Increase (swelling) breasts before menstruation: seal in the breast


  1. Natural and non-hazardous reasons
  2. Possible pathological causes
  3. Secretions from the glands
  4. diagnostic measures
  5. How to eliminate unpleasant sensations
  6. How to prevent the emergence of pain

Almost every woman experiences breast augmentation before menstruation. There is some pain glands sensitivity. Change their form, color of the nipples. Usually, such transformation begins about a week before the monthly bleeding. But why this is so and whether it is an indicator of the norm? Why hurt your breasts swell and before menstruation? These and other questions will give answers to our article.

Breast augmentation before menstruation

Natural and non-hazardous reasons

What happens to the breasts before menstruation? In the second half of the cycle in the breasts start changing. Such breast augmentation can bring a woman to the idea that soon will come the critical days.

Breast augmentation is also noted during ovulation.

Sometimes swelling indicates the occurrence of pregnancy, bust size becomes larger. If the scheduled time periods do not start to buy in a drugstore test.

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Before menstruation breast increases and aches due to natural causes. Typically, during this period the body begins to accumulate excess liquid, and which on the background of increasing iron. And also there is increased production of hormones (progesterone level rises), which also affect the condition of the female body.

find out Why sore breasts in the middle of the cycle from the article follow the link.

Possible pathological causes

After the month ends, poured breasts returned to the usual size, nipples are not as sensitive, increased morbidity is observed. If this does not happen, it is necessary to urgently seem mammologist. Also cause for concern should be the following symptoms:

  • presence of seals in one or both breasts before menstruation;
  • brown allocation of the gland prior to the menses;
  • feelings that cause discomfort.

At the first suspicious signs that a woman is not watched before, you probably consult with a specialist. Especially when I stepped age 40.

Causes of pathological increase in mammary glands can be set. The most common risk factors are called:

  1. Gynecological disease. A lot of them, the diagnosis should be engaged in only by a specialist, and independently establish the diagnosis does not work.
  2. Thrombophlebitis. A very dangerous and provoke pathology of blood vessels and their extension.
  3. Problems with the endocrine organs. Most often, this thyroid and adrenal glands, which are responsible for hormone production.
  4. Tumors in the mammary glands. This can be not only breast, but a variety of cysts, abscesses and so forth.
  5. Injury. Also can lead to a modification of the glands.
  6. Benign and cancerous tumors.

Secretions from the glands

Are they normal? It is difficult to answer, because every body is different. But the fact that shortly before menstruation, along with swelling and soreness of the chest, often there are a variety of selection, a fact. Normally, their number is minimal, and the consistency - transparent.

These phenomena can not be terminated until the very month. A normal amount of emissions in this period - also a very controversial issue. Typically, isolation is noted pairs of liquid drops with pressure on the nipples. But there are situations when before menstruation breasts do not swell.

Gynecologists say that allocation before menstruation - is normal, indicating normal during this phase of the cycle.

diagnostic measures

If a girl feels chest discomfort before menstruation, which for a long time does not pass and do not ends at the end of menstruation, she was asked to take a series of surveys to find out the reasons deviations.

Must pass a hormonal analysis, if necessary - the tumor markers on the content of a specific protein in the blood to detect cancer.

Be sure to pass ultrasound OMT (on day 7 of the menstrual cycle), the mammary glands. According to test results, the doctor will find out the cause of deviations and suggest appropriate treatment, taking of drugs.

How to eliminate unpleasant sensations

We figured out why breast before menstruation swells. By uncomfortable sensations if swollen breasts, may get rid of, following some simple guidelines. But remember that the self, especially medications, harmful to health, so before using any method, you need to consult with their gynecologist. Independently of the situation can be corrected the following ways:

  1. Waiver of fatty foods. Severe food complicates the work of the heart, it contributes to weight gain, which adversely affects the status of all organs and glands.
  2. Minimize consumption of coffee, tea and chocolate, if the breast is poured.
  3. For 10 days to eat less salt and salty foods. Salt increases fluid retention.
  4. Engage in exercise, it will reduce engorgement glands.
  5. Restrict wearing a bra. This does not mean that all of it should be abandoned. But do not put it on at home. BUT
  6. lternativoy can become a sports celebrity - it's great to support the breast if it suffused, and without passing it.
  7. Use packs. If a strong discomfort and chest really increased, there is swelling, relieve the condition will help lotions. But they can not be put directly on the breast, it is better - in towel.
  8. Take painkillers. If the pain is severe and unbearable discomfort, drink a tablet of ibuprofen or aspirin. But do not get carried away with drugs, they bring only temporary relief.
  9. Breathing exercises that reduce stress.
  10. Take a bath. It relaxes the body. Have a positive effect and hiking.
  11. Increase the intake of natural diuretics. This effect is provided by many food - cucumber, parsley, etc... Their use will help get rid of excess fluid, relieve swelling and excessive pouring, and the absence in the diet make the situation worse.

All women need to be attentive to your body and respond to even the slightest changes in it. Breast swelling before menstruation - is no exception. Follow intensity morbid manifestations in size, which increases the breast, the time that lasts discomfort mark everything that happened.

Each month, it is recommended to carry out self-examination of the breast, it helps not to miss the development of pathological processes, seals and so on. D. If any changes immediately contact a doctor.

And even if the changes are not observed, remember to preventive examinations in mammalogy, attend should be at least once a year, and after 40 - every six months.

How to prevent the emergence of pain

Knowing why before menstruation swollen breasts, it is advisable to proceed to combat the symptoms. It happens that the breasts swell up early enough for the 2 weeks prior to bleeding. There are some minor tweaks, resorting to which it is possible to prevent the occurrence of breast swelling and pain.

  1. If we take antispasmodic when the first symptoms of swelling, that will prevent severe pain.
  2. A week before the estimated monthly is recommended to use the protein that reduce breast pain.
  3. Remove the unpleasant symptoms will use a small amount of chocolate.
  4. A few days before the regulation to exclude or limit the possible use of bakery products, it will eliminate the pouring prostate tissue.

Breast swelling before menstruation - a natural process that comes to every woman. If the other unpleasant symptoms do not occur after menstruation breast comes to his normal state, there is no reason to worry. Increased risk of abnormalities and diseases only when the specific symptoms, in this case, seek medical attention immediately.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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