Delayed menstruation breast pain (and no monthly) (a negative test)


  1. Why can hurt the chest
  2. Reasons for non-clinical nature
  3. Stress
  4. Excess or deficiency of weight
  5. Physical exercise
  6. injuries
  7. Pills and hormonal contraceptives
  8. Acclimatization
  9. Menopause
  10. Pregnancy
  11. What diseases or health problems cause these symptoms
  12. How to prevent pain in the chest with a delay
  13. What to do

When there is a failure in the critical days of the cycle, it is always disturbing. And what if the delay monthly accompanied by a feeling of pain in the chest? Together, these two symptoms may be the result of how the pregnancy, and the tumor, or even banal stress... How to determine which option is correct and what to do when faced with them, talk in this site article.

Delay and chest pain

Why can hurt the chest

In the middle of the monthly menstrual cycle, the vast majority of women, feels the change in his chest. Someone nipples become more sensitive, someone is swollen or slightly changing breast shape, it may even appear an itch. This is a normal and natural process. 10-15-day cycle in the blood greatly increases the level of hormones that help in the preparation of a woman for fertilization. Under their influence, increases the lumen of blood vessels. The discomfort of this kind is not too noticeable and passes quickly, however, as the body adapts to the level of hormones.

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What directly before menstruation sore breastsIt may be an indication of how hormonal imbalances, and a number of diseases.

But why are sore breasts, and no monthly? Here, too, there are several options.

If the chest pain is a delay of 4 or 5 days, it is a sure sign of pregnancy. It's time to see a gynecologist. And to use a pregnancy test before this. At the very beginning of pregnancy, estrogen levels also may increase - the body is adapted to fit new needs. The result is quite natural - poured chest and sensitive nipples, and critical days, you can not wait for another ten months.

Important! If you are pregnant, breast swollen and sore in the first four months, pull the lower abdomen, appear allocation - see a doctor immediately. Any acute pain, bleeding and sudden changes state during pregnancy should be under increased attention.

But what if the most obvious and natural cause symptoms such as pregnancy - is not suitable? If the sore breasts, and there is a delay, even 2 or 3 days, the most obvious reason - the violation of the internal organs. They are not necessarily critical and dangerous right now, but really could become so in the near future. So the sooner a woman goes to a doctor and begin treatment, the fewer effects.

The reasons why are sore breasts when there is no menstruation, and pregnancy test negative can be divided into two large groups - non-clinical and clinical nature. The first does not require special medical treatment and only need to be adjusted daily life. While the latter may entail serious consequences. But each of them requires consultation with a physician. Self-diagnose and prescribe treatment - is inefficient and dangerous to health.

Reasons for non-clinical nature

Soreness in the chest often associated with the image of a woman's life.


Almost all diseases, one way or another, related to stress. They are rarely the main cause, but often contribute to the problem or create a fertile ground. And all because of the fact that long-term and regular stresses lead to an imbalance of hormones. They are produced not "scheduled" or in the wrong amount. This also applies to estrogen, and other "female" hormones. As a result, violated the cycle goes astray the rhythm prepare the body for conception and pregnancy. Symptoms can be chest pain and lack of menstruation for several days.

Stress - a common cause delay periods after the first stand.

Excess or deficiency of weight

A small weight gain or easy deficiency rarely lead to critical consequences. But if weight fluctuations within a few months, reaching 15-20 kg, and even more - it is already a good reason "to rebel." He sees these changes as a threat to health and life. Because of what goes into a savings mode, cutting off some of the features (reproduction - only one of them). Because of this stomach ache and chest, and the monthly still no.

Physical exercise

The female body is tough and strong, and it is designed to survive, while maintaining the functionality, but still ensure the survival of the offspring. But there are limits of such power. Swelling in the chest and discomfort may become commonplace consequence muscle damage and delayed menstruation - a reaction to too much weight on the dumbbell. In this case, two symptoms together - just an unfortunate coincidence.


Injury of the chest and the subsequent treatment of injuries, can cause the appearance of both pain and delays.

Pills and hormonal contraceptives

On the side of various properties of medicines should inform their manufacturers, and physicians prescribing them. But not everyone can be accounted for, and response of each woman on their contents may be different. As a result, reception and ending course of treatment of various tablets (particularly those that contain a hormonal component) may lead to an abrupt release of estrogen.


Abrupt change of climate or simply living conditions can unbalance even completely healthy body. They do not always show such symptoms, but it happens.


There is another reason why the body can respond so - menopause. When a woman comes out of reproductive age, the body begins to change. Changes hormonal background, some organs cease to function "in normal mode." All these restructuring effect on the physical condition and state of health, causing discomfort and sometimes pain and regular. That is, if the sore breasts, delay and a negative pregnancy test, and has already reached the age of 50-55 years, it is likely that this is just another manifestation of menopause. This is the age, when the women's month end forever. Especially if the symptoms recur a second or even a third time, and the lag in the cycle has become the norm.


Chest pain plus fever before menstruation to 37 degrees may indicate pregnancy.

Any feelings that fall outside of the norm, require diagnosis from a professional.

What diseases or health problems cause these symptoms

There are also a number of problems of pathological character, which tells the body such manifestations.

One of the worst options - miscarriage. At the beginning of the period, a woman may not know about the pregnancy, and the pain and the fact that the critical days stayed, taken as a result of excess stress or change of contraceptives. This is the main risk. Chest and what month did not come on time - only the first signal that you want to listen carefully.

Further - copious (which is sometimes confused with the very critical days that pripozdnilis), abdominal cramps, and muscle spasms. There is already a need not just expert advice, and an ambulance.

Termination of pregnancy can also be perceived by the body as a miscarriage, which would entail the obvious consequences.

Ectopic pregnancy with proper and timely diagnosis can do without serious consequences for women's health. Chest pain - just one of the symptoms. In this case, they are sharp and tangible.

Problems with the endocrine system are not only caused by stress or drugs, but also to congenital or acquired conditions.

Tissue inflammation or inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system can also act as exercise. You can get them both from hypothermia, and from unprotected intercourse. In particular, when it comes to inflammation in the chest.

And breast cancer in the chest area can affect its sensitivity. On palpation it felt as compacted areas. In this case, the fact that there is pain - it is one of the most exciting, is not the first symptoms. As in the case of benign and malignant tumors.

Define yourself any of these problems is almost impossible. In some cases, to the symptoms already mentioned, joins bleeding, lower abdominal pain, cramps, fever, vomiting, discharge from the nipples.

How to prevent pain in the chest with a delay

There are a number of recommendations that will avoid pain and disruption in the cycle:

  1. Do not take hormonal drugs without first consulting a physician. There is nothing wrong, but their effects on the body can be unpredictable and dosing has to be controlled. That's why to choose such funds or contraceptives by trial and error, it is not necessary.
  2. Minimize mental stress. Completely stress-free can not do, but the fight is still worth to them. Their effects may contribute to the development of not only diseases of the endocrine and reproductive systems, but also for the whole body. A positive impact on the health of meditation, relaxing massages, and even just a quiet evening with your favorite book in their hands.
  3. Closely monitor the loads and to use the services of a professional trainer. Healthy lifestyle - the guarantee of health. But overdo it in the room is too simple, as in the beginning of regular training, and after years of practice. Should be engaged under the scrutiny of an experienced teacher (with basic medical or biological education - ideally) and carefully prescribed program. This will avoid disruption in the body, congestion and pain.
  4. Abandon extreme diets. Meals should be balanced and quality. Neither the extremely rigid diet does not provide a reliable, durable and safe results. But a negative effect on the body can easily.

The maximum that you can afford - fasting days every three weeks (even better - to stretch up to five weeks, the frequent use of this method can also harm). And it is better to choose the period in the middle of a cycle, not a couple of days to the end or after the start.

What to do

If the sore and swollen mammary gland, and the delay menstruation lasts longer than a couple of days - you need to go to the gynecologist. Important as the problem before you can define and start her treatment. Even if it turns out that the blame for fatigue and stress. When the body is so strongly suggests that there are any adverse effects, it can not be ignored and even dangerous.

In such situations, you need to act quickly. It is important to do all the necessary tests, undergo a complete diagnosis and to show all the results gynecologist - to make a diagnosis and begin treatment of the disease, rather than worry in uncertainty.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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