Why not sore breasts before menstruation: monthly breast delay does not hurt


  1. Why hurt your breasts
  2. What does the absence of chest pain before Regula
  3. Why pain and were unexpectedly stopped
  4. When should you see a doctor
  5. How is breast examination
  6. What to do when the pain suddenly disappeared

Women sometimes makes you think the situation when it is not sore breasts before menstruation. This is especially true of those who have such pain always signals the critical days, and suddenly they disappear. This is a serious cause for alarm. But that actually refers to normal - pain or lack thereof? Let's deal together.

Not sore breasts before menstruation

Why hurt your breasts

Tenderness before menstruation in the chest is observed in sensitive women, and changes begin in posleovulyatsionny period. These are signs of PMS and they are saying that soon begin menstruating. It was at this time increases the level of progesterone which is responsible for the preparation of a woman's body for pregnancy. In the breast there are small drops of milk, it is poured, a few increases, there is Nipple sensitivity before menstruation

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. Because of the progesterone enhanced blood flow to the prostate. This is what contributes to the changes that are associated with menstruation, which is inherent to most women.

When conceiving a child does not occur, hormone level is reduced and menstruation occurs. Everything returns to normal, stop chest pain, decreased breast size, they are not as sensitive. This is normal. This process is typical women with the onset of menses and to the menopause. If your breasts do not hurt before menstruation, and sooner hurt, it becomes a cause for concern.

When chest pain during menstruationIt can be assumed conception.

What does the absence of chest pain before Regula

Not all of the fair half of felt chest pains before critical days, swelling of the glands, their increase. There is a small percentage of women who have not known what it is. Does a symptom of deviations? Not at all. This is a feature of the organism, then he does not need progesterone and accumulation periods do not cause any additional symptoms before its onset.

Why pain and were unexpectedly stopped

If suddenly stopped hurting breasts before menstruation, and has not increased in volume, it may be due to quite natural causes. Several of them:

  1. Regular sex. Often an active sex life promotes that PMS retreats. This is not a cause for panic, on the contrary, he says that the body is all right.
  2. Pregnancy. Typically, the occurrence period of gestation show opposite signs, iron, on the contrary, becomes more sensitive, is poured, says her pain. But sometimes the sudden cessation of pain before menstruation says it is the occurrence of pregnancy. Reason for change lies in the hormonal changes that occur in the female body. Therefore, if the chest does not hurt, but there is a delay menstruation, it is better to buy in a drugstore test.
  3. Taking medicines. Some drugs also affect the fact that before menstruation she does not feel the usual symptoms. Most often this Medications that affect hormones.
  4. Cure. Sometimes it causes breast tenderness are some diseases - breast, stress, gastrointestinal disorders, and others. And should a woman get rid of them, PSM passes and no longer worried.

When should you see a doctor

Reason to worry when you do not sore breasts before menstruation and they will not be pouring out a little. Yet if there is some additional symptoms should see a doctor. Especially if a woman notices changes in the usual course of the cycle each month.

It should seek medical advice, if coupled with a decrease in sensitivity of the gland became trapped monthly or they are non-existent. This points to hormonal disruptions. About pathological process can talk and other symptoms.
When before menstruation is not swollen breasts and disturb other unpleasant symptoms, be sure to visit a specialist.

In parallel, may:

  • appear non-specific rash;
  • change the consistency of menses;
  • felt discomfort in the ovaries.

These symptoms are often accompanied by the inability to get pregnant.

In this case, the gynecologist advises to donate blood for hormones and undergo other additional tests that will help reveal the true reasons for the changes.

How is breast examination

When consulting a doctor is required to ask additional questions about women's health. So, if the breasts stopped hurting and Woman This fact is alarming, the specialist will take an interest when it stopped the pain. And also it necessarily hold palpation for the presence of cancer in her seal. If any, and if the pain when touched, will require further examination in mammalogy. When seals biopsy and sonogram.

Mammalogy need to visit regularly after 40 years.

What to do when the pain suddenly disappeared

When the week before menstruation stopped hurting chest, in any case, do not self-medicate, because it can lead to aggravation of the situation. Only proper treatment, appointed expert individually, can help.

To pain did not bother during the premenstrual period, it is important to follow the simple but valuable recommendations, which are summarized as follows:

  1. Carefully choose a bra. It is very important. The product should be ideally suited in size woman it should be comfortable, convenient to the movement were not cramped. Women should not wear the bras that are too tightening the gland.
  2. No bad habits. They are very detrimental impact on the body, r. H. and on the reproductive system, mammary glands, causing pathological changes begin.
  3. Live a regular sex life. It is good effect on the breasts, cheer up. If women, for whatever reason, ceases to intimate relationships, and then restore your sex life, her health improved.
  4. Be careful with contraception. This hormonal drugs, incorrect use of which can significantly affect the health, lead to hormonal imbalance. Stop taking them, everything will be restored.
  5. Eat right. The daily diet should always be present useful fruits and vegetables. Enrich menu, lean meat, fats of vegetable origin - they contribute to the normal operation of the mammary glands and are excellent helpers in matters of pain prevention.
  6. Take care of the breast. The condition of the breast is necessary to continuously monitor, carry out routine self-monitoring. Be sure to pay attention to the shape of the nipple and breast skin glands. In the pathology of the healthy tissue begins to evolve, and this transformation is noticeable to the naked eye.

When the breasts before menstruation ceases to hurt, this is not always an indicator of pathology. It is worth considering, suddenly there was a delay due to pregnancy. But the sudden cessation of pain, as well as the presence of other visible changes, you need to see a specialist and get tested. But the best way to protect your chest - correct and timely prevention, which would be beneficial for health and to avoid problems.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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