17-OH progesterone increased in the follicular phase, when to pass on any day of the cycle


  1. Critical days and progesterone
  2. Indicators hormone 17-OH progesterone for different periods
  3. What does it mean increase and decrease in progesterone levels
  4. How is the level of 17-OH progesterone and why take this analysis

What does it mean if the 17-OH progesterone is increased or decreased in the follicular phase? Is it critical for your health? Should I be concerned and to take some active steps? The answers to these questions can be found in this article.

17-OH progesterone

Critical days and progesterone

Monthly - a complex process, which involves many parts of the body. Directly from the reproductive system, to electrons in the brain and concentration of hormones throughout the body. Sami critical days last from three to seven days. A full cycle takes 21 to 35 days (where, strictly speaking, did the name - monthly).

The menstrual cycle is divided into several periods:

  1. Follicular phase. The period during which the formation of a new follicle. Follicle - is, in fact, the egg is surrounded by a special protective layer. It is "ripe" and ready. This phase begins with the first day of the cycle (the first day of menses), lasts a week, and ends immediately before ovulation.
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  2. Ovulation. This is the time when the egg is fully formed and starts to move out of the follicle to the uterus. This is an ideal time for fertilization. And if you ask such a purpose, it is necessary to closely monitor the beginning.
  3. Luteal phase. Yet it is called the corpus luteum phase. And all because, after the occurrence, in place of the follicle (egg which previously left) in the ovaries, formed temporal iron - corpus luteum. She is busy producing hormones that help the body prepare for what to accept a fertilized egg. This month, there is no such? Hence the corpus luteum regresses, epithelium around unfertilized egg and dies begin monthly. So until next time. All closed up cycle.

17-OH progesterone - a hormone that produces a timing iron. It is on its availability and the number depends on how the female body is ready for fertilization and when the gestational period held safely.

Depending on the period of human life, the blood contains different amounts of certain hormones, including progesterone.

The maximum value is fixed at the time of development of the fetus and in the early days of the newborn (regardless of gender).

Indicators hormone 17-OH progesterone for different periods

Say at once, in men also have this hormone. In this same article, we will look at indicators for the female body in different periods of his life. After all, girls hormone index value can be a health certificate and an occasion to attend to their health seriously.

  • Neonates: 0.25-0.75 ue (50 nmol / liter).
  • Up to 3 months: 0.05-0.5 US dollars (12-29 nmol / L).
  • From 3 months to 1 year: 0,5-0,08 US dollars (up to 5, 2 nmol / liter).
  • From 12 to 18 years: 0,05-2,3 ue (0,95-7,1 nmol / liter).
  • From 18 to 49 years: 0,09-2,8 US dollars (20-8,4 nmol / liter).

During the critical days of the hormone indices quite sharply changed:

  • in the follicular phase 0,09-0,8 ue (1,29-8,5 nmol / liter);
  • in the luteal phase of 0,33-2,8 ue (0,9-11,6 nmol / liter).

During pregnancy figure may reach 0.67 to 4.03 US dollars (or 3.5 to 33.5 nmol / liter.

If you can see from the analysis that 0.1 cu 17 OH progesterone - are the norm for women on day 3 of the cycle and is extremely alarming sign for 15-20.

What does it mean increase and decrease in progesterone levels

The abrupt and sharp rise occurs during ovulation and during the course of the second half of the luteal phase. This is completely normal and natural process, which is a direct confirmation of the bodies ready for procreation. That's when this hormone is progesterone the body needs the most. It's like a kind of signal for the whole body - to prepare, because the chances of fertilization. Another hormonal sharp discontinuity occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy. This is the result of preparation for the birth of a child.

When the performance of such an important hormone seriously beyond the upper limits, it is an occasion to think about their health.

So, if the 17-OH progesterone increased in the follicular phase, the reasons should be defined as soon as possible. This can cause serious problems with conception, as the uterus and egg preparation process is broken - inhibited ovulation, the egg does not move along the planned route.

One of the first wake-up call, testifying to this problem are delays in monthly, alternating with painful abundant secretions. Some women stop getting their periods at all for several months, despite the fact that they are at the peak age for fertilization and pre-menopausal still very far away.

To enhance the level of the hormone can not perform ovary (including tumors), abnormal hormone assimilation, disease mocheotdelitelnoy and reproductive system.

If elevated progesterone during the luteal phase, the reason may be not so much. As gynecologists say, there are only three:

  1. The body is in peak condition and ready for fertilization, "to the maximum".
  2. Pregnancy has already occurred.
  3. Any of the drugs previously taken was given a side-effect.

The lack of the hormone affects the body negatively. Reduced levels of progesterone in the luteal phase - a very dangerous trend. He can testify to a variety of genetic and acquired diseases, and lead to complications during pregnancy and miscarriage.

As practice shows gynecologists, most often the problem is associated with dysfunction of the adrenal cortex. A woman's body is just not able to develop the required level of hormone. This problem is found during puberty. Well, at that moment, the girl is still enough time to prevent backfire. If a violation is detected after the treatment may be delayed or does not bring any result.

The lack of progesterone leads to delayed or incorrect formulation of LH in the next cycle. Gets off the whole rhythm of the reproductive system and as a result - infertility. And this problem is often associated with Addison's syndrome, in which the adrenal glands do not cope with the development of all hormones. Artificially raise the level of possible, but it could have a negative impact on all the other organs.

How is the level of 17-OH progesterone and why take this analysis

Delivery of the analysis on the hormone content is carried out on an empty stomach in the morning. Drink recommended only pure water. Material for the study was prepared from the cava. Self blood sampling is not very different from all the usual.

To point to, when and on what day of the cycle, take 17 he progesterone, should be considered a presumptive diagnosis. This is determined by the attending physician. If it is included in a standard set of tests, it is assigned to the third-fifth day. If you pass the examination associated with fertilization problems, it is best to hold it for 12-15 days.

And there are times when a single analysis is not sufficient for diagnosis. Then it is carried out several times in the past month. The standard minimum - three times to capture each phase: premenstrual, ovulation and menstruation.

If your tests say the rejection of the hormone 17 OH progesterone, you should not draw hasty conclusions and immediately set himself a disappointing diagnosis. High or low level is observed not only in pathological cases. Only a doctor can collect the data together and suggest something specific. In order to reliably diagnose, additional research and monitoring of your body.

So you will not have learned from this article, or any other, do not take any action without consulting a doctor. You can not assign themselves progesterone therapy. You can not start a medication or decide to be tested just like that. Analysis of as treatment designates a doctor. If you notice any warning signs, try as you may, you can probably see a specialist, the conclusions to believe and listen to his advice.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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