Breast ultrasound on what day of the cycle is better to do: before or after menstruation, when mastitis


  1. When you need to breast ultrasound
  2. ultrasound of the breast is held in any day of the cycle
  3. When a cycle of 21 days
  4. When you cycle in 28 days
  5. At irregular menstruation
  6. When doing breast ultrasound during pregnancy and lactation
  7. Uzi breast during menopause
  8. When the mammogram
  9. Especially breast ultrasound

Ultrasound diagnostics - one of the safest, completely painless and effective procedures to detect and prevent various types of formations and critical conditions in the human body. Frequency of ultrasound reduces the risk of complications in many diseases, including various tumors, including the most dangerous. After all, their timely diagnosis and competent treatment in time begun - a guarantee of a successful outcome of the disease. Therefore, women should pay attention to timely breast ultrasound. To learn how to track, better to do breast ultrasound on what day of the cycle, and understand how to prepare themselves to the procedure itself, to evaluate the benefits and basics of ultrasound study - is to talk more.

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Day cycle for ultrasound

When you need to breast ultrasound

Held ultrasound mammary ducts is recommended annually, and if possible hormonal disorders, genetic predisposition for pregnancy planning stage, with preparations for artificial insemination - and that more often.

Routine inspections of mammalogy and ultrasound help in timely detection of various kinds of violations at an early stage. The reason for the unscheduled visit are the following states:

  1. Exacerbation of disease states during PMS.
  2. Chest trauma.
  3. The asymmetry of the breast, nipple visible change in their shape.
  4. Selection of a different nature (bleeding, purulent, milk or transparent).
  5. The appearance of the characteristic nodules.
  6. The risk of mastitis.
  7. Enlarged lymph nodes.

The basis of the method lies in the direction of the ultrasonic waves by the portion which should be examined. This is how an image of the cavities with air, liquid, various kinds of seals.

The procedure is performed ultrasound diagnostician and takes approximately 25 minutes. Some soreness inspection often is caused by ultrasound done on any day of a woman's cycle dairy glands, and whether there are irregularities in the examined organs or possible chronic inflammatory course different character. In most cases the diagnosis is completely painless. The result is given immediately, and read the transcript of the doctors, who appointed SPL, based on aggregate survey results, although the first to comment on the status can be obtained directly from the diagnostician.

ultrasound of the breast is held in any day of the cycle

Status breast depends on the overall hormonal woman. The different phases of the cycle one or the other hormone dictates the rules, changing the status of the milk ducts sometimes dramatically. The result of the survey in such a period is often not informative, if not false. Because you need to know on what day after a month, you can do ultrasound breast. And determine for themselves the optimum date of a campaign to help the diagnostician regular menses.

When a cycle of 21 days

Diagnosis should be made on 5 or 7 day cycle. It is this period of time is optimal, and the picture is the most clear and informative. Subsequent to this phase of ovulation will not conduct the survey in full for sure. Increases the production of estrogen, the body prepares for pregnancy, the woman's breasts become dense, and milk ducts are defined vaguely.

When you cycle in 28 days

In the normal standard cycle of 28 days for optimal breast ultrasound doctors consider the period from the 7th to the 12th day after the monthly cycle. In situations where prolonged isolation and do not stop to 10 days, delay the procedure until they are stopped, and then plan a visit to the diagnostician.

Why there is a link research and the menstrual cycle, and gynecologists, obstetricians recommend breast ultrasound only after a month? Because it is the same situation can be reflected in different ways and read diagnostician depending on the state of the ducts.

At irregular menstruation

These periods are ideal for women with a stable cycle. But what if the monthly occur regularly, last in different ways, and their nature is unstable? Then figure out what day of the cycle menstruatsionnogo make breast ultrasound, helps your gynecologist or guide mammolog. It will determine the best time to conduct the procedure directly and advise when necessary to carry out its dynamics in the event that the picture will seem incomplete. If necessary, appoint an analysis to determine the amount of estrogen in the body, that it will show the speed of ovulation phase.

When doing breast ultrasound during pregnancy and lactation

We should also mention pregnant women and those who are at the stage of lactation. They study the milk ducts is carried out only on the testimony of the doctor guiding. At the time of pregnancy it becomes more difficult to determine the negative changes in the breasts due to the active hormone of the body change, and therefore the feasibility of the procedure is highly questionable. The reason for suspicion is the appearance of atypical conditions.

Recommended diagnostics in case of detection of various kinds of seals, cysts. During the period of breastfeeding is often recommended to carry out a self-test, examine the chest and armpits. If there are any discomfort and suspicion immediately contact a physician. Menstruation in lactating women often absent, and therefore, on what day of the cycle will be scheduled breast ultrasound will not affect the entire picture of the survey.

Uzi breast during menopause

With menopause conduct ultrasound examination should be more often due to the fact that many women in the absence of menstruation to smooth menopause symptoms take hormonal drugs that can trigger cancer growth cells. With all of this research can be held in completely at any time, because state authorities on the general hormonal background is quite stable. It is worth mentioning that women after a certain age the doctors shown mammography for clearer, more detailed examination. It is not entirely correct to detach from one another ultrasound and mammogram, deciding what will be the best choice. It is in a complex of both methods, you can get a definite answer to the diagnosis. Therefore, both methods are rather complementary and do not exclude.

When the mammogram

Mammogram, as the X-ray method is done in several planes, which is fully shows the character of the neoplasm.

Girls under 30 years old need a mammogram only when necessary, when there is suspicion of a tumor or when ultrasound results are not enough.

The dose of radiation in modern mammography is negligible, but the method is still strictly contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.

Ideal for detecting intraductal female formations, the overall evaluation of tissues.

In some anatomical features of the placement of breast (its location close to the sternum) is obtained by a false result. Moreover, the information content of mammograms for large gland, or, on the contrary, a very small part in question.

The procedure is quite painful and pronounced than its additional disadvantage.

Especially breast ultrasound

Once again it is worth emphasizing that, as mentioned earlier in this article, ultrasound - this is harmless.

  1. The study has no negative reactions, it can be repeated without consequences as many times as necessary, ultrasound is safe for all ages, suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  2. It allows you to examine the lymph node area for clinical processes in them.
  3. Due to the absence of direct contact, and the painful effects can examine the body after an injury.
  4. It is worth noting, breast ultrasound before menstruation is uncomfortable because the breast area and the skin itself in this time period become more sensitive and painful, so the planning procedure must be based on these features.
  5. Method is available at a cost. For this region, such as Moscow and Moscow region, prices fluctuate in the range of 1100-2500 rubles.
  6. If the first ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus was allowed to read a complex image, the picture in the current models perfectly readable.

Important! What to do ultrasound of the breast on which day of the cycle, will determine the final result of the survey, which is why the guide physician should clarify this point before the appointment procedure.

We live on the run, in an era of constant stress. But sometimes it is worth to take a break and think about yourself, ask your health. Thanks to modern technology, the availability of many procedures to detect violations in the the body, the person is able to not only extend its life, but also, most importantly, to significantly improve its quality. After all, many diseases can be avoided by timely passing examination by a doctor, many complications can be avoided by passing the necessary tests. Taking care of yourself in today's realities - a necessary attribute, not a fad. Be healthy!

  • Oct 19, 2019
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