency:

  • deterioration in operability;
  • constant apathy;
  • very critical of their appearance;
  • low self-esteem;
  • tendency to loneliness;
  • anxiety and anxiety;
  • emergence of various phobias;
  • reluctance to move on;
  • a skeptical attitude towards the future;
  • mood swings;
  • unstable emotional state,
  • severe headaches,
  • poor appetite,
  • fainting and dizziness,
  • an imbalance in the digestive tract,
  • aches and pains in the body.

Many of these symptoms can be caused not only by psychological disorders, but also hormonal imbalance. It is therefore important to ascertain the cause of such manifestations. If symptoms continued for more than two weeks, gradually increasing, we can not put off a visit to the hospital. The smaller displays, the easier it is to get back to a normal lifestyle.

Peculiarities of diagnosis of the disease

If a woman is suspected of depression during menopause, it is best to visit the following specialists:

  • Therapist. Skip this item can not be, because that's what the doctor will prescribe the necessary diagnostics. Its results will help to exclude various pathologies, as well as useful to other doctors, which also directs the therapist.
  • Endocrinologist. This professional woman is obliged to attend regularly, because it can be used optimally start menopause, prevent unpleasant symptoms. Depression can be caused by thyroid problems and hormonal levels. Therefore, it can eliminate the endocrinologist instigators similar accuracy for further treatment.
  • Cardiologist. Depressive symptoms may be associated with its habitual changes of menopause, rather than the problems of the nervous system. It is important to rule out diseases of the cardiovascular system and find out the causes of blood pressure spikes, and only then choose the treatment.
  • Neurologist. The doctor examines the patient's nervous system, examine the test results and the nature of the symptoms. After this treatment is prescribed. If all of these experts have not found a pathology that can trigger menopausal disorders, it is necessary to consult a therapist.

See also our article, how to ease menopause and pass this stage without the emotional turmoil.

Treatment of depression during menopause

Where to start treatment? When menopause women often suffer from self-esteem due to the fact that it is impossible to take such an age change as the next stage of life. Therefore, to get started is:

  1. Perceive menopause is normal, because the unpleasant symptoms disappear with the right approach.
  2. Secure a positive mental attitude.
  3. Avoid loneliness, to establish new connections.
  4. Find a new hobby or passion. Quite often, women practice yoga during menopause.
  5. Monitor their appearance and wardrobe.
  6. Organize interesting fascinating leisure in the circle of nice people.
  7. Avoid talking about the symptoms of menopause (the only exception is the attending physician).
  8. Constantly on the move, without forgetting about short breaks.
  9. To refuse from bad habits.
  10. Maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Menopausal disorders can prevent every woman by using these basic tips. In such a case will not have to take medication or undergo therapy. It has been proved that the success of the struggle with depressive disorders is almost 90% dependent on patient effort.

Hormonal drugs in mild depression

Reviews of physicians indicate that a mild form of depression during menopause can be overcome by eliminating problems with hormonal balance. Your doctor may prescribe:

  • Tablets (Divina, Klimov, Trisekvens)
  • Gels (Estrozhel, Divigel)
  • The patches (CLIMAR, Ekstraderm)
  • candles (Ovestin, Klimaksan)
  • Ointments (Klimadinon)

But must pass before HRT analyzes on hormonesTo determine the exact state of hormonal balance. right only selected hormones improve the production of serotonin, stabilize the nervous system, thereby removing depressive disorders.

Antidepressants and their benefits

If the depression at klimaksene quits after hormone therapy, the problem should be solved by antidepressants. In some situations, showing the side effects of hormone replacement therapy in the form of destabilization of mental status. Antidepressants in menopause They have a number of advantages:

  • gently operate;
  • no side effects;
  • exhibit good productivity;
  • normally perceived by the body;
  • do not cause drowsiness;
  • not addictive.

Antidepressants help to eliminate:

  • irritability,
  • sense of anxiety,
  • passivity,
  • apathy
  • problems with appetite,
  • insomnia.

It is worth noting that they can be taken only after consulting a doctor, because only he can determine exactly menopausal disorders. It is also necessary to remember that antidepressants are introduced and withdrawn gradually so that the body has got used to their action.

In this group is to provide a time-tested products:

  • paroxetine,
  • fluvoxamine,
  • fluoxetine,
  • finlepsin,
  • Depakine,
  • koaksil,
  • Efevelon,
  • Poroksetin,
  • Velafaks,
  • Velaksin,
  • Fluoxetine.

Psychotherapy of Depression in menopause

Treat depression is possible and in the office of a therapist, but in this case eliminated drug therapy. Visiting a specialist in compliance with its recommendations will find their positive development at the following levels:

  • mental,
  • vegetative,
  • neurological,
  • somatoorgannom,
  • somatosistemnom.

The fact is that the climacteric depression can be so complex mechanism that it will include all of the above levels. But this issue is built individually for each case of psychotherapy program.

It is important to respond to any changes in their psychological health, because these problems can aggravate already existing diseases, but also cause new ones. That is why you need to fight with depression, but only under the supervision of a physician, following simple recommendations to stabilize the psycho-emotional state.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 23
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