Artificial menopause: symptoms, drugs, pregnancy after artificial menopause


  1. The concept of artificial menopause
  2. The use of non natural menopause
  3. hysteromyoma
  4. endometriosis
  5. Infertility
  6. cysts
  7. Types not timely menopause
  8. Symptoms of artificial menopause
  9. Lifestyle during menopause drug
  10. The output of this type of menopause
  11. Pregnancy and ovulation after artificial menopause

With age, a woman's life there comes a natural process of decline of reproductive function, called menopause. However, in some cases, modern medicine provides for targeted induction of artificial menopause. This applies for the treatment of certain diseases and renovation of the female body. That it is an artificial menopause, and what are its features?

unnatural menopause

The concept of artificial menopause

Any climax, in particular artificial and is characterized by the cessation of production of the hormone - estrogen. In this case, experts deliberately artificially stop the ovaries working, and as a consequence - escapes the hormone estrogen.

This process is called special medical drugs depending on the age and body characteristics, and is reversible. This method is used as in adulthood, and to the young and nulliparous women. Its duration - from six months and up.

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The use of non natural menopause

Artificial menopause often used in diseases of the reproductive and genital system and for the recovery of the female body by reducing the production of hormones and stop menstruation.


One of the most common hormone-dependent diseases is uterine fibroids. It is characterized by high activity and sex hormones miometricheskih extraordinary growth of cells and tissues, which causes the three-dimensional structure into the uterine cavity. To make this process does not impact negatively on the body with medication reduces the production of hormones and reduced recharge of the cells and tissues.


Targeted reduction in estrogen levels and treated endometriosis during menopause. This process seals and proliferation of endometrial tissue in the uterus and beyond.


Often against a background of hormonal disruptions in women developing infertility. This is due to the fact that the egg stays in the follicle, and the woman can not get pregnant. In this case, an artificial menopause, as a method of reducing estrogen levels and stimulate follicle rupture.


Ovarian cyst in menopause - Another common among female representatives of the disease manifests itself as a benign tumor of the ovary. Under the influence of hormones cyst can grow and even develop into a malignant tumor. In this case the experts are also used artificial menopause in order to stabilize hormone levels and treatment of disease.

Even malignant tumors, this method comes in. Completely get rid of the disease will not be possible, but reduce the number of damaged cells by means of it is possible.

And that's not all diseases in which the artificial menopause. As can be seen, the basic concept in the treatment of these diseases is the reduction of production of certain hormones stops egg production and menses. In 83% of cases, this technique helps to overcome ills, and each year, these figures are rising.

Types not timely menopause

Leading type of artificial menopause - medical menopause. It characterized as a fully reversible method, gentle to the body. With this method, are introduced into the body artificial hormones that affect ovarian operation, gradually stopping it in time. Such drugs are introduced into the body in the form of injections, pills and sprays.

The main preparations in the application of this method are Gozerlen, Buserelin, Diferelin, Zolodeks, Norkolut and other medicines, with which it becomes more and more every year.

In the surgical artificial menopause the ovaries are completely removed. irreversible method, but only it can help in a situation of oncology.

Radiological method implies a beam irradiation of the ovaries. At the expiration of the treatment of ovarian partially reduced its work.

It is important to remember that only after a deep and prolonged diagnostic medical specialists can find a suitable method or preparations for artificial menopause, taking into account all the features of your body and Clinical picture.

Symptoms of artificial menopause

Artificial menopause symptoms are similar to symptoms of natural menopause. But the difference between them is that the artificial - the body is not prepared for such a drastic change in the hormonal background, and in the work of other related systems.

  1. Hormonal changes always lead to the destabilization of the psycho-emotional state. In this case, there are mood swings, fatigue, anxiety, drowsiness and even depression. Under the action of hormonal fluctuations tone decreases cerebral vessels, which leads to a change in the normal operation of the adrenal glands. Perhaps a sharp increase in weight as a protective reaction of the organism.
  2. Frequent climacteric symptoms are hot flashes. Since sharp hormone deficiency transmits brain false signals, - a malfunction occurs in the process of thermoregulation. As a result, you may experience hot flashes, sudden changes of temperature and chills. These phenomena are accompanied by hyperhidrosis.
  3. Because of the attenuation of tissue of an organism can be felt different types of pain, particularly in the pelvic section. During this period, there is a noticeable lack of calcium such symptoms as pain in the back and waist, stiff joints during menopause. In some cases, these changes can lead to osteoporosis.
  4. The progress of artificial menopause affect the libido and sexual desire. During intercourse, noticeable discomfort due to dryness in the vagina. In some women, these symptoms are absent, and menopause takes place peacefully and painlessly. It is therefore very important to set correctly this step and support the body in the right way of life.

Lifestyle during menopause drug

Nowadays, a lot of popularity during climax acquired HRT (hormone replacement therapy). Its essence is to maintain a balance at the time of a sharp decrease in hormones in natural and artificial menopause.

Correct schema such therapy will determine only an expert for you.
Do not be amiss in this period, the help and support of a psychologist who will help smooth out the mental manifestations of destabilization. He may prescribe a mild sedative drugs.

At home, the same conditions, you can keep your body on their own with the help of herbal infusions and teas, restorative fees. Pay attention to your diet: eliminate spicy and fatty foods, synthetic spices, alcohol, tobacco and caffeine. The negative influence them, and so is well known, especially when such sudden load on the organism. More eat foods containing calcium and phosphorus, vitamins enrich using vegetables and fruits.

It should abandon the heavy loads, but it is not necessary to forget about physical activity. To avoid oxygen deficiency already weakened tissues and cells in the body, often try visit the open air, ventilate the room in which you are and maintain sufficient humidity in him.

Since drugs that cause an artificial menopause, contain synthetic and auxiliary chemicals, eat a sufficient amount of water so that they did not stay in the body. Subject to all these recommendations you comfortably move this process and get a beneficial, positive result.

The output of this type of menopause

Basically out of the artificial menopause occurs within 2-3 months. Being phased entry of medicines and reproductive function is restored in full, resumed menstruation.

For every woman life and release process of this type of menopause is unique, but all remains an important rule - for six months to monitor hormones. When an excess or deficiency of certain hormones should designate correction of hormonal background. In any case, all of the changes that occur with the body after induced menopause, should be under regular medical supervision.

Practice shows that it is quite effective and painless method. But in rare cases, there are negative consequences, as the involution of endometrial or ovarian atresia. These complications arise only on the basis of incorrect treatment during such a climax. Therefore, in no case do not self-medicate and refer only to the experienced and proven experts in compliance with all of its recommendations.

Pregnancy and ovulation after artificial menopause

If this stage and out of it went well, the pregnancy after artificial menopause can occur after only 3 months. Reproductive and other functions are fully restored, libido returns, sickness leave, and you're ready to become a mother. Do not be upset if you manage to get pregnant immediately. Still, your body has gone through a lot of stress, hormones are still coming back to normal, but it is a long and complicated process.

For planning future pregnancies Make sure your character resumed menstruation and ovulation. Usually ovulation watching from 8 to 12 weeks after the last entry of drugs, and already at the first ovulation after induced menopause is quite possible to conceive. In very rare cases, there have been cases pregnancy during menopause. But as a rule, this method was used for general improvement of an organism with a gentle medicines.

If before you there was a question about the use of artificial menopause - do not panic, learn all the "pros" and "cons", and safely entrust your body specialist, because on the way to the health of these effective treatments are very by the way. Be healthy!

  • Oct 19, 2019
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