Month after regulon [it shall come on a day after the cancellation]


  1. Indications for
  2. The action of the drug
  3. How to apply
  4. Features of use and cancellation of contraceptive
  5. Effect means on the body for receiving end
  6. Menstruation after use of the drug
  7. Permissible monthly periods delay

Regulon refers to oral contraceptives type. It is used to prevent unwanted pregnancy, to cure diseases of the hormonal type, to restore the normal flow of menstruation and eliminate diseases of internal genital organs. Often month after regulon can not come on the appointed day, if not cease.
Information about why there is a deviation, is very topical and often discussed at the Women's Forum.

Month after regulon

Indications for

Guide to the preparation the main purpose of its use defines contraception and prevention of pregnancy. Also assigned to Regulon recovery cycle, hormonal disorders, and to eliminate diseases listed below:

  • tumors of the uterus;
  • abdominal cramps during the regulator;
  • development of endometriosis and adenomyosis;
  • formation of cysts in the breasts and the internal reproductive organs.
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The drug is indicated for bleeding into the uterus and a low concentration of progesterone in the body because of abortion.
Studies suggest almost 100% protection against pregnancy during the use of medication. However, tablets can, knowing all the rules of their reception. For example, if a woman misses a pill use, and later need to take an extra dose of oral contraceptive and replace local.

The action of the drug

The composition regulon includes ethinyl estradiol, which is an estrogenic component type, desogestrel and progestin.
The effect of the drug is due to blockage of pituitary hormones. Production of substances that affect the critical days, is reduced. Progestins block the formation of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating components. Ovulation stops and sperm is unable to fertilize an egg.

Action ethinyl estradiol is to change the consistency of the mucus produced in the cervix. Penetrating into the woman's body, the sperm enters the aggressive microflora and could not continue further advancement. The egg matures slowly inhibited the development of yellow Education and follicle remains intact. It appears underdeveloped endometrium.

In case of successful formation of the zygote, the cell will not be able to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity. Power ovum will also be inadequate. Decreases contractility of the uterine tubes, and the egg is not able to move them with the necessary speed.
However, in some situations, components of the preparation have a negative impact on the course of menstruation, and there is a delay after the abolition regulon or monthly does not end there.

How to apply

To contraceptive had the desired effect, the first days of menstruation should be the beginning of taking medication. It is better to use the drug immediately if bleeding. The possibility of postponing admission to 5 days. The first week after the start of use necessary to use a local contraception.

Therapy is continued for 21 days. Then you need to make a week-long pause. Second or third day after the cancellation regulon - time will come monthly. Spotting may occur later and - during a seven day period. Menstruation indicates the termination of the effect of the medication. After 29 hours the cycle resumes reception OK with the new packaging. How to repeat a course, it is desirable to clarify the gynecologist.

Features of use and cancellation of contraceptive

There are some rules for the use of the drug and the correct termination of its use:
It is undesirable to take a pill for a prolonged period and allow skipping doses. If a woman is going in the future to conceive and bear a child, after a few months of therapy regulon need to take regular breaks. Since the reproductive function of the body will get time to recover.

Before lifting the medication should consult a gynecologist. It is safest to stop the use of funds from the last capsule from the packaging. The risk of negative effects will be minimized, and the situation when after cancellation regulon no monthly, not going to happen.

7 days after discontinuation of the effect of tablets retained. Then, in order to prevent pregnancy, you need to go on a barrier. If a woman wants to conceive a child, it is better to wait until the third menstruation after the end of the course. During this time, the reproductive organs must resume work. Well before conception necessarily undergo a full inspection of the body in the hospital.

There are situations in which the drug having to leave urgently. Immediate cessation of use of the drug occurs at sudden pressure surges (blood reaches the indicator 140/90), cramps in the legs, with breathing problems.

Side effects that may occur during the use of oral contraceptives include jaundice, rash on the skin, nausea, gastrointestinal pathology, persistent lethargy and fatigue, itching for a reason, and malfunction of the liver. Such situations require immediately cancel the medicine and contact your doctor.

Do not wait for 21 days of therapy and stop taking is possible, if there were serious injuries and burns, surgery is planned, there is an urgent the need to use inductive oxidation renal drugs, medicines against convulsions and anxiolytic agents antidepressants.

Effect means on the body for receiving end

Regulon may delay monthly for a week due to the vast influence of a component on the hormonal balance in the female body.

After cessation means there is a reorganization of the reproductive and endocrine systems. During the reception, OK ovaries and adrenal glands produce a relatively small amount of hormones. Because authorities need time to resume work in a natural mode. Sometimes critical days may not be available within two months after completion of therapy.

If you drink means possible its negative effects on other body systems:

  • abundant hair loss, their dullness and fragility;
  • dry skin, itching, flaking and wanton.

After regulon may be plentiful monthly menses or prolongation of a few days.
However, prolonged use of funds stimulates the pituitary gland. Because the body lacks hormonal components are stimulated increased production of biological substances luteinizing and follicle type. The ovaries begin to work better. Because the drug is rare, but is still used as a means of therapy for infertility.

Menstruation after use of the drug

Upon receipt of drugs affecting the concentration of hormones in the body, the body of each woman reacts differently. Some patients drink regulon and monthly do not stop, others critical days come with a delay.
After three months of use means there are abnormalities in the menstrual cycle due to habituation of the organism to changes in hormonal background. After adaptation work reproductive system continues in the usual rhythm. If the patient has spent on drink regulon 21 days, and monthly no more than 10 days, must be checked by a gynecologist.
Identify several reasons that cause unusual flow regulation or lack thereof:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Failure to comply with the diet.
  • Rapid weight loss.
  • Frequent stress and anxiety.
  • The symptoms of intoxication.
  • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

Hormonal disruptions may occur due to stress. Also, increase in the concentration of certain organic compounds associated with pregnancy. The conception of the fetus is possible due to incorrect use of oral contraceptives.

Side effects of the drug associated with the digestive tract, can provoke signs of intoxication. Woman suffering from diarrhea and nausea. The drug is not released into the blood and is not absorbed.

If she threw a drink regulon, but no periods and a negative test, the reason may lie in the drastic weight loss. Patients with a small weight often suffer from absent or irregular critical days.

Permissible monthly periods delay

Many women are interested in answer to the question on what is the day after the last tablet regulon come monthly. Experts say that the advent of regular bleeding may be absent for a month. However, going to the doctor is better after a delay of ten days. And at 30 day absence of menstruation delay the campaign to the doctor contraindicated.

It is normal for a small deviation from the usual days critical currents. Acceptable excess menses duration, copious, slack spasms and changes in the structure and color of blood. These symptoms are seen in most women after taking oral contraceptives for a quarter of a year or more.

If she missed the pills regulon 3 times and have not begun menstruation, do not panic. Abnormalities in the menstrual cycle will be observed for 3 or 4 months after the course.

When the critical days do not begin for more than 1 month, the doctor may prescribe progesterone injections to stimulate menstruation artificially.

Preparation relates to oral contraceptives. It is used not only to prevent pregnancy but also for the normalization of menstruation and treatment of certain diseases.

The situation when after regulon meager monthly, while there are no long or does not end, it is normal. The reason for deviation in the menstrual cycle - hormonal changes. However, long-term absence of regulation after drug withdrawal should immediately consult a doctor.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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