Prolactin when to pass on what day cycle progesterone makroprolaktin


  1. prolactin function
  2. Norms of prolactin during certain days of the cycle
  3. during pregnancy
  4. After childbirth
  5. Physiological causes changes in hormone levels
  6. Pathological causes of changes in prolactin levels
  7. Indications for tests
  8. On what day of the cycle to be tested for prolactin
  9. Times of Day
  10. Preparation for the procedure
  11. results of the analysis
  12. Methods for normalization of prolactin

Prolactin - a peptide hormone that is synthesized anterior pituitary (other names - lactogenic hormone mammotropin). It forms the mammary glands, is responsible for the production of breast milk. Therefore, every pregnant women is important to understand, to donate blood prolactin on what day of the cycle, so that after the conception and birth of a child to provide him with adequate nutrition.
This is not a female hormone. The substance is in the blood of men as responsible for the full operation of the reproductive system. Non-compliance, regardless of gender - a consequence of the breach.

On what day of the cycle to be tested for prolactin

prolactin function

Prolactin is involved in the work of all body systems. But its basic functions contribute to the development of reproductive organs:

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  1. Hormone in both men and women, is directly related to the conception of the child: produces milk gland, placenta, regulates menstruation, is responsible for the process of ovulation, lactation, egg maturation in women; regulates spermatogenesis generates libido in men.
  2. Prolactin is involved in the development of breast milk during lactation. hormone concentration decreases gradually after birth, but higher than in non-pregnant and non-lactating women. Insufficient quantities of milk represented a deviation from the norm, indicating that you should definitely get tested.
  3. Formulation of the substance prevents a new pregnancy, menstruation, ovulation in the early months after birth.

There is interdependence between the functions of prolactin and progesterone. Progesterone is also responsible for the development of the mammary glands, milk production, pregnancy, childbirth, breast-feeding. Different levels of hormones - the cause of infertility. It occurs at elevated prolactin and progesterone reduced. Therefore, it is important to take into account the relationship of hormonal, blood tests complex.

On what day of the female cycle need to donate blood on prolactin and progesterone, you must ask physician, he appointed time, guided menstrual characteristics, health status patient.

Typically, additional analysis of progesterone put on the 21-22 day cycle.

Norms of prolactin during certain days of the cycle

Laboratories use different units of measure. Some guided mU / L, while others - ng / mL. reading tables are also different, so in the article are approximate standards. Gender, age, phase of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, lactation - factors that take into account during the investigation.

The rate for women - about 30 ng / ml (400-600 mU / L). agent level is reduced in the first days of menstruation, so the doctor beforehand explains when to take prolactin, on which day of the menstrual cycle. Then the concentration is increased to 6,3-49 ng / ml (1000 IU / L) - normal values ​​for ovulatory phase (day 7-22). Values ​​are reduced to the 13-14 day after ovulation (luteal phase), reaching the limits of 4.9 -49 ng / ml.

during pregnancy

Pregnancy significantly increases the concentration of hormone in the blood. There are different rules for each of the weeks of pregnancy:
first trimester - 3,2-43 ng / ml (900 mU / l);
second - 13-166 ng / ml (3500 IU / L);
third - 13-318 ng / ml (7000 IU / L).

After childbirth

Blood prolactin decreases after birth, but does not reach the performance below 1000 IU / l. Its values ​​are in the range of 100 ng / ml (2000 IU / L).
Secretion of substances in men below. Normal - 3-16 ng / ml (300 mU / L).

Physiological causes changes in hormone levels

The following factors may affect the level of prolactin:

  • Times of Day;
  • any slight change of the physical and emotional state (rise to several ladder steps, morning, moderate walking tempo increase habitual exercise);
  • protein foods, caffeinated beverages;
  • supercooling superheat (bath, a sauna, hot tub);
  • effect on reproductive organs (the sexual act, the impact on the area of ​​the breast, oral contraceptives, pregnancy, menstruation, lactation);
  • any positive or negative experience (joy, excitement, stress, depression).

Pathological causes of changes in prolactin levels

Prolactin is formed anterior pituitary. Deviations from the norm are beginning to look to the reasons for the changes in the endocrine glands:

  1. All kinds of tumors, trauma, lesions due to problems with blood vessels - pituitary disease. But they are rare.
  2. Kidney and liver failure - a known cause, provoked by a wrong way of life of the patient.
  3. Hormonal problems character - the most common. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is manifested in women and chronic prostatitis - a disease of men.
  4. Blockade of dopamine receptors antidepressants, drugs, pressure reduction, opiates, estrogens increase prolactin artificially.
  5. The hormone is elevated in men who wrongly out of the course of therapy anabolic (muscle growth). They are produced by the female sex hormone, estrogen, which affect the secretion of prolactin substances.

Attention is paid to the special form of prolactin - makroprolaktinu and what it needs to take on any day of the menstrual cycle. The substance found in the blood in small amounts, but accumulates in high concentrations. Because of this, it does not cause pronounced symptoms of the disease, and shows them gradually. It becomes a challenge to identify the cause. Makroprolaktin slightly increased during the second phase of the month, but its concentration varies slightly, so the analysis of rent at any time.

Among the pathological causes isolated concept idiopathic hyperprolactinemia (increased hormone), wherein the term "idiopathic" indicates an unknown reason.

Indications for tests

The symptoms are common for both men and women, or are differentiated depending on the sex of the patient.

  • Men manifest gynecomastia (the appearance of the breast), decreased sexual activity, the rejection of intimate life, impotence.
  • Changing the female cycle, or its termination, the suppression of ovulation, breast swelling, nodule formation in breast tissue (breast), anorgasmia, features hirsutism (male pattern hair distribution) - Female symptoms.

Among the common indications - the problem of conceiving a child. Infertility - is the primary complaint, which treated women and men. Hormonal disorder often found in the process of eliminating this particular problem.

CNS disorders, changes in metabolic processes (obesity), increased bone fragility (osteoporosis) - auxiliary indications in both sexes. Headache, dizziness, narrowing of vision are rare symptoms that indicate a disorder of brain function, the presence of pituitary tumors.
Analysis, depending on the symptoms, appoints an endocrinologist, gynecologist, andrologist, a therapist.

On what day of the cycle to be tested for prolactin

This issue is not urgent for men. They rent analysis, regardless of the day.
On what day of the cycle to take prolactin women? Mammotropina figure is correct at the beginning and end of the month. Its rate is determined on 3-5 days after the onset of menstruation. 25-26 hours from the moment of occurrence of discharge - is also the best option for analysis. hormone concentration is too high in the other phase, so there is no sense to go for the procedure, the results are unreliable.

If the patient has problems with the onset of the cycle, the analysis shall in any day.

Pregnant women and men sit on prolactin analysis at any time.

Times of Day

Analysis of charge in the morning, as the figures are increasing every waking hour. The optimal time from 8 to 10 hours. In the morning you want to exclude meals and any beverage other than pure non-carbonated water. To get to the health facility is important without haste. Go early, especially if you live in a crowded city like Moscow, to avoid traffic jams on the road and find the time for calm before the procedure.

Blood donation rules are very simple - it is taken from the cubital vein, then the patient should be a few minutes to sit quietly and eat something sweet to restore glucose levels.

Preparation for the procedure

The procedure requires a serious physical and psychological preparation:

  • for 24 hours before blood sampling eliminated all the factors of the group of physiological causes of increased concentration of the substance;
  • the last meal prior to blood donation takes place for 8 hours and a minimal amount of protein;
  • take medication without first consulting with your doctor is not recommended (any foreign substances in the blood can affect the accuracy of the result).

results of the analysis

The result is taken the next day. Getting the answer takes longer if the laboratory is too loaded. The patient is given a form with the norm, by a sample study (in each laboratory's own methods and indicators table).

Result attributed to the doctor who sent for analysis. Specialist interprets form content. The patient goes through three times in any minor non-compliance.

Appointed a number of additional tests and procedures, if the excess secretion confirmed. Person sent to study functions of the thyroid gland, MRI, CT examination of the cranium, and a thorough examination by an ophthalmologist.

Methods for normalization of prolactin

If the MRI did not confirm the presence of tumors, the doctor prescribes drugs that act on dopamine receptors.

In cases where the drugs do not help, surgery is performed or radiotherapy.

Folk remedies lower concentration mammotropina by acting exclusively on the nerve receptors. Sedatives and chamomile teas from mint, broths valerian, hypericum, motherwort, melissa reduces emotional stress, stabilize the psychological state of a man.

Analysis assigns medical professional for the prophylaxis or symptoms of certain diseases. The procedure requires thorough preparation - eliminates all factors affecting the result of the changes carried out Individual survey of women in order to determine on which day of the menstrual cycle need to be tested for prolactin. the concentration of the norm depends on the sex, age, trimester of pregnancy, the menstrual phase and has individual character. Are often unable to determine the accuracy of the figures from the first time, therefore, appoint a reanalysis.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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