Spotting during menopause: the causes, symptoms, treatment


  1. Possible causes of bleeding during menopause
  2. hormone therapy
  3. Genital infections and inflammatory processes
  4. Mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of genitals
  5. Myoma
  6. endometrial hyperplasia
  7. polyps
  8. Cervical erosion
  9. Oncology
  10. Alternative causes of such discharges

The concept of menopause is clearly associated in our minds with the full completion of the activities of the sexual sphere. Women for whom the menopause is still a distant prospect, often expect from this phenomenon is strictly certain physiological features, such as hot flushes, emotional instability, termination monthly. However, very often menostaz flows through the individual scenario, and symptoms in each individual case can vary greatly, often presenting very unexpected and unpleasant surprises. One of these displays are spotting after menopause.

Spotting during menopause

Possible causes of bleeding during menopause

There are several main reasons that can cause abnormal bleeding during menopause. Let us consider in more detail each of them.

hormone therapy

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Quite often menopausal changes occur in a woman so rapidly that the only way to combat the symptoms of menopause becomes the use of hormonal drugs. Needless to say that this group of drugs requires the most cautious attitude and well calibrated dosing. In some cases, the drug can cause an individual response from the woman's body.

One of the side effects of hormonal drugs is provoking uterine bleeding. The main role in this phenomenon is given estrogen oversaturation of the organism, against which there is stimulation attenuating activity of ovarian and endometrial proliferation, which leads to unplanned royal blood loss.

Brown discharge during menopause accompanied by increased levels of estrogen - a frequent phenomenon. Similar color selections due to the fact that because of the physiological changes that occur in the sexual sphere (in particular narrowing uterine cervical canal) rejects part of the endometrial output is slower than in the reproductive age, and have time to undergo oxidation.
Also, in patients receiving hormonal treatment may appear discharge, which is popularly referred to as "daubs" sukrovichnye containing inclusions in the mass of cables.

In the case where the cause of bleeding is hormone therapy, you should carefully review the tactics of the patient. This may be to repeal or replace the tools used, as well as to reduce the dosage.

Genital infections and inflammatory processes

Menopause does not mean the end of sex life, and especially not more is the key that henceforth a woman will not be disturbed inflammatory and infectious diseases of the sexual sphere.

If we talk about inflammatory processes, they are most often the result of multiplication of pathogenic microflora, which is activated in connection with a reduction in local immunity. This is due to estrogen deficiency inherent in menopause. Genital mucosa atrophy, and as a result, significantly reduced its protective function. Under the influence of pathogens may occur inflammatory diseases such as bacterial vaginitis, candidiasis, herpes.

If you had unprotected intimate contact, it should not be ruled out joining a sexual infection. In this case, the cause of bleeding during menopause may include: chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, and other STDs. Read in one of our articles, which are observed allocation for chlamydia in women.

Such diseases are often accompanied by itching, burning in the external genital organs and secretions minor blood (sometimes with an admixture of pus).

All of these features are the result of violating the integrity of the mucosal and vascular injury located in the superficial layer of the epithelium.

Mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of genitals

Vaginal bleeding after menopause is often explained by the increased sensitivity of the genital mucosa. This is a result of reduced levels of estrogen - the main hormones that ensure the safe operation of the majority of the female organs and body systems. When menopause occurs a characteristic reduction in the concentration of substances that provokes atrophic processes of mucosal epithelium loss of former elasticity and resilience, reducing the level of moistening. That's why some women cause traces of blood on the underwear can become banal mechanical damage to the mucosa of the upper layer. For example, the explanation may be banal carelessness with personal hygiene, trauma during sexual intercourse. Of bleeding provoked by estrogen deficiency have sukrovichny character, and characterized by episodic and moderation.


Another quite common cause of uterine bleeding during menopause. Fibroid is a benign form, which is localized in the muscle tissue of the uterus. Bleeding often is accompanied by the development of submucosal tumor type. It should be noted that the fibroids in postmenopausal women often reduced in size, since it is hormone-formation, and development of natural estrogen by the ovaries at this time significantly reduced.

When pathological manifestations of menopause so intense that significantly reduce the quality of life of women using hormones and plant hormones, which can not only to improve the overall condition of the patient, but also to renew the growth of fibroids and, as a consequence, provoke bleeding after menopause.

When myoma often occurs elongation monthly premenopausal and significant enhancement of their intensity. This phenomenon is called menorrhagia. Often these pathological features a monthly brown. Sometimes there bleeding between periods - metrorrhagia during menopause. Their nature and intensity may vary. Color selection can vary - they may be characteristic of bleeding, and frequent and brown discharge during menopause.

endometrial hyperplasia

One possible cause of bleeding during menopause - endometrial hyperplasia. Under the influence of an imbalance between the levels of estrogens and progestins mucous layer lining the uterine cavity, begins to grow excessively, hitting the deep layers of the uterus.

This phenomenon may pose a real threat to women's health, because it does not only provoke bleeding after menopause and is accompanied by pain, but also creates the risk of Cancer cell degeneration Endometrial.

Adenomyosis bleeding occur less frequently, but their appearance is possible. In this case, they have a heterogeneous character, often seen blood clots, which are in fact areas exfoliated endometrium.

Often, bleeding after menopause are accompanied by pain, localized in the groin area and ovaries. When a woman endometrial hyperplasia may disturb and spotting, for example, after intimacy in menopause, Although it is not directly pain during intercourse.


Spotting postmenopausal may be an indication of illness such as polyps. Polyps are inherently a form of endometrial hyperplasia at which growth occurs locally and mucosa manifested as a formation on the walls of the uterus peculiar growths. Most often, they are benign, but in some cases are able to regenerate, so they can not be ignored.

Polyps provoke bleeding during menopause, because under the influence of a number of reasons violated the integrity of the build-up and the blood is released. The fact that this formation is located quite a large number of blood vessels, and under the influence of provoking factors integrity violated. For example, polyps may begin to bleed when performing any active physical activities during inspection and palpation in gynecological surgeries, as well as from natural buildup of contact with the walls uterus. Often, polyps isolated blood gradually, in small portions, which are output directly from the uterus, and accumulate there. Under the influence of oxidative processes blood changes color. Therefore, brown discharge during menopause may indicate that a woman has polyps in the uterus.

Cervical erosion

Cervical erosion is a pathological process in the development of which is observed transformation of normal cells of epithelial tissue in the columnar epithelium characteristic of the cervical canal. At its core, it is a plague that is able to bleed when a mechanical failure or advanced stage disease. When erosion isolation mucosal eventually turn into brown, which indicates the presence of blood in them. As a rule, such bleeding scant and often most concerned about a woman after sex.


One of the most undesirable and frightening reasons for bleeding before and after menopause - oncologist. Unfortunately, the appearance of malignant tumors in menopausal period is not so rare. Cancer of the endometrium, ovary, body and cervix may be accompanied by bleeding of varying intensity. As a rule, they are joined by other signs (admixture of mucus in the total discharge, fetid odor, lack of energy, discomfort in the lower abdomen and lower backPain during intercourse, exercise, urination). Very often, the blood separation in oncology say enough advanced disease, it is difficult to overstate the importance of prompt diagnosis, allowing to identify these dangerous diseases early in their development.

Alternative causes of such discharges

Sometimes the cause of the blood traces on the underwear in menopause are not uterine bleeding, and most other factors. For example, discharge may be from the urethra or rectum. How to set the record straight? This can help in a conventional tampon. If, after its removal on the surface are not found traces of blood, and the laundry, they are still present, it is necessary to seek out the source of trouble in other organs. Help in establishing the correct diagnosis can proctologist or urologist.
In any case, even if the obvious signs of trouble in the intimate sphere is not, in the period menostaza necessary to have a pelvic exam at least 2 times a year.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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