Headaches during menopause: symptoms, treatment cephalgia (migraine)


  1. Features cephalgia menopause
  2. Reasons cephalgia in menopause
  3. Drug treatment of headaches during menopause
  4. synthetic hormones
  5. phytoestrogens
  6. analgesics
  7. headache treatment methods of alternative medicine

Menopause brings in a woman's life a lot of changes. Unfortunately, most of them has a negative character. At this stage of the life of a woman may be concerned about a whole bunch of health problems related to hormonal changes occurring in the body, and the gradual extinction of the reproductive function. The fairer sex often complain of headaches during menopause. Sometimes the intensity and frequency is so high that a woman is unable to lead normal life as forced all the energy and time spent on the fight against debilitating illness. What provokes attacks of pain in the head during menopause? In which direction act to defeat the bad disease? Let's investigate.

Migraine at menopause

Features cephalgia menopause

Menopause is characterized by headache, which is somewhat different from the usual pain, familiar to every woman. It has its own distinctive features, such as:

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  • Very often, the illness comes unexpectedly, initially localized in the temporal region and gradually moving in the frontal part. However, such a scenario is quite illness is optional, and the head can hurt any part thereof;
  • Cephalgia manifestation is accompanied by stress of cervical and facial muscles. Gipertonus significantly increases the intensity of sensations and affects the change in facial expression - appears the most sullen expression, characteristic of some of the women of the older generation;
  • Klimaktricheskaya headache often accompanied by a darkening of the eyes, a sense of tension in the occipital region, sensation of a lump in the throat, dry mouth and difficulty breathing;
  • Sometimes a woman begin to pursue migraine - attacks of intense episodic or systematic pain localized in one half of the head.

If the reproductive age this disease was already familiar woman, the menopausal pattern of its manifestations can significantly worsen.

Character cephalgia capable vary. A woman may feel pressing, aching, bursting, throbbing and "shooting" sensation. Sometimes the severity of them is so high that lost interest in life, just do not have the strength to think about something else.

Reasons cephalgia in menopause

Headaches can not be considered independent phenomenon in menopause. Their main reason - the end of the reproductive function of the body, accompanied by a reduction in production of female sex hormones - progesterone and estrogen. These changes adversely affect the functioning of the whole organism. Malfunction of the organs and systems are characterized by certain symptoms, such as headaches and. Therefore, considering the reasons for the development of this abnormal phenomenon, should focus on changes occurring under the influence of menopause.

  1. One of the reasons for which a headache, can become action menopausal changes in the cardiovascular system. Hormonal imbalance affects the tone of the vessel walls, causing them to spasm, which leads to the development of hypertension, increased intracranial, intraocular pressure, and these changes are accompanied by a parent pain;
  2. Another cause of pain in the head during menostaza are changes in the nervous system. Hormonal disruption causing disruption patency nerve fibers, preventing the passage of pulses. Menopause is characterized by increased emotional disinhibition, mood swings, outbursts of anger, which often causes a worsening of the disease.
  3. The impact of menopause on the condition of the musculoskeletal system as an indirect provocateur disease. Thus violation calcium absorption and termination of generation of collagen lead to degenerative changes in bones and joints, causing postural impairment, cramping and muscle fibers, as a consequence, cephalgia. Find out more information about why your joints ache during climax.

The emergence of headaches may also be triggered by a number of additional reasons:

  • heredity - if some of the older relatives noted similar problems during menopause, the probability of transmission to future generations scenario determined there;
  • physiological characteristics;
  • presence of psychosomatic disorders, CNS pathologies;
  • abuse of alcohol, nicotine,
  • wrong way of life which is chronic fatigue, unhealthy eating, lack of physical activity.

Drug treatment of headaches during menopause

Tolerate the pain is extremely unreasonable and even dangerous. What to do to cope with bouts cephalgia?

Most importantly - timely seek medical advice. Specialist will be assigned to a comprehensive examination of the body, which will provide a clear picture of the development of pain. The patient may need to consult a cardiologist, neurologist, an ophthalmologist (depending on the disease manifestations accompanying).

headache treatment can be combined in several key areas. In particular, used drugs in the first place, eliminating the main cause of the disease - an imbalance of hormones, secondly, analgesics, relieving attack. In parallel, therapy should be carried out other manifestations of menopause, can provoke a headache.

Means to regulate the number of female sex hormones in the body, can be either artificial (HRT) and organic nature.

synthetic hormones

The first include formulations containing synthetic hormones. This may be tablets (Premarin, Femoston 1/5 Conti, Proginova), skin patches (CLIMAR, Dermestril) and gels for topical use (Estrozhel, Divigel). Using these medicines can quickly make up for the lack of estrogen and progesterone, thereby general condition of the woman is stabilized, and the disease gradually ceases to be disturbed.


The second group are drugs with natural hormones - phytoestrogens having a similar effect, but has a mild effect on the female body, fewer contraindications and lack of harmful side effects. These tools have been widely popular among women experiencing the impact climacteric syndromeAnd we have earned the trust, based on the positive results. As an example may be mentioned drugs such as:

  • Chi-Klim;
  • Menopace;
  • Klimadinon;
  • Mensa;
  • Remens;
  • remedy for menopause Estrovel.


Analgesics nonsteroidal steps used to reduce the severity of pain, relief of muscular tension and spasms. The choice of analgesic depends on the causes of pain and symptoms, accompanying her. Examples of such formulations can be a terrific pharmaceutical means:

  • analgin;
  • tsitramon;
  • Pentalgin;
  • Novigan;
  • Spazmalgon et al.

Migraines often supplement the intake of analgesics drugs group triptans:

  • sumatriptan
  • Relpaks
  • Noramig et al.

headache treatment methods of alternative medicine

Drug therapy can be supplemented by the subsidiary methods of struggle with the disease, if approved by your doctor. Alternative medicine offers a number of courses of action to relieve pain:

  1. Using the properties of medicinal plants with sedative and analgesic effect. Broths and herbal teas on the basis of sage, camomile, Highlander bird, walnut shells, mint, viburnum, Hawthorn helps gently remove spasms in the blood vessels, strengthen their walls, normalize circulation.
  2. Physiotherapy is able to provide substantial assistance in the fight against systematic headaches. An excellent embodiment is practicing yoga during menopauseThe use of breathing techniques, as well as aqua aerobics. Moderate exercise improves the general tone of the organism, the normalization of the heart, blood vessels, eliminate stagnation, relieve muscle spasms, and as a result, reduce the severity of cephalgia.
  3. Acupuncture - great struggle with the disease, of course, if carried out by a qualified technician. This method helps to relieve tension and spasms when the neck-thoracic osteochondrosis, which is often accompanied by headaches.
  4. Using relaxation techniques such as meditation, helping to overcome the headaches, provoked by malfunctions in the nervous system, emotional and physical fatigue and stress.

Headache - severe symptom that can be caused by many factors. For the selection of the correct tactics of treatment it is necessary to establish the reasons that cause it. In no event should not self-medicate, because in the event of serious lung diseases worsen their condition.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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