Why chest pain (nipples) in the middle of the cycle (reasons): breast tenderness


  1. Why sore breasts and nipples in the middle of the menstrual cycle
  2. Chest pain during menstruation and pregnancy
  3. Other causes of pain and swelling of the breast in women
  4. Which specialist should be handled
  5. What can help relieve pain

Many women, about 12-15 day cycle, notice changes in their breasts. Some watch engorgement, breast enlargement and swelling of the nipple in this period. All of these processes can be followed as a slight discomfort and is quite severe pain. For some women such displays are the norm, but for others - a surprise and concern. What if the chest pain at mid-cycle? How can self-define the pathology and consultation of a specialist is necessary to obtain in this case? All the answers are looking for in this article.

Sore breasts in the middle of the cycle

Why sore breasts and nipples in the middle of the menstrual cycle

Natural causes breast tenderness in the middle of the cycle is not so much. The first and main is to change the concentration of hormones in the blood. Peak pain usually falls on the ovulation period. If ovulation earlier, the

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breasts will get sick almost immediately after menstruation. This is due to increasing amounts of prolactin and estrogen. Both hormones are aimed at preparing women for the possibility of fertilization and the birth of the child. Prolactin, in turn, is responsible for preparing the breast to the need for breast-feeding, if pregnancy occurs after ovulation. Under its influence occurs proliferation of glandular tissue, which puts pressure on the connective tissue, blood vessels and nerve endings. This pressure provokes a decrease of blood supply, causing pain, swelling, bloating, and increased sensitivity of the breast in the middle of the female cycle. Read the article at the link how many days before menstruation breast swells fine.

As well as during pregnancy, the nipples are sore in the middle of the menstrual cycle to increase the chances of conception. How it works? During teat stimulation of the uterus contract, which prevents the consolidation of a fertilized egg. With painful nipples stimulate their difficult, sometimes even impossible. This eliminates the extra tone in the uterus and increases the chances of pregnancy.

After closure ovulatory period hormone level is reduced and discomfort disappeared. Normally chest pain in the middle of the cycle, ie at 14-15-day cycle, if it lasts 28 - 30 days.Pain is present from one to five days, and then gradually subsides. Continued pain in the mammary glands after ovulation and before menstruation can whistleblowing in the body. In this case, the woman should immediately consult your doctor.

Chest pain during menstruation and pregnancy

Chest pain is a normal response of the body to menstruation and gestation period due to changes in hormonal background of the woman. The same change in the level of estrogen, prolactin and progesterone may provoke chest pain in these periods. And if during menstruation, to relieve pain, you can take analgesics, then during pregnancy, this technique will not work, since any pain medication may harm the fetus. In this case, it will help warm compress and comfortable, padded bra. Also you can use a special ointment, the application of which must prescribe a doctor.

Breast augmentation before menstruation and the sensitivity of the breast - a sign of pregnancy.

Other causes of pain and swelling of the breast in women

Now we know what day of the cycle starts to hurt his chest in the health of women and the nature of its origin. But what happens when such pain appear regardless of the day of the cycle? What if the chest pain is too much in the middle of the menstrual cycle, swells and increases in volume? What can be done when the fluid is released from the nipples, or blood? Should we worry about and what is the nature of these symptoms?

If chest discomfort is not related to any one period of the cycle (ovulation, menstruation or early pregnancy), whereas for women there is a risk of the presence of pathologies that require mandatory medical intervention. The most commonly observed disorders that can cause pain, are:

  1. Breast. Are benign breast tissue. Today, her symptoms are observed in almost half of the women. Breast arises from the proliferation of breast connective tissue and pain can disturb independently of the cycle time. It can diagnose their own, with the help of regular probing. Launched disease requires surgery.
  2. Violation of the production of hormones in women can lead not only to the fact that breast swells in the middle cycle, but also to its metamorphosis into a different time period: to severe pain, to the fact that it will become more sensitive and swell. The reasons for failure include: the presence of parasites, tumors, infections, stress, intake of contraceptives or hormonal drugs.
  3. Hitting, crushing, hypothermia or other mechanical and temperature factors.
  4. Fibroadenoma (cyst). It is a benign tumor in the form of capsules. It has clear contours. Accompanied by pain, unpleasant discharge from the nipple. Treated with surgery and rarely provokes the formation of cancerous tumors.
  5. Malignancies. This is the most terrible and dangerous disease. It is also the most common type of cancer in women. World practice of the treatment of breast cancer has shown that early detection of tumors allows you to remove it with minimal risk and consequences. Therefore it is very important to visit the doctor twice a year for routine inspection. If she found any seal or uncharacteristic pain - it is an occasion to go to a specialist without delay.
  6. menopause period. In addition to hormonal changes, which can cause pain in the chest, menopause Keeps depression, lack of energy, overeating is also able to reduce the immune system, make the body to malfunction and cause chest discomfort.
  7. Mastalgia. This is a collective term discomfort in the chest area. More common in puberty in adolescent girls (16-18 years). In later years this malaise may be detrimental to sexually active women become a cause of mastitis. To avoid complications, it is necessary to regularly self-examination (palpation), breast and axillary lymph nodes, and visit the doctor twice a year for routine inspection.
  8. Other reasons, among which are the inflammation, arthritis, infectious or venereal diseases of the genitourinary system.

Which specialist should be handled

When the breast has increased in the middle of the menstrual cycle and the reasons for such changes raise concerns - need to be screened. According to the results, the doctor may refer to a doctor or endocrinologist mammologist.
An urgent visit to the doctor is necessary in the following cases:

  • too strong increase in breast size;
  • the pain is not reduced, but rather increases;
  • change in skin color (redness, blueness), availability of purulent or blood discharge from the nipple;
  • showed compaction chest palpation (palpation);
  • there are additional symptoms (abdominal pain, dizziness, vomiting);
  • If discomfort prevents engage in the usual chores, wearing casual clothes;
  • It is seen against the background glow of pain.

What can help relieve pain

If the chest pain does not have a pathological nature, but continue to harass a woman, you can go to the procedure, which can help relieve pain:

  1. Massage aimed at improving blood circulation and the elimination of chest swelling.
  2. Receiving vitamin complexes or biologically active additive (BAA). This will help maintain normal hormones and relieve the pain.
  3. Carrying out treatment with hormonal preparations (before treatment is obligatory to consult a doctor).
  4. The use of warm compresses.
  5. Taking pain medications.

By the signals of the body and their health must be treated very carefully. At the slightest suspicion of a violation of a woman should consult a doctor immediately. And do not neglect the annual inspection of mammalogy. It's simple, but very important prevention, which will help to maintain health.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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